"'Old Brecknock Chips." FRIDAY, JANUARY 6th, 1888. 24 KOTES. DEATH OF NELLY JONES, THE CELE¬ BRATED LLA1STELLY DOCTORESS. We are indebted to Mr Jones Parry, Gwent House, Llanelly, Brynmawr, for the following particulars:— Probably one of the most extraordinary characters that Brecknockshire had -within its borders—for we •are writing of Llanelly, Brycheiniog, tbe most populous parish in that beautiful county—during the present century is the subject of our sketch, who has just paBsed over to the majority, at the advanced age of 98. Although well worthy of the title "*' Mrs," yet (not out of disrespect) she was always known as ** Nelly Jones, the Doctoress." Few women, if any, were so well known for the last half •a century as Nelly Jones among the inhabitants of *Gwent and Morganwg. During the last few years we were privileged to have several interviews with her, and, consequently, obtained many interesting particulars, which we have pleasure in furnishing -our readers with. She was born in a small village, commencing with a Llan, on the banks of the Dovey, in Merionethshire, and not far from the place where that county joins Maldwyn and Aberteifi, in the summer of 1789. Perhaps one of the most notable events in her history was that she was one of the earliest scholars of the distinguished dharles of Bala, in one of the Sunday and day schools that great and eminent minister founded in her native county. Very few, now living, remember the founder of Sabbath schools in Wales ; but, according to Nelly's testimony, she remembered him well, for we find that when Mr Charles died (1814) the subject of our sketch was 25 years of age, and on the eve of leaving for the land of Brychan. Another strange, but pleasing, fact in connection with Sunday schools and the formation of the Bible Society is that Nelly was brought up close to the Mary Jones who walked barefooted from the Dovey banks to Bala, in the year 1800, and purchased a Bible from Mr Charles, which incident was the direct cause of the formation of the British and Foreign Bible Society, in London, in 1803. Nelly was also acquainted with Mary, and was 11 years of age when the latter went to Bala. Nearly two years before the immortal Rowlands of Llangeitho •and Williams of Pantycelyn were laid in their graves, Nelly had an existence close to the banks of the old Dovey. When she was two years old a mighty revival broke out in North and South Wales, and thousands were added to the churches of all denominations. Nelly was five years old when that mighty man, John Elias, commenced to preach. Although we have been dealing with her early connection with Calvinistic Methodism, yet she was a staunch Baptist, and rigidly believed that ■"dipping" was the only and bona-fide way of administering the Ordinance of Baptism. She was & little younger than Christmas Evans, knew him well, and delighted talking about him. Nelly was four years of age when the extraordinary Edmund Jones, or the old Prophet of Pontypool, died (in 1793), Turning to some of the great events and discover¬ ies which have taken place, we find that the subject of our sketch was older and remembered many well. She was four years of age when Louis XVI. of France was executed, five when the London Missionary Society was formed, and eleven when the TInion of Great Britain and Ireland took place (she ■was a Liberal in politics, but did not agree with Mr Gladstone'* views on Ireland). She remembered Bounaparte being made Emperor of the French, the Battle of Trafalgar, and she contemplated matrimony when Wellington swayed the sceptre of victory over Waterloo. When Nelly Jones was born George III. had reigned 29 years, and she had a distinct recollection of that Sovereign's Jubilee being celebrated (in 1810). It will thus be seen that she lived during the reign of four Sovereigns. The first Prime Minister she could remember was William Pitt, the duration of his first Administration extending over 17 years. She remembered, so far as names Were concerned, Canning, Grey, Melbourne, Aberdeen, Palmerston, Russell, &c. She also well remembers the great contest for the representation ■of Brecknockshire, in It-32, between Colonel Wood and Mr Gwynne Holford. It was, however, as a doctoress she was so well known and respected. At what period she com- meneed we are unable to say, but half a century, at least, has passed away since she began studying the value of herbs, &c. That she cured thousands in her time there cannot be two opinions, and that hundreds and thousands yearly, from Gwent, Glamorgan, and Carmarthen, came and obtained medicine from her the inhabitants of the village of Llanelly can testify. Thousands of pounds have come to the exchequer of the London and North Western Railway through passengers coming to and fro to Llanelly. We have had conversations with visitors from Rhondda, Vale of Neath, &c, and all were united in stating that she had cured them and their families. Many instances have occurred where the local physicians had given their patients up to die, and Nelly afterwards being the means of restoring them. Whatever may be the opinion of our readers, we are recording facts. Not long ago a gentleman—not 100 miles from Neath—came fot medicine for his wife, and just before entering the house we remarked, " You have faith in Nelly Jones?" "Oh, yes," he replied, "after the doctors gave my wife up Mrs Jones has brought her round again." In conclusion, we could add much mote by furnishing particulars of the eases she cured, but space forbids. We can, however, of a truth declare that her loss by death is keenly felt by many who come, as heretofore, and discover she is no more. Perhaps it may interest our readers to know that, many years prior to her death, she had her name, &c, inscribed on her tombstone, space only being left to insert the age. Notwithstanding her eccentricities, we have every reason to believe she has gone to the better land ; and in taking a tender farewell of Nelly Jones, the eminent Llanelly doctoress, we close, as we began, by stating that she was one of the most extraordinary characters in Brecknockshire. Her remains lie in the parish churchyard. Peace to her dust 1 BOOKS PUBLISHED IN BRECONSHlRE. (Continued from December 16th, 1887). 1795. Llythyr Cymmanfa Dde-Ddwyreiniol y Bedyddwyr, yn Nghymru, &c. 1795. Trefecca: Argraphwyd yn y nwyddyn MDCCXCV. Letter of the South-Eastern Assembly of Baptists in Wales, &c. 1795. Printed at Trefecca. 1795. Caniadau y rhai sydd ar y Mor o Wydr, &c„ Y pummed argraffiad gyd chwanegiad o Hymnau eraill o waith yr Awdwr. Gan f diweddar Barchedig W. Williams. Tre» fecca : Argraffwydyny nwyddyn Miccxcl?*