" Old Brecknock Chips." leisure, fewer the inclination to engage in antiquarian researches, and fewer still possess the knowledge requisite to render their labours of value to this work. But, Sir, it lies within the power of many to do a little. Let me instance the subject of " Books published in Breconshire." These (especially the productions of the Trefecca Press) were of such a character as to lead me to believe that many of them may be found in Breconshire homes. Now, although a List of books published in our county is doubtless of great value, you will agree with me when I say that the recovery of the books themselves would be of much greater interest and importance. I have, myself, found, cast aside as of no value an old copy of " L'anwyll y Cymry," " Theomemphus," and some other works. I have not the slightest doubt that many of the earlier Welsh books, are now lying worm eaten and dust covered on the bookshelves of the Farmers and Cottagers of Breconshire. If I were again in the old county for a time, I would undertake to bring some of them to light. May I suggest that such of your readers who are interested in the column (and who, I doubt not, are more numerous than the contributors thereto) should devote a few hours to looking through their own, and any of their neighbours' books within their reach and give us the result in—may I Mr Editor, say i ur?—Column. BRWYNLLYS.' FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30th, 1887. NOTES. THE BRECKNOCK MILITIA.—Cananyofyour readers furnish the names of some of the Officers of the Brecknock Militia, so that a fairly accurate list could be compiled ? Poole's Bbeconshiee gives lists for various times, and the following is an attempt to arrange them more consecutively. It may be stated that previous to 1760 the regiment was embodied from time to time, and again disbanded as occasion re¬ quired, but since then it appears to have existed with¬ out interval. The Lord Lieutenant of the county often filled the post of Colonel. During 1759-61 there were 51 county Regiments of Militia embodied, Brecon¬ shire standing 39th on the list, the date being 25th January, 1760 ; the chief officers then appointed were :—Sir Edward Williams (? last Baronet of Gwernyfed and Llangoed, High Sheriff of the County 1788, died 1804), Colonel; Charles Powell (of Castle Madoc, High Sheriff 1738), Lieut-Col. ; and Howell Harris (of Trefecca, died 1773), Major. List of Colonels and Commanding Officees. 1760. (Jan.), Sir Edward Williams, Bart. 1791. Henry, 5th Duke of Beaufort, K.G.,Lord Lieut¬ enant, died Oct. 1803. 1803. Henry Charles, 6th Duke of Beaufort, K.G., Lord Lieutenant, died Nov. 1835 (Major 1793-1803). 1820. The Begiment was divided, the Duke remaining Col. of the Royal Monmouth Militia, and the Royal Brecknock Militia being under Francis Chambre, Major Commandant. (No less than three of the Chambre family were connected with the regiment). 1847. John Lloyd Vaughan Watkins, M.P., Lieutenaut Colonel Commanding. 18—. Douglas John Dickinson, Colonel Commandant. 1866. William Bridgwater, Lieutenant-Colonel Com¬ manding, died Dec. 1874. 1874. (Dec.), David Edward Jones, Major Commanding. 1876. (Dec. 30th), Hon. Arthur Walsh, M.P. (now Lord Ormathwaite), Honorary Colonel. 1876. (Oct. 4th), William Jones Thomas (Hon. Col.), Lieut.-Colonel Commanding. Lieutenant Colonels. 1760. (Jan.), Charles Powell. 1793. Henry, 2nd Earl of Abergavenny, K.T., died 1843, aged 88. 1805. Sir Samuel Brudenell Fludyer, 2nd Bart., died 1833, aged 74 (Captain 1800-5). 1813. Thomas Lewis. 1820. None till 1847. See list of Colonels and Com¬ manding Officers afterwards. Majoes. 1760. (Jan.), Howell Harris, of Trefecca. 17—. Edward Williams, Major Commandant (son and heir to Sir Edward Williams, Bart., of Gwern¬ yfed (colonel, 1760), but who died at Brecon in the lifetime of his father, Dec, 1799. 1793. Henry, Marquis of Worcester. Son of the Duke of Beaufort, then Colonel, and himself Colonel 1803-1820. 1798. Thomas Jones, additional Major (appointed Captain-Lieutenant 1793, Captain 1794, Major 1798 to 1805. 1803. Lord Anthony Somerset, vice his brother Lord Worcester, appointed Colonel. (Probably a misprint for Lord Arthur John Henry Somerset, M.P., Monmouthshire, who died 1816, aged 36). 1805. Lord Arthur Somerset, and Thomas Watkins Davies (Captain 1796-1805, Major 1805-13). 1807. T. W. Davies, only Major. 1813. Francis Chambre, was Major Commandant 1820- 1847. 187-. David Edward Jones, Major Commanding, Dec. 1874 to Oct. 1876, Hon. rank of Lieut.-Colonel, 1877. 1876. (Oct. 4th), John Williams Morgan, additional Major, Hon. rank of Lieut.-Colonel. 1884. (March 22ud), John James, vice Major D. E. Jones (Hon. rank of Lieut.-Colonel, 18851. 1887. James Augustus Francis Snead, vice Col. J. W. Morgan(Hon. rank of Lieut.-Colonel, June, 1887.) Adjutants. 1794. Harvest Isaacson, Adjutant and Quartermaster till 1795, when James Pearce was appointed. 1805. John D. Parsons. 1820. James Rathbone. 1825. W. Egerton Charles Harvest Isaacson (son of the Adjutant in 1794, born 1795, served with the 51st foot in the Peninsular War and at Waterloo, and died at Upper Nutwell, Devon, 29th Dec, 1860). 1847. Lieut Douglas John Dickinson, afterwards Colonel. 1866. Capt. Wm. R. Brereton, late 70th foot. 1876. (Oct.) Capt. W. R. Farquhar. 188-. Major W. T. Much, 24th regiment. 1885. (Sept.) Capt. Courtney V. Trower, S.W.B. Captains. 1793. Richard Morgan, Jacob Rudhall, Mathew Gwyn. 1794. Thomas Jones, vitee Morgan. 1796. Thomas Watkins Davies, vice Rudhall. 1798. John Rumsey, vice Jones. 1799. Sackville Gwynne, vice M. Gwyn. 1800. Aythan Lewis, vice Rumsey. Richard Jenkins, vice Gwynne. Sir Samuel Fludyer, Bart., additional. Till 1805. 1820. Thomas Bridgwater, Christopher Chambre. 1825. John Lloyd, vice Bridgwater. 1866. Arthur W. L. Gompertz, David Edward Jones, John Williams Morgan (till 1876). 186-. Thomas Gwynne Vaughan, vice Gompertz. 187-. David A. Price, vice Vaughan. 187-• Walter P. Jeffreys, N. Lewis. 1874. (June), James A. F. Snead. In Oct., 1876, the Radnor and Brecknock regiments were amalgam¬ ated, and became the South Wales Borderers. 1876. (Oct.), N. H. Applewhaite, John James (from the Royal Radnor Militia). 1877. (Mch.) John Douglas Dickinson (Hon. Major, 1886). G J. Fitzgerald. 1882. (Apr.) T. C. Bargravc Watkins. 1882. (May), Anthony H. Miers.