" Old Brecknock Chips." 26 He voted in favour of a standing army, 1677. 1689.—Thomas Morgan, was also M.P., Monmouthshire, 1690 till his death, Dec. 1700. He left an estate of £7,000 a year to his brother, John Morgan, M.P., Monmouth¬ shire, 1701-20. 1690.—Jeffrey Jeffreys, was Sheriff of London, 1699, elected Alderman of Portooken Ward, 1701, Knighted, 1699, Col. of the Trained Bands 1707-8, and would have been elected Lord Mayor 1709, only he was very ill at the time of the election. 1754.—Thomas Morgan, the younger, was M.P., Monmouthshire, 1763-71, and Lieut.- Col. of the Monmouthshire Militia. 1763.—Charles Morgan, succeeded his brother, Thomas Morgan, junior, for the Borough, and not for the county in 1763. He succeeded his father, Thomas Morgan, the elder, for the county in 1799, when his younger brother, John Morgan, was elected in his stead for the Borough. John Morgan also sat for Monmouthshire, 1771-92. The three brothers therefore had seats in the House at the same time. There were petitions in 1661, 1679, 1690, 1698, 1715, 1722, 1723, 1727, and 1870. Brecon. W. R. Williams. "BOOKS PUBLISHED IN BRECONSHIRE. " (Concluded from January 6th, 1888). 1798. Llythyr oddiwrth Gymmanfa Dde- ddwyreiniol y Bedyddwyr yng Nghymru. 1798. Trefecca : Argraphwyd yn y flwyddyn, mdccxcviii. A Letter from the South Eastern Assemhly of Baptists in "Wales, 1798. Printed at Trefecca. 1798. Coffadwriaeth y Cyfiawn : neu Earwnad, er cof am farwolaeth y Duwiol a'r Parch. Mr Richard Tibbott, yr hwn a fu Weinidog hir flynyddau i Eglwys yr Ymneillduwyr yn Llanbrynmair yn Sir Drefaldwyn ; ac a hunodd yn yr Arglwydd ar ddydd Sabboth, y 180 Fis Mawrth, yn y flwyddyn 1798, o fewn ychydig wythnosau i bedwar ugain oed. Gan Jonathan Powell. Trefecca: Argraphwyd yn y flwyddyn mdcclviii. " The Memory of the Just." An Elegy on the death of the Rev. Mr Richard Tibbott, minister to the Dissenting Church at Llan¬ brynmair, Montgomeryshire, &c. Printed at Trefecca, 1798. (There is evidently a misprint in the date above given.) 1799. Golwg ar Peurnas Crist, neu Crist yn Bob Peth, ac y'mhob Peth, sef Caniad mewn dull o agoriad ar Col. iii., ii., &c. Gan y diweddar Barch. W. Williams. T trydydd argraphiad, wedi ei ddiwygio o amryw feiau. Trefecca : Argraphwyd 1799. (Pris Swllt.) A View of Christ's Kingdom. A song ex¬ pository of Col. iii., ii. (chapters 2 and 3 presumably), by the late Rev. W. Williams (Pantycelyn). The third Edition, corrected. Printed at Trefecca, 1799. (Price one shilling). This is the last extract from T Traethodydd which I have to make of books printed in Breconshire, up to the close of the last century. This List is one by no means insignificant, but is not complete, even for the period it covers, and I hope that some of your readers will be able to supplement it with the result of their own researches. I have in my possession two Books published in Breconshire, one—" Tr Athrawiaeth Qatholig o Ddrindod" referred to a few weeks ago—and printed at Trefecca, and *' Theo- memphus " by Williams, Pantycelyn, printed at Brecon, and not mentioned in I Traethodydd. There are, doubtless, others still extant. Several matters of interest to the student of Welsh history are also suggested by these Bibliographical Notes, among them being an incidental glimpse of the Communal life initiated at Trefecca by Howell Harris. It will have been observed that in no case is the name of any Trefecca printer given. (I would here commend to the attention of any Welsh novelist, in search of a subject, the history of Howell Harris, and his times as furnishing abundant materials for such a purpose). It would further, be interesting to refer at greater length to the nature of these publications, and their influence on the formation of the national character during an important period. (The whole of the books published in Welsh, or at any rate—a very great number of them—and which are referred to in Y Traethodydd were of a religious character). This subject would, I think, be appropriate to the proceedings of the National Eisteddfod, and I will not discuss it here, nor further take up your space than just to direct the attention of your readers to an incident related in De Quincey's " Confession of an Opiumeater," which most unexpectedly, and very clearly, though unconsciously, reveals a result of the influence which a century of almost exclusively religious reading must have had upon our ancestors. I refer to the episode of the short sojourn made by De Quincey at a farmhouse in North Wales, during the absence of the elder members of the family. " Brwynllys." BEECON WILLS FRIDAY, JANUARY 20th, 1888. interred within C.P.C. Admon. 1562. Ap 21, Games John, of Mager, dioc' Landaff, to Meredith ap Meredith, and Lewis ap Meredith, the next of kin, fo. 49. By sentence. 1598. Ap 25, I. William Meredith Games, mercer of the town and county of Brechon, diocese of St. David's: to be the Haverds' Chappell, within my Parish Church of St. John Evangelist of Brechon, in Christian burial: to the reparation of Cathedral Church of St. David's, 12d. ; of Parish Church, 10s. To Walter Divides, vicar of Brechon, for my forgotten Tythe, I give all the debts due uppon him to me. To Elizabeth my daughter, if she do the will of her mother,