Old Brecknock Chips." 30 Pritchard, esq., Walter Price, esq., Jno. Lloyd, Esq., C. C. Clifton, esq., J. P. Wilkins, esq., Walter Wilkins, esq., Henry Allen, esq., Henry Allen, jr., esq., John Meredith, esq., T. H. Powell, esq., John Hotchkiss, esq., E. Jones, esq. (of Battle), Richd. Pendrill, esq., Wm. Wynter, esq., Middleton Powell, esq., T. Laurence, esq., B. Williams, esq., Dr. Lucas, Wr. Powell, esq., W. H. Jones, esq., Edwd. Jones, esq., Jno. Jones, esq., S. Gwynne, esq., Thomas Price, esq., David Lloyd, esq., Walter Rice, esq. Jas. Christie, esq., John Williams, esq., John Brown, esq., John Lanct. Morgan, esq., W. Williams, junr., esq., C. Ekins, esq., Morgan Morgan, esq., Wm. Morgan, esq., W. G. Vaughan, esq., W. A. Gott, esq., Geo. Davies, esq., Rev. Canon Payne, Rev. Canon Williams, Rev. C. Griffith, Rev. T. Watkins, Rev. Jno. Jones, Rev. David Williams, Rev. John Williams, Rev. Hugh Bold, Rev. Thomas Powell, Rev. Dd. Jones, Rev. Robt. Wynter, Rev. Wr. Williams, Rev. W. Rowlands, Rev. R. Davies, Rev. W. Davies, Rev. G. J. Bevan, Rev. J. Price, Rev. Walter Wilkins, Rev. Morgan Walter, Rev. John Hughes, Rev. C. Vaughan, Rev. John Harris, Rev. David Jones, Rev. Harries, Rev. C. Price, Rev. W. Beynon. Monmouthshire.—Charles Morgan, esq., W. Jones, esq., R. Lewis, esq., Phillip Jones, esq., John Jones, junr., esq., W. A. Williams, esq., Mr. Serjeant Bosanquet, Mr. Serjeant Toddy, J. H. Moggridge, esq., S. Homfray, junr., esq., Col. Lascelles, Col. Millman, C. Hanbury Leigh, esq., Saml. Harford, esq., Major Chambre, W. Phillips, esq., Thomas Hill, esq., Charles Prichard, esq., James Jones, esq., Henry Lewis, esq., J. Osborne, esq., Joseph Bailey, esq., William Phillips, esq., Major Morgan, Alexander Jones, esq., — Wadding- ton, esq., Hugh Jones, esq., Dr. Rees, A. Wyatt, esq., Thomas Prothero, esq., Thomas Jones, esq., Rev. J. A Williams, Rev. John Evans, Rev. John Thomas, Rev. W. Powell, (Abergavenny), Rev. W. Powell (Ragland), Rev. Thomas Prosser, Rev. W. Probert, Rev. W. Powell, Rev. W. Evans, Rev. Watkin Morgan, ReV. W. Williams (Usk), Rev. W. Saunders. Glamorganshire. — William Gwyn, esq., Jno. Edwards, esq., William Vaughan, esq., Dr Collins, Edward Hughes, esq., Rowland Prichard, esq., J. Goodrich, esq., Bruce Knight, esq., J. Porman, esq., J. J. Guest, esq., J. W. Bennett, esq., John Homfray, esq., W. Lewis, esq.( W. Morgan, esq., Evan Thomas, esq., Robert Richards, esq., Cann Wilkins, esq., W. Meyrick, esq., John Wood, esq., William Nicholl, esq., Lewis Weston Dillwyn, esq., David Tennant, esq., F. Fredericks, esq., Thomas Markham, esq., Llewellyn Treherne, esq., Jno. Grant, esq., Henry Sockett, esq., Lewis Thomas esq., Rev. Dr. Hall, Rev. Mr. Hewson, Rev. Edwd. Davies, Rev. Dr. Williams, and Rev. Edwd. Thomas. Radnorshire.—David Thomas, esq., — Fowkes, esq., James Davies, esq., J. C Severn, esq., H. P. Evans, esq., W. Davies, esq., James Morgan, esq., Edmd. Cheese, esq., James Crumner, esq., Thomas Thomas, esq., John Whitaker, esq., Robt. Peel, esq., Peter R. Mynors, esq., C. Evans, esq., C. Price, esq., James Mitchell, esq., David James, esq., Jno. Morris, esq., the Rev. Dr. Venables, Rev. W. Powell, and Rev. W. J. Rees. Subscribing members contributed '' One Guinea or upwards," and the successful bards and literateurs and '' contributors of literary communications of distinguished merit" were eligible to become elected members at the discretion of the committee. The following notables were specially elected on the committee:—Lord Dynevor, President of the Dyfed Society; Sir W. W. Wynn, Bart., President of the Powys Society, and of the Cambrian Metro¬ politan Institution ; the Marquis of Anglesey, Pre¬ sident of the Gwynedd Society ; and the Bishops of St. Asaph and Bangor. This Eisteddfod or '' Grand Session of Bards and Minstrels" was held at Brecon, on the 25th and 26th of S ptember, 1822. The rules numbered 13 to 35 are concerned with the functions of the committee, and contain little worthy of reproduction, excepting Rule 23, which admirably defines the objects of the Society, namely, " to direct its efforts * * particularly by collect- '' ing and preserving ancient British manuscripts, *' and by encouraging such communications as may " contribute to throw a light on the History, '' Antiquities, general literature and arts of the " British nation, and such modern productions of " merit as may bear relation to the Cymry." [To be continued.] FEIDAY, FEBRUARY 10th, 1888. BRECON EISTEDDFOD OF 1822. (Continued from February 3rd, 1888). Another preliminary meeting of the Com¬ mittee of the Cambrian Society of Gwent was held on the 5th December, 1821, when Thomas Bold, Esq., was in the chair, and the secretary, we should state, was Mr Philip Vaughan, the agent at that time to the Tredegar Estate. This committee took due care that a Bardic Chair and miniature Silver Harp " should be ready against the Eisteddfod." And the offer of Mr John Parry, the editor of " The Welsh Melo¬ dies," to assist in conducting the musical performances, " was thankfully accepted." At another meeting held the following day, 6th December, 1821, the Rev. Hugh Bold in the chair, we notice that not only was Major David Price present, but another trio of accomplished Welsh literateurs, viz., the Rev. W. J. Rees, the Rev. John Hughes (another of " Hoiue BritannicvE,") and the renowned Bard, Edward Williams (" Iolo Morganwg.") At this meeting quite an army of Welsh talent was elected " honorary members " of the Society and members of the committee, the chief being:—Sir Edward Price Lloyd, Bart. ; Chas. W. Wynn, esq., Rev. Thomas Beynon (Arch¬ deacon of Cardigan), Rev. Edward Davies (author of " Celtic Researches,") Dr. W. Owen Pughe (the lexicographer), Rev. Walter Davies, Rev. Rowland Williams (a distinguished Welsh literateur); Rev. John Jenkins, Kerry, Mont. ; Rev. W. J. Rees (Cascob), John Humphreys Parry, esq., London; Mr Edward Jones, Bard to His Majesty; Mr John Parry, Editor of the " Welsh Melodies ;" Mr John Hughes,