" Old Brecknock Chips." 13 The Marrow of Sound Divinity, or the Covenant of Grace and the Covenant of Works pourtrayed. In the form of a Dia¬ logue. By Edward Fisher, M.A. The third edition. Trefecca; price one shilling. 1782. " Telynau i Blant yr Addewid i'w canu ar eu taith o'r Aipht i Ganaan nefol : neu ychydig o Hymnau Efengylaidd, &c. A gyfansoddwyd gan Dafydd Williams. Aberhonddu, argraffwyd dros yr awdwr gan E. Evans, 1782." Harps for the Children of the Promise, or Hymns composed by David Williams. Printed at Brecon by E. Evans, 1782. 1782. " Rhai Hymnau newyddion, ar fesurau new- yddion. Gan W. Williams. Yr ailargraffiad Aberhonddu, argraffwyd gan E. Evans, 1782." Some New Hymns to New Metres. By W. Williams. Brecon, printed by E. Evans, 1782. [12 papes, foolscap octavo, and contains 18 hymns.—Editor ] 1782. " Tystiolaeth o Ffydd ac ymarferiad Eglwys Crist, yn Carter Lane, Southwarc, yn Llundain. Tan ofal gweinidogaethol Dr. John Gill. A ddarllenir ac a gydsynir a hi ar dderbyniad Aelodau. A gyfieithwyd, ac a gyhoeddwyd ar draul Dafydd Hughes o Lanelli, yn Sir Gaerfyrddin, ar ddymuniad amryw Ewyllyswyr da. Aberhonddu, argraphwyd g;m E. Evans, 1782." The Articles of Belief of the Church of Christ, Carter Lane, Southwark, London. Under the ministerial care of Dr. John Gill. Translated (by?) and costs of publication defrayed by David Hughes, of Llanelly, Car. Printed at Brecon by E. Evans, 1782. 1782. '' Rhai geiriau ar ddull Marwnad ar farwolaeth yr anwyl a'r ffyddlon frawd John Philip o Lwyn-gyferthwch, ymhlwyf Llanelli, ynghydd a rhai Hymnau Newyddion. Aberhonddu, argraffwyd dros John Evan, a Thomas Dafydd gan E. Evans, 1782." An Elegy on the death of John Phillips, of Llwyn-gyferthwch, in the parish of Llan¬ elly. Brecon, printed by E. Evans, 1782. 1783. " Marwnad Elizabeth James, Casnewyddar- wysg, Sir Fynwe. Gan Dafydd William. Aberhonddu, argraphwyd gan E. Evans." Elegy on the death of Elizabeth James, Newport, Mon. By David Williams. Printed at Brecon by E. Evans, 1783." 1783. " Hyfryd goffadwriaeth y Cyfiawn, neu farwnad i un Richard Jones, mab Mr John Jones, o'r Homri o blwyf Saint Nicholas, yn Syr Forganwg, a gyfansoddwyd gan Dafydd William. Trefecca, argraffwyd tros yr awdwr, yn y flwyddynMDCCXxxxni." The Blessed Memory of the Just. An Elegy on the death of Richard Jones, &c. By David Williams. Trefecca, 1783." (To be continued.) Bewynllts.' FKLDAY, NOVEMBEE 11th, 1887. JOHN PENRY THE MARTYR'S KINSMAN— JENKIN JONES. Truly one of the most pathetic tragedies of the old intolerant days of Queen Elizabeth—the Pro¬ testant Queen, but the murderess of many a good and holy man (John Penry, to wit)—is the history, as it unfolds itself to the studious historian, of the hunting, from place to place, by Archbishop Whitgift and his minions, of the warm-hearted and noble-souled John Penry, the Rreconshire Martyr ; but, in this short sketch, we wish to speak of one who is called by Penry himself : '' His kinsman, Jenkin Jones," when he mentions him as such in his pathetic letter to his wife and four infants, written from prison just six weeks before he was executed—April 6th, 1593. Sutcliffe, one of Peury's accusers, thus mentions Jenkin Jones : '' When John Penry lurked here and 1' there like a fox, yet was he never so closely hid "but Throgmorton knew where he was, as doth " appear by the deposition of Jenkin Jones, who, by "his means, found him in a certain odd alehouse, " eighteen miles from Fawsley." This Jenkin Jones was evidently a partizan or a sympathizer with John Penry, because, in the aforesaid pathetic letter, he calls him "his poor kinsman," evidently implying that Jenkin Jones was also under the ban of the authorities, and by the mention of his "depositions" it shows clearly he had been examined by the Queen's minions, if he was not actually under arrest at the time. This Jenkin Jones was a Breconshire man, and, some seventy years later on, his family played a conspicuous part in the Cromwellian period. He was the uncle of the more noted Colonel Jenkin Jones, of Llanddetty; and Colonel Jenkin Jones, again, was uncle to "John Jones, of Neuadd, gentleman" ; the latter, it is stated, was executed at Charing Cross, but whether for religious or political offences is not known. This John Jones, of Neuadd, published a small religious work, a copy of which is in the unique collection of Joseph Joseph, Esq., F.S.A., of Brecon. Branches of the family were located at Llanthetty, Tymawr, and Neuadd. There is so little positive information in existence that it is almost difficult to trace to which branch of the Jones's family John Penry's poor kinsman belonged. He must either have been the younger brother of Colonel Jenkin Jones's father, or Colonel Jenkin Jones himself. We incline to the former belief, for this reason : Penry was murdered in May, 1593, and " his poor kinsman, Jenkin Jones," must have been about his own age—say thirty or thirty- five, but Colonel Jenkin Jones was alive after the Restoration, in 1660, for we read that he was "a gentleman of considerable property," but was reduced to extreme poverty when Charles II. ascended the Throne. Colonel Jenkin Jones is also said to have been alive in 1672 ; so if he was the friend of John Penry, why, he must have been a centenarian at the time of his death. We, therefore, think it is tolerably certain that Jenkin Jones, Penry's poor kinsman, was the brother of John Jones, or John ap John Howell, of Tymawr. This Jenkin Jones married a daughter of