" Old Brecknock Chips." 41 of 2 guineas, and a Premium of 8 guineas. None received worthy of the Premium. 6th. A Miniature Silver Harp, value 5 guineas, with a Gratuity at the discretion of the Committee towards Travelling Expences, to the best Proficient on the Triple Harp. Grained by John Jones, of Brecon. 7th. A Medal or a Premium to the second best Proficient on the Triple Harp. Gained by Benjamin Jones. 8th. Two Medals, or a Premium to the best Singers with the Harp. Grained by Richard Jones, of Bodfary, and Richard Williams, of Anglesey—(blind.) 9th. A Premium of 3 guineas for the best Collection of old Welsh Tunes not published. Gained by Aneurin Owen Pughe, son of Dr. W. O. Pughe. 10th. A Premium of 3 guineas for the best original Tune in Welsh Modulation. None worthy. 11th. A Premium of 3 guineas for the best set of Variations to a Welsh Tune for the Triple Harp. None worthy. A second collection of 190 tunes was received, but most of them had been published. In W. O. Pughe's collection, there are two or three very curious melodies, the measure not marked; they resemble the Swiss Ranz des Vaches, and are chanted by the ploughmen in Glamorganshire. DESCRIPTION OP THE MEDALS, Designed and executed by Mr. D. Ellis, Medalist to the Royal Cambrian Institution. 1st. A representation of an Antient Bardic Chair, encircled by a laurel wreath, the whole beautifully executed in bas-relief. 2d. The Victory of Trafalgar is allegorically expressed by Naval Trophies, beneath which is a scroll with the plan of the Action ; the whole is surmounted by an irradiated trident, showing the dominion and the glory of the British Flag : the wreath, signifying the strength and the triumph of our Victorious Arms. 3d. The Sun is expressed, by its genial influence on the produce of the Earth 4th. A representation of Stonehenge on Salisbury Plain. 5th. A hand issuing out of a cloud, inscribing on a scroll the Map of Antient Siluria—the Books indicate the resources from which the knowledge of the Boundary is derived—the clouds are expressive of the obscurity of antient history—the rays show the influence of the light of truth—the wreath denotes the reward of the learned Investigator. 6th. This designation of professional merit is very elegant, and beautifully represented by a finely executed miniature Silver Harp in bas-relief, the number of the Strings corresponding with that of the Muses. 7th. On this Medal is engraved a representation of a Harp, with a laurel branch. 8th This medal has the representation of an Antient Lyre. During the intervals there was some pennillion singing, and a blind Harper, William Davis, of Glasbury, played. (To be continued). FEIDAY, APEIL 6th, 1888. BEECON EISTEDDFOD—1826. (Continued from March 80th, 1888.) We append the continuation of this in¬ teresting account of the last great Eisteddfod held at Brecon sixty-two years ago :— After this, the contest for the silver harp began : Mr Parry, Editor of the Welsh Melodies, Mr Hayter, Organist of Brecon, and Dr. Owen Pughe, were appointed judges.—The first performer was Mr Benjamin Jones, who played Ar hyd y nos, with variations, and his performance took up three minutes. He was followed by his brother, John Jones, who played Sweet Richard, with variations, and whose performance occupied six minutes. Benjamin Jones next played Nos Qalan, which took up four minutes ; and he was succeeded by the said John Jones, who played Llwyn Onn, which lasted five minutes. The judges being called upon to declare their decision on the merits of the performers, they said that John Jones was fully entitled to the silver harp, and Benjamin Jones to the second premium—both of whom were invested r y the Lady Patroness with the medals prepared for the occasion. The contest between the Pennillion Singers then began, and the competitors were Richard Williams, Richard Jones, Thomas Jenkins, Richard Williams (blind); the two harpers, J. Jones and Benjamin Jones performed on the occasion; and after con¬ testing for eleven minutes, the merits of Richard Williams (a blind man) and Richard Jones were declared to be so near to each other, that a medal was awarded to each of them. Some singers with the harp after the Glamorganshire manner, then entertained the audience. The Rev. Thos. Watkins, in the next place, delivered an animated speech, and spoke highly of the merits of the Rev. Thomas Price, whose talents were of that superior order, that if he did not meet with patronage, he should consider him " a flower born to blush unseen, and waste his sweetness in the desert air." The Rev. Mr. Price acknowledged himself deeply sensible of the high compliment that had been just paid him. In order that the Bards might have a subject for the exercise of their talents during the Eisteddfod, a premium of two guineas was proposed by the Secretary for the best copy of six englynion on the " Naval Victories of the late Admiral Lord Rodney," to be sent in on the following morninar. Mr Archdeacon Davies next recommended that gratuities be given to the blind harper, Hugh Powell. After which, Col. Wood proposed thanks to Lord Rodney, President, and to Lady Rodney, Lady Patroness of the Meeting, for their exertions in presiding over the proceedings of the Eisteddfod. Mr Archdeacon Davies proposed thanks to Sir Charles Morgan, for the support which he gave to the Society, and for his zeal in promoting the proceedings.—Thanks to the Committee were pro¬ posed by P. Williams, Esq., Penpont, for their exertions in contributing to the gratification of the audience. Sir Charles Morgan adverted to the thanks that had been given to him, and declared himself at all times ready to support proceedings of so much importance as they had just witnessed. The Noble President; in return for the thanks given to him, declared himself happy in having contributed in any respect to the entertainment of so highly respectable a company, whom he invited to the concert which