" Old Beecknock Chips." FEIDAY, NOVEMBEE 18th, 1887. 15 NOTES. WILLIAM MORGAN, YSTRADFELLTE.— The recorder of the ancient town of Brecon, from 1637 to 1650, was William Morgan, King's Attorney General for South Wales. Gwilym John, of blaen¬ tringarth, Tstradfellte. county of Brecknock, mar¬ ried Mallt, daughter of John Vychan, of Porthyrogof, Ystradfelite. David Gwilym, his son, married Jane, daughter of Llewellyn Morgan ab Trahaearn. Llewellyn David, his son, married Joan, daughter of John Gwilym, of Glyntarrell, and had issue two sons—Llewellyn and Morgan. Llewellyn, the elder, married (ob. 1612), and Morgan, the younger, or Morgan Llewellyn, married Gwladys, daughter of David Gwyn Gwallter, of Cefnyfedw, and byher had three children, the youngest of whom was William Morgan, the founder of the Dderw family. (1) Margaret, married Jenkin Griffith, Glynnedd; (2) Gwladys, married Roger Jones; (3) William Mor¬ gan, Barrister, Recorder of Brecon, and King's Attorney, married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir William Morgan, of Tredegar. William Morgan was born about the year 1590, at Blaentringarth, a very lonely homestead in the heart of a mountain¬ ous district. He rose to great eminence and celebrity as a barrister, and died very rich in the year 1650. He purchased the Dderw estates in the parish of Llyswen, or, as some called it, " Llys Owen" (Owen's Palace), Owen Glyndwr being supposed to have fought battles in this neighbour¬ hood. But we have no record of Morgan's residency at Dderw. His son, William Morgan, of Dderw, however, lived there in great affluence. In the list of high sheriffs of Breconshire, we find the name of "William Morgan, Esq., Dderw," hold¬ ing that important position in the year 1655. He married, and had issue an only daughter and heiress, named Blanche, who married William Morgan, of Machen and Tredegar, by which event the Dderw and other Brecknockshire estates, together with a moiety of the tithes of Ystradf elite (the latter of which were bought by the subject of this short sketch in the reign of Charles I.), passed over to the noble house of Tredegar. In the Priory Church, Brecon, descending from the communion rails, and passing the monument of Sir David Williams, Ystradfellte, were placed against the wall two stones which were removed upon the interment of a Mrs Arabella Nixon, who died at the Lion Inn, Brecon, on her way to or from Ireland, and left her property to her man and maid servants. On the first stone is the following inscription :— " Here lyeth Morgan Llewellyn, of Ystradfellte, who married Gwladys, daughter of David Gwyn Gwallter, Cefn-y-fedw, gent., and had issue William Morgan, Esq., King's attorney of South Wales, and recorder of this borough. Arms, 1 Vaughan, 2 Bleddyn ab Maenarch, 3 Havard, 4 Rhys Grug, 5 Rhys Goch, 6 Pichard, 7 a Lion Rampant, 8 ditto." On the other stone is this :— "Here lyeth the body of William Morgan, Esquire, King's Attorney of South Wales, and re¬ corder of this borough." There is no date to either of these inscriptions ; if they ever bore dates they have been effaced. (See Jones' Brecknock.) These stones have since been removed and are now in the north aisle of the nave of the Priory Church. The above Morgan Llewellyn, Ystradfellte, gentleman, father of William Morgan, by will dated 1630, bequeathed three tenements of land, called Tir Penygraig, Tir Pwllygelynen, and Tir yr Ynysfer—the two first named in the parish of Ystradfellte, and the last in the parish of Vaynor, rented at £22 per annum—to be distributed among the poor of Ystradfellte in perpetuity. Ystradfellte people need well be proud of the Blaentringarth. family. MlNYMYNYDD. Rhigos. BOOKS PUBLISHED IN BRECONSHIRE. (Continued from November 4th, 1887). 1784. Llythyr oddiwrth Dafydd ap loan, y Pererin, at loan ap Gwilym, y Prydydd ; Yn rhoddi byrr hanes o fywyd a marwolaeth y Parch- edig Mr Christopher Basset, Athraw yn y Celfyddydau, o Aberddawen yn Sir For- ganwg. Trefecca, Argraffwyd 1784. A letter from David ap John, the Pilgrim, to John ap Gwilym, the Poet. A short account of the life and death of Mr Christopher Bassett, M.A. 1784. Hyfryd Goffawdwriaeth y Cyfiawn, neu Far- wnad Elizabeth James, o blwyf Casnewydd- ar-wysg, yn Sir Fynwe, &c. Aberhonddu, Argraffwyd gan J. Evans, dros yr awdwr Dafydd William. The blessed memory of the Just. An Elegy on the death of Elizabeth James, of New¬ port, Mon. By David Williams, Brecon. Printed by J. Evans, Brecon, 1784. 1784. Llythyr y Gymanfa at yrEglwysiyn y flwy- ddyn 1784. Trefecca. Argraffwyd yn y flwyddyn mdcclxxxiv. Letter of the Association (Assembly) to the Churches in the year 1781. Trefecca. 1784. Marwnad ar farwolaeth y Parchedig Mr Christopher Basset, yr ieuangaf, o Aber¬ ddawen, yn Sir Forganwg, athro celfyddy¬ dau, yr hwn a ymadawodd a'r byd yr 8fed o Chwefror, 1784. Yn yr 3lain flwyddyn o'i oed, ac y gladdwyd yn Saint Athens. Hwn oedd wr duwiol dysgedigarhinweddol, yn bregethwrdwys, gwresog, ac awdurdod- ol, yn holl athrawiaethau yr ysgrythyrlan ; yn arweinvdd goleu i'r pererinion trwy holl hyfryd lwybran'rbrynedigaeth yng nghrist; a mawr alar sy yr awr lion am dano trwy holl ddeheudir a gogledd Cymru. 'Roedd ganddo ddiadell o rai duwiol yn Mhorthoery yn agos i dy ei dad i'r rhai y bendithiodd Duw ef. Y rhai sydd yn awr yn amddifod oni bai gweinidogion ffyddlon eraill y rhai sy'n gwneud eu gorau am edrych attynt. Gan W. Williams. Aberhonddu, argraff¬ wyd tros yr awdwr gan J. Evans, 1784. Elegy on the death of Mr Christopher Basset, the younger, M.A., &c. Printed at Bre¬ con, in 1784, by J. Evans. 1784. Marwnad Mr Christopher Basset. Gan D. William. Aberhonddu, argraffwyd gan J Evans, 1784. Elegy on the death of Mr Christopher Basset. By D. Williams. Brecon : Printed by J. Evans. 1784. " Ti fuost ffyddlon ar ychydig, dos i mewn i lawenydd dy Arglwydd." Marwnad er coffadwriaeth o farwolaeth Mr Dafydd Jones, pregethwr rhagorol yn perthyn i gynnulleidfaPentre-ty-gwyn, ynSir Gaer- fyrddin; yr hwn a ymadawodd a'r byd hwn yn y flwyddyn 1784. John Morgan,