"Old Brecknock Chips." 25 The Songs of them that Stand upon the Sea of Glass. The fifth Edition, to which is added other Hymns, by the same Author. By the late Rey. W. Williams, Pantycelyn. Trefecca. 1795. The date of publication is incorrectly given, as above. 1796. Llythyr y Gymanfa at y Eglwysi yn y Flwyddyn 1796. Yn Cynnwys Annogaeth i Ymddygiad Onest a Chyfiawn tuag at Bawb. Trefecca: Argraphwyd yn y flwyddyn icdccxcvi. Letter of the Assembly to the Churches in the Year 1796, exhorting to Honest and Upright Conduct. Printed at Trefecca. 1796. 1797. Cyfaill i'r Cystyddiedig, neu Gyfarwyddyd Ideuluoedd a Phersonau mewn Cystudd, ynghyd a Chynghorion a Chyfarwyddiadau Iddynion mewn, ac o'r ol Cystuddieu, neu ryw Brofedigaethau eraill. Hefyd Cas- gliadau o Eiriau a Phrofiadau Diweddaf Amryw o'r Merthyron, Gweinidogion, a'r Seintiau Mwyaf Enwag, &c. Gan y Parch John Willison. Agyfieithwyd i'r Gym- raeg gan y Parch W. Thomas, Gweinidog yr Efengyl, yn y Bala. Trefecca : Argraphwyd yn y flwyddyn mdccxcvii. (Pris Swllt). A Companion to the Afflicted, or Advice to Pamilies and Individuals in Affliction, together with Advice and Instructions to Persons in and after Sickness, or other Trials. Also Selections from the last "Words and Testimonies of Martyrs, Minis¬ ters, and Saints, &c. By the Rev. John Willison Translated into Welsh by the Rev. William Thomas, Minister of the Gospel, Bala. Printed at Trefecca. 1797. (Price one shilling). 1797. Angau i Angau yn Angau Marwolaeth Crist. Gan John Owen, D.D. Cyfieith- wyd gan W. Thomas, Bala. Trefecca: Argraffwyd. Death to Death in the Death of Christ. By John Owen, D.D. Translated by W. Thomas, Bala. Printed at Trefecca. 1797. Deongliad a'r y Testament Newydd. Gan Dr. Guise. Cyfieithiedig gan y Parch W. Thomas, o'r Bala. Trefecca a Chaerfyr- ddin. Exposition of (or Commentary onV the New Testament. By Dr. Guyse. Translated by the Rev. W. Thomas, Bala. Printed at Trefecca and Caermarthen. Brwtnllts. (To be Continued). REPLIES. THE RIGHT HON. FRANCIS GWYN (De¬ cember 16th, 1887).—Your correspondent seems to me to have made a mistake in regarding this Welsh¬ man as connected with the borough of Brecon. In many boroughs there used to be, formerly, an officer, called the High Steward, whose duties were honorary, as, for instance, the High Steward of Winchester (the Duke of Chandos) ; and as an industrious wire-puller, like Mr Gwyn, was unlikely to be granted an office without remuneration, it seems probable that the office that was bestowed upon him in 1681 was that of Chamberlain of Brecon and of the counties of Brecon, Glamorgan, and Radnor, or, in other words, Chamberlain of the Brecknock Circuit, with fees and perquisites attached to it. In support of the contention that the appointment (which, no doubt, was more or less of a sinecure, and executed by a deputy-chamber¬ lain) was held by a stranger, I may state that another stranger, Sir Nicholas Williams, Bart., of Edwinsford, Carmarthenshire, Lord Lieutenant, Custos Rotulorum, and M.P. for that county, held the same office from 1734-45, and that his brother, Thomas Williams, was made Chamberlain and Chancellor of the counties of Carmarthen, Cardigan, and Pembroke—that is, of the Carmarthen Circuit— in 1731. W. R. Williams. Brecon. FEIDAY, JANUABY 13th, 1888. BKECKNOCK MEMBEES. The following addenda et corrigenda to the Parliamentary Lists in Poole's Brecon¬ shire may be of interest. BRECONSHIRE. 1660.—Sir William Lewis was also M.P. for Petersfield (Hants), from 1640 till March 1648, when being a loyalist, he was " impeached for high treason by Cromwell, and disabled to sit in Parliament." 1661.—Edward Proger, was a groom in waiting to Charles II, from 1660 to 1679. 1679.—Bichard Williams, was the son of Sir David Williams (M.P. for Brecon, 1584, and a Justice of the Court of Queen's Bench, temp. Queen Elizabeth), and sat for Eadnorshire 1677-9, Breconshire 1679-85, Kadnorshire 1685-9, Eadnor 1689-90, and Eadnorshire again from 1690 till his death, 1692,—altogether a period of 25 years. 1690.—Sir Eowland Gwynne, was the son of George Gwynne, M.P. for Eadnorshire, and was M.P., Eadnorshire 1679-85, and 1689-90, Breconshire 1690-5, Beeralston (Devon), 1695-8, and Breconshire 1698- 1702. 1702.—John Jeffreys, was also M.P., Eadnorshire, 1692-8, and Marlborough, Wilts, Jan. 1701-1702, being returned both for Marlborough and Breconshire in July, 1702. Edward Jeffreys, his son, also sat for Marlborough, Nov. 1702-1708. There were petitions (and therefore pre¬ vious contested elections), in 1661, 1662, 1695, 1722, and 1784. BOROUGH OF BRECON. 1661.—Sir Herbert Price, was master of the household to Charles II. from 1661 till his death in 1678. His fee was 100 marks, and seven dishes for his table every day.