" Old Brecknock Chips." 12 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4th, 1887. NOTES. BRECONSHIRE MAGISTRATES IN 1559.— " Pearmain," -writing to Bye-Cones in the Oswestry Advertizer of October 12th, supplies the following list of Breconshire magistrates in 1559 :—I annex a list of Breconshire magistrates of the year 1559, ■whose names appear on a Gaol File of the Sessions held in March of that year. This is the earliest File at the Record Office for the County of Brecon. In this instance I copy the complete list:— Gilbert, Bishop of Bath and Wells. Cuthbert, Bishop of Chester. John Throckmorton, Esq., Justice of Chester. Sir Adam Mytton. Sir John Vaughan. Sir Roger Vaughan. John Scudamore, Esq. Charles Fox, Esq. David Lewis, Doctor of Laws. John Welshe, Esq. Reginald Corbett, Esq. William Symonds, Esq. William Gerrard, Esq. Richard Seborne, Esq. Walter Herbert, Esq. Thomas Havard, Esq. John Games, Esq. Thomas Salors (?), Esq. Edward Games, Esq. John Lloid, Esq. Three or four of the above named are usually found at this period on other Welsh lists. They may be described as official, in contradistinction to local magistrates. The "local justices" in the above list, so far as ■we can make them out, only number eight, so " Pearmain " is decidedly wrong when he says the official justices are only three or four of the total number. For some years during the reign of Henry VIII. and shortly after the Union of Wales with England, only eight county justices were allowed to the Welsh counties. The Breconshire landowning justices in the above list are as follows :— Sir Roger Vaughan, of Porthaml, Talgarth, who was the son of the first high sheriff of our county, and was himself high sheriff in 1550. John Scudamore, Esq., was the owner of one of the Herefordshire manors which, under Lord Marcher rule, owed " suit and service" at the Duke of Buckingham's " Court of Baili-glas, in the Castle of Brecknock, for the " Manerio de Humber." Charles Fox, Esq., was also a Herefordshire magnate, likewise owing suit and service at the same Court. Walter Herbert, Esq., was of Crickhowell. High sheriff of county, 1546. Thomas Havard, Esq., either of Court Zion Young, or Pontwilym. Havard of Court Zion Young was high sheriff in 1543 ; and Havard of Pontwilym in the years 1549 and 1555. John Games, Esq., of Aberbran. High sheriff 1559. Thomas Sollers, Esq. His family were the original owners of the " manor and lordship of Porthaml, Breconshire." They came over with-the Norman Conqueror, and joined Bernard Newmarch in the conquest of our ancient county of Brycheiniog. This Thomas Sollers was high sheriff of Breconshire in 1556. Edward Games, Esq., was of Newton; at one time this was one of the most influential families in our county. High sheriff 1558. John Lloyd, Esq., of Blaentowy. High sheriff 1552. . " Pearmain " sent this list to the Osivestry Adver¬ tizer in reply to the Editor of the Brecon County Times. This is the earliest "List of Breconshire Magistrates" ever yet published. The first " Com¬ mission" to the "Justices Itinerant" for appointing " Justices for the Town and Lordship of Brecon" would be dated about 1533 or 1534. The Editob. BOOKS PUBLISHED IN BRECONSHIRE. (Continued from September 30th, 1887). 1781. " Agoriad i athrawiaeth y Ddau Gyfammod, &c. Gan John Bunyan. Yy ail argraffiad, wedi ddiwigio a'i wellhau. Trefecca, argraffwyd dros y cyhoeddwr. 1781. (Pris swllt)." A Key to the Doctrine of the Two Covenants, &c. By John Bunyan. The second edition, revised and corrected. Trefecca, 1781. Price one shilling. 1781. "Marwnad, ar farwolaeth Mrs. Graee Price, anwyl wraig y Capten Price, o Waterford, yn Sir Forganwg : yr hon a ymadawodd a'r byd yr 16eg o Dachwedd, 1780, yn y 37 flwyddyn o'i hoed. Wedi bod yn briod a Mr Price 12 mlynedd. Aberhonddu." An Elegy upon the death of Mrs. Grace Price, wife of Captain Price, of Waterford, Gla¬ morganshire. This was the second edition, and was printed for the author (W. Williams, Pantycelyn) by E. Evans, at Brecon. 1781. 1781. " Llun Agrippa, &c. Y trydydd argraffiad. Trefecca, mdcclxxxi." The Portrait of Agrippa. The third edition. Trefecca, 1781. 1781. "Welly Chweched Llythyr, ar ddull Pregeth, y testun a gymerwyd o Luc xv, 18, 19. 0 Waith Ellis Roberts, Cowper, Llanddoged. Aberhonddu, argraphwyd gan E. Evans, dros Hugh Williams. 1781." The Sixth Letter, in the form of a Sermon on Luke xv, 18, 19. By Ellis Roberts. Printed at Brecon by E. Evans, 1781. 1782. "DwyBregeth; y gyntaf, am y creadwriaid yn myned i mewn i Arch Noa, &c. ; yr ail, am y Creadwriaid yn myned allan o'r Arch i fynydd Ararat, &c. Gan Edmund Jones, Gweinidog yr Efengyl. Trefecca, argraph¬ wyd yn y flwyddyn 1782." Two Sermons: The first, of the animals entering the Ark of Noah ; the second, of the animals going forth from the Ark to Mount Ararat. By Edmund Jones (Ponty- pool). Trefecca, 1782. 1782 " Gorfoledd yn Mhebyll Seion, neu ychydig o Hymnau Efengylaidd a gyfanvoddwyd gan Dafydd William. Argraphwyd gynt yn bedair rhan, ond yn awr a argraphwyd yn un llyfr. Aberhonddu: Argraphwyd tros yr awdwr gan E. Evans. 1782. (Pris tair geiniog)." Joy in the Tents of Zion, being Hymns com¬ posed by David Williams. Brecon, printed by E. Evans. 1782. Price threepence. 1782. " Mer Difynyddiaeth Iachus ; neu Bortreuad o'rCyfammodGras,a'r Cyfammod Gweith- redoedd &c, mewn dull o Ymddiddan. Gan Edward Fisher, A.M., y trydydd argraph- iad. Wedi ei ddiwygio a'i gydmaru, &c. Trefecca, argraphwyd dros y cyhoeddwr 1782. (Pris swllt)."