" Old Brecknock Chips.'' 39 FEIDAY, MAECH 23rd, 1888. NOTES. WELSH POETRY.—There is much poetry in looking at a congregation, if its history is some¬ what known. On looking at mine, at the Plough Chapel, I am reminded of some noble ancestors. One comes from the neighbourhood of the grand hymnologist—Morgan Rhys—whose hymns re¬ semble the lion of Samson's riddle, possessing strength and sweetness, who wrote, perhaps, the sweetest of all "Welsh verses— " Dyma geidwad i'r colledig"— as well as the grandest— •' 0 ! agor fy llygaid i weled Dirgelwch dy arfaeth a'th air." In his vicinity dwelt, at the beginning of this century, the renowned blacksmith—Thomas Lewis, of Talley—who wrote his one immortal verse, of most intense pathos— " Wrth gofio 'i riddfanau yn yr ardd." Another excellent member of the congregation is a great grandson of David Jones, of Hafod, beyond Llandovery, a great versifier and translator of Watts' hymns into Welsh, whom it was the pride of Lewis Lloyd, father of the late Lord Overstone, to be able to say his father pointed out to him at a fair at Llandovery, in the words, "Lewis, dyna David Jones yr Hafod." He wrote the very well-known hymns— " Mewn bywyd gwasanethu Duw." " Wele cawsom y Messia." " O Arglwydd, galw eto." Among the choir I always see a grandson to the brother of the most eloquent preacher I have ever heard—the Rev. D. Williams, of Troedrhiwdalar— who preached from 1799 to 1874, with the greatest power. His life was written in Welsh by his eminent successor Rev. D. A. Griffiths. Had it been in English it would have brought fame and wealth to its able author.—Yours, etc. J. B. JONES. Brecon. OLD BEE CON WILLS. [Continued trom January 27th, 1888]. C.P.C. Admon. 1634 June 27. Games Edward of parish of St. Davids co. Brecon Esq., to the Venerable Thomas Gwyn, Doctor of Laws, " pendente .lite " between Walter Vaughan Knt. and George Vaughan Esq. Exors. (as asserted) of the will of the sd. deed., of the one part, and Catherine Games the relict of the other. By decree, fo. 34. 1635-6 Mar. 23. Morgan Lewis of Euperry co. Mon. Knt. but dying at Hamp- sted Mdsx., to William Came Esq. a Creditor, the relict Dame Ann Morgan renouncing, fo. 156. 1637. June 15. Williams Geoffrey of par. of Devynnocke co. Brecon to Margaret Williams the relict, sworn before Thomas Lewes elk. fo. 86. 1640. July 4. Parry Eobert of Dewlas co. Heref. to Thomas Childe, " avunculo " of Catherine, Helene, Jane, Milo, John, an Thomas Parry the children, minors, fo. 136. [Note.—Blanch Parry (see " Chips " Feb. 18th, 1887, and Jan. 27th, 1888) in her will, 1589, gives £20 to " John Parrye of Dulas gent."] 1638-9. March 16. Herbert Watkin of Creighowell co. Brecon to Charles Herbert elk., the son. fo. 21 b. C.P.C. Admon. 1640. Left 22. Parry Mary of Poston. co. Heref. widow, to James Parry the son. Sworn before Mr Philimone Blethin, Vicar of Dorston. fo. 1513. b. 1641. Nov. 29. Lewis alias Williams Margaret of the Gare co. Brecknock to Thomas Lewis the Brother, during the minority of Eleanour Williams the daughter, fo. 83 b. 1641-2. Jan. 19. Harbert Eleanor of llanvigan co. Brecon widow, late wife to William David Watkin, to Walter Williams the son. fo. 97. 1640-1. Jan 20. Howell Meredith of Penderin co. Brecon to Gladis verch Ivan the relict, fo. 9 b. C.P.C. Admon. 1562 Nov. 18. Powell Meredith of the Town and County of Brecknocke, to Matilda Powell alias Morgan, the sister. Procurator, David Morgan, fo. 52. b. 1583. Left 14. Morgan Hugh of Garth progney co. Brecon to Thomas ap Evan of the par' of llandeverthley co. Brecon yeoman, during the minority of Thomas ap Jenkin and Thomas ap John the next of kin. [Eenounced and will proved May 1584. Will regd. " Watson." fo. 3.] 1631. Oct. 30. Prichard James of Llan- beder co. Brecon, to Catherine P. the relict, sworn before William Price elk. fo. 131 b. 1633. May 4. Eaynsford Humphrey of par' of Gwenthor co. Brecon, to Bodenham Gunter, " nepoti " : sworn before Eichard Becket elk., Mary Eaynsford the relict consenting, fo. 165 b. 1638. Nov. 5. Thomas ap Thomas Powell of Benny Vach co. Brecon, to James Thomas Powell the brother, fo. 227. 1637. August 22. Powell William of Castle madocke co. Brecon, to Nicholas Kemeys "avunculo" of Howell, Elizabeth, Margaret, Mary, Bridgett, Ann and Joane Powell, children of the said deceased, to administer during their minority: sworn before Giles Nicholas elk., Ann Powell the relict renouncing and assenting. A. S. M.