" Old Brecknock Chips." FEIDAY, DECEMBEK 9th, 1887. 19 NOTES. BRECONSHIRE MAGISTRATES IN 1666.— We have already given two lists of early Brecon - shire magistrates. We append another list for the year 1666, two hundred and twenty-one years ago. The list contains 23 local names, and 11 official; the official magistrates and the judges were connected with " the Court of the Marches of Wales," which was fixed at Ludlow Castle, and of which Court we shall have something to say in an early issue. A List of Magistrates on the File for the co. of Brecon, at the Great Sessions, held at the town of Brecon on the 9th of April, 18'0, Ch. II. :— Edward Earl of Clarendon Thomas Earl of Southampton John Lord Roberts, Keeper of the Privy Seal George Duke of Albemarle James Duke of Ormond Montagu Earl of Lindsey Edw-rd Earl of Manchester Richard Earl of Carbury Henry Lord Herbert of Ragland Sir Richard Lloyd ) Justices of the Great Sessions of Arthur Trevor, Esq. / the aforesaid County William Lewis, Baronet [of Ffrwdgrech] Herbert Price, Baronet [of the Priory, Brecknock] Sir John Herbert [Crickhowel Herberts] Lewis Morgan, Esq. Marmaduke Lloyd, Esq. Thomas Pryse, Esq. George Gwynne, Esq. John Jeffreys, Esq. [Aberkunrig, nr Brecknock] Edmund Jones, Esq. [Buckland] Thomas Lewis, Esq. Johu Stedman, Esq. [Dol-y-gaer family] Wm. Morgan de Newton, Esq. [of Newton, Breck¬ nock] Walter Vaughan de Trebarrer, Esq. [of Trebarried] Edw. Powell, Esq. Thomas Williams, Esq. Henry Williams, Esq. Meredith Lewis, Esq. James Watkius, Esq. Thomas Bowen, Esq. Thomas Williams, Esq., Abercamlas David Gwynn de Parke Edwardus Powell, Esq. William de Hunt, Esq. The Editoe. LIST OF VOTERS FOR THE COUNTY OF BRECKNOCK FOR 1787.—(Continued from Aug. 26th, 1887.) Votees in Penkelly Hundbed — Llanvillo Paeish.—Samuel Hughes, Esq.; William Vaughan, Llanvillo, gent. ; Joha Williams, senior, Tredomen ; John Williams, junior, of Tredomen; Wm. Vaughan, of the same ; Wm. Havard, Pengeifor ; Rees Lloyd, Tylecrwn ; Wm. Vaughan, of Drain ; Wm.Vaughan, of Llanvillo. (Number of voters in 1887, 41.) Llakhamlach Boeottgh.—Edward Morgan, of Courtyslade; David Price, shopkeeper. Llanham- lach Paeish.—Wm. Hugh, Howell Williams (dead). (Number of voters in 1887, 53.) Llangasty Talyllyn.—Mr Williams, Trebinson ; Mr Powell. (Number of voters in 1887, 34.) Llansaintfbead.—Thynne Howe Gwynne, Esq. (Number of voters in 1887, 42). TALLACHDDr.—Thomas Price, Caer Bulla (dead). (Number of voters in 1887, 22.) Llanthew Paeish.—Roger Jones, John Price. (Number of voters in 1887, 55.) Llanfbynach.—Thomas Evan, Meredith Thomas, Thomas Awbrey. (Number of voters in 1887, 66.) Llanvigan.—Wm. Bridgwater, gent., Aythan Lewes, Esq., John Jenkin, Wm. Williams, Thos. Oct. Sessions additional names. Jones, Morgan Morgans. (Number of voters in 1887, 115.) Llanthetty.—Griffith Griffiths, Howell Prichard, Wm. Watkins, gent., Rhwyrychain; Geo. Lewis, fent., Jonathan Dixon, gent., Wm. Jones (dead), ohn David. (Number of voters in 1887, 105.) Vaynoe.—Ho well Griffiths, Evan Thomas, Thomas Thomas, Wm. Morgan, gent. (Number of voters in 1887, 117). A BRECONSHIRE GENTLEMAN "RE- PORTED" TO THE HOUSE OF COMMONS EN 1742.—I have before me "A Report from the Committee of Secrecy made on Thursday, the 13th day of May, 1742," touching certain acts of malversation and bribery alleged against " Mr Nicholas Paxton, solicitor to the Treasury," and I find that the name of a Breeonshire landowner was mixed up in the Inquiry. The report says:—" The "Committee finding themselves obstructed in their " Enquiry, by the obstinacy of Nicholas Paxton, " upon his several Examinations, are under a " Necessity of laying that whole Transaction before " the House, together with a short state of his "behaviour, as Solicitor of the Treasury and a " publick Accomptant; as also an Account of the "Behaviour of Gwyn Vaughan, Esq., on his "Examination." The Examination referred to contained serious imputations about a " bag of gold " (some £500 or £600), which was traced from Mr Paxton's hands and sent to Wendover for bribery purposes at a borough election there in the year 1735. The imputation was that this was Govern¬ ment money, and Mr Paxton stoutly refused to answer some damaging questions put to him by the Committee, whereupon this "Report" was sent to the House. The only question of local interest is —How came Mr Gwyn-Vaughan, of Trebarried, to be mixed up in the business ? The Report also mentions the crooked political ways of Thomas Lewis, Esq., member for Radnor, who deposed that the expenses of an intended new Charter for the borough of Radnor actually came to £1284, which sum was paid to the said Thomas Lewis, Esq., "about a year ago." The Charter was procured for election purposes, it being fashion¬ able in those "pure" times to procure the most elastic charter possible, especially for small pocket boroughs, so that '' burgesses'' could be freely manufactured to suit the political inclinations of the " powers that ruled." There was a "small" de¬ ficiency in the accounts of Paxton of ne trly £100,000, and this had been going on for eleven years. The following is the text of the examination of '' Gwyn Vaughan, Esq., who, being examined, he " was asked, If he knew of any Sum, or Sums, of " Money paid out of the Salary, or Profits, of any "Place, or Office, under the Government? To " which he answered, " I don't know of any at this time." " Being then further ask'd, if he knew of any " being paid within these ten years ? '' He desired to know whether he was to include " himself, or only others ? "He was then informed, that the question was " general, and included all Persons. " Then he said, that he was apprehensive, an " Answer to that question might in part affect him- " self; and therefore desir'd to be excused answering. " Whereupon he was ordered to withdraw. " And upon his being call'd in again ; '' He was acquainted by the Chairman, that the " Committee had considered of his Objection to the "question put to him, and would not press it 1' further at that Time.'' From another source I learn that this Gwyn