" Old Beecknock Chips." 28 which Morgan Awbrey of Ynysgodwee is bound. To Sir William Morgan of Tredegar knt £10, who hath in his keeping one bond of £100 for the payment of £50, of which some he hath received £20 in money and the worth of £20 in cattell by the hands of Edward Loder and the said £10 remaineth unpaid. Unto Howel John servant unto Sir Thomas Awbrey knt £31 4s. Item there is £11 of themained (sic) souldiers moneyes disbursed unto John Eogers by Edw Loder without my consent. My will is that my said exors by the advise and help of Sir Hen. Williams knt doe rectifie those accompts, with Loder's wife. My wife oweth me £48, out of which moneyes Sie Thomas Awbrey is first to be paid. Witr nesses William Awbrey Josias Morgan Thomas Morgan Justinia Subbs Henry- Awbrey and Thomas Willym. Proved May 9 1629 by oath of Thomas Games one of the exors, power reserved to Wilgiford the relict. [C.P.C. Eidley 49.]. J A. S. M. (To be continued). FBIDAY, JANUAEY 27th, 1888. BEECON WILLS. (Continued from January 20th, 1888). Feb. 19. 15 Jas. 1617 [1617-8] I Johan Parry of llandevailogg trergraick co. Brecon widow late wife of James Parry whilst he lived of Poston co. Hereford Esq. deceased. To be buried in Church of llandevailogg tier graick if dying there &cc. To the Cathedral Church of St. Davids 2s. Church of Llan¬ devailogg trer graick 5s. Poor of said par' at my funeral 40s. To the Bailief, Bur gesses, and Corporation of the towne of Brecon and their successors for ever £20 to be set out, for the use of four young trades¬ men of the said town, selected by the Corporation, the said young men paying for the use thereof eighteen pence in the pound and putting in security &cc. to repay the stocke at the end of every year, so that it may be set forth as aforesaid to four other young men. Of the interest of the said £20, 10s. per ann' to be paid to an honest religious preacher for a sermon in the Ladie Chapel in the said town of Brecon on the first Sunday in every Lent and 20s. to be given on the same day to fourty poor people, namely sixpence to each : if the Corporation remiss &cc. Exors. to perform the trust. To loving son Blanche Parry gent, all those Mess' &cc. (including " pues or seates in Church or Churches landes") by me not formerly sufficiently conveyed to Blanch and Eichard Parry gentn. my sons in parishes &cc. of llandevailogg trer graick, llanvillo, llywell, devinnock, llandilorvadne, St. Davids in llanvaes, llanspithitt, St. John the Evan¬ gelist the town of Brecon, and the liberties of the same, llanhamlach, llechvaene, or any of them, to him and his heirs. To my four nieces Johan, Elizabeth, Jaine, and Margaret Parry daughters of my said son Blanch Parry £340 amongst them, namely £100 to Johan my goddaughter and £80 to Eliza¬ beth, Jaine, and Margaret at their ages of 15, interest at twenty pence in the pound. Jewells plate household implements &cc. : to Elizabeth Powell my daughter wife to Thomas Powell Esq. my best tufftafita gowne my velvett kirtle and velvett hood ; to my servant Alice Vaughan &cc. ; residue of bodie apparel and jewels to four nieces. George Parry my nefhew, son and heir apparent to Blanch Parry my son, the residue of my household stuff as well at my house at Landevailogg trer graick &cc. as within my house within the towne of Brecon, the occupation of the same to my son Blanch Parry for life. To my nefhews Gregorie and William Parry two younger sons of the said Blanch Parry my son, all my Kyne oxen &cc. within the said par. of Llande¬ vailogg trer graick. Joint Executors my most loving and obedient son Blanch Parry gent, and my loving cousin Edward Games of Newton co. Brecon Esq. .Overseers my very loving cousins Charles Vaghan of Tretowre co. Brecon Esq. and Charles Walcot of Buiellt said co. Esq., fourty shillings apiece. Eesidue to said Exors. Witness Edward Games, William Vaghan, Lewis Meredith, Thomas Vaughan, David Jone elk., Thomas Gunter, Thomas Games, Meredith Games, Henry Proberd, John Gunter, Thomas Phillipps, Howel Walter, John Eichard. Proved Ap. 6. 1618 by Exors. [C.P.C. Meade. 30]. Admon. C.P.C. 1584-5 March 2. Parry George of Poston co. Hereford Esq. to John Parry the next of kin. Note.—Parry of Poston was a branch of the notable Herefordshire family of Parry, Miles, or Ap Harry. Henry Myle, son to Myle ap Harry, married Alice, one of the eleven daughters and coheirs of Simon Milborne, of Tillington, co. Hereford. Simon M. died August 14th, 14 Henry