" Old Brecknock Chips." Llandrindod, and was a minister at Rhayader.) 1777. "Casgliad o'r Galwad i'r Annychweledig. Trefecca Argraffwyd. (Nid yw y Llyfrau hyn i'w gwerthi.)" Selections (or an Epitome) from The Call to the Unconverted. (Baxters?). Printed at Trevecca. (To be continued.) Bbwynllys. REPLIES. WALTER LEWIS, OF TREDUSTAN (August 29th, 1887.)—According to " Hanes Eglwysi Anni- bynol Cymru," Walter Lewis was the son of Edward Lewis, Tai'rlan, in the parish of Merthyr Tydfil. He was received into church fellowship at Ynysgau, Merthyr. He entered Carmarthen College in the year 1795, and was ordained as an assistant to Mr Simon Williams, Tredustan, March 24th, 1802. He died September 4th, 1833, and was buried in the grave yard of Tredustan. He brought up a large family. It may interest your correspondent to know that one of his sons at the time of the publication of the above-named book was a member of Parlia¬ ment in Australia. B.C., Llanwrtyd. Rev. Walter Lewis, of Tredustan, was the son of Edward Lewis, of Tai'rlan, in the parish of Merthyr Tydfil; when very young, he became a member of the Independent church at Ynysgau, Merthyr, and entered the Presbyterian College at Caermarthen, in 1795. In 1802 he was ordained co-pastor to the Rev. Simon Williams, of the church at Tredustan. He soon married the daughter of a gentleman that was a member in that Church, by whom he had many children. One of his sons became a Senator in Australia, and a daughter of his became the wife of Ieuan Gwynedd ; she still survives her husband, who died February, 1852. Mr Lewis was of very gentle¬ manly appearance and deportment, and highly respected ; he was an excellent scholar, an able but not very popular preacher. In theology he leaned to the opinions of A. Fuller and Dr. Edward Williams, of Rotherham. -B. The Rev. Walter Lewis married secondly an aunt to the present Mr Wm. Hall, of Tynewydd, and a daughter by his first wife married the Rev. Thomas Havard, of Tredustan. In an account of the Tre¬ dustan Chapel published in the Bbecon County Times some two or three years ago or more, it was stated that Mr Havard succeeded his father-in-law. This is not correct. The Rev. Wm. Williams and the Rev. David Williams succeeded Walter Lewis, and then in 1844 Rev. Thomas Havard came to Tredustan. It was during Mr Lewis's pastorate that a party left Tredustan and built the present ehapel at Talgarth. Old Villages. FEIDAY, SEPTEMBEE 23kd, 1887. NOTES. THE LORD MARCHERS' RULE IN BRECON- SHIRE.—This is the sort of obedience that was exacted by the Lord of Grickhowell from his tenants: 44 All the tenants that helde their land of the saide " prince [the king] ought to acknowledge the lord 4' by the words followinge, that is to saie, ffirst he 44 ought to come before the lord kneelinge, and '' acknowledge to hould of the lord of Crughowell such 4' rents and lands by service of homage, and ought "to close his handes within the lorde's deposeinge " truely, on his faith by God and the holy Evange- " lists, that with his whole heart and soul above all 4' thinges he shall love his lord, and in all places of " any dread, shall stand up by his lord, him to " defend, and his bodie well and truely, and " without fraude and guile against his enemyes " keepe. And this done, the lord shall command 4' him to stand up from his kneelinge and shall Mss 4' him, and after that all the tenants [are] soe sworn, "they shall give the lord or his officer by him 4' appoynted, the sum of £5 of lawful money of " England immediately after theoathes and homages " made." * * * " The Welsh tenants shall " give to the lord at his makinge knight reasonable 4' ayde, that is to witte, eight pence for to buy him '' a horse. The saide tenants shall give unto the " lord at his first cominge to his lordshippe 100 4' shillings ; and to the marryinge of his first begotten "daughter 100 shillings ; and to the son of the said 4' lord when he is made knight, ffive poundes. * * * " The lord of Crughowell and his heires have of olde " custome that all the tenants of the borrowe and 44 village, and all manner of tenants both Welsh and 44 forren, shall come and paie the rents to the lorde's "bayliffes certyne days in which the said rents be 44 leinable upon reasonable summoninge, that is to 44 witte, the third day before the rent days, and if 44 any of them come not, with their rents to pay 44 them to the said bayliffes, they ought before the 44 steward at the Lords' Barr, every each of them, to 44 be amerced, if he be a Welshe tenant, in ten 44 shillings; a fforeigne tenant in seven shillings ; a "burgesse in twelve pence." * * * " All the 44 Welshe tenants within the lordshippe of Crug- 4' howell ought by the custom of their landes to come 44 with their oxen to eare (plough) the Demeane 44 lands by certyne days of the winter season. The 44 said tenants ought to do the like by certyne days 44 of Lent season. If any man enters the saide parke 4 4 (the lords' demeane) and there be founde, he ought 44 to be attacked by the keeper of the Parke, and to 4' be kept in the stocks, without the gate of the said 44 parke, till he pay up, or else to loose his right foote, 44 if the parke be closed round about." The tenants of Llanelly were to keep the mill of Clydach in good repair, and well served with ponds and water, at all seasons of the year, or "be amerced in ten shillings every each of them." The Editor. QUERIES. THE LATE LORD LLANOVER.—We have often been told that the resuscitation of Christ College, Brecknock, was due to the labours of the late Sir Thomas Phillips, Q.C., who, I am happy to say was a Breconshire man, but is it not a fact that the initial steps were taken by the late Lord Llanover. It is only a question of going back 35 years, and as the Town Council had also something to do with it, perhaps some of the older members of that august body can say what share Lord Llanover bore in the '4 great and wordy battle," for I have been told that the pamphlets written about 35 years ago on the then disgraceful state of this Foundation would fill a goodly-sized volume. Will someone answer this query by giving a short history of the controversy ? HlSTOEICUS. REPLIES. THE LAWS OF HOWEL DDA (9th Sept.)— The following is a copy of the title-page of the folio edition of the Laws of Howel the Good: " Cyfreith- jeu Hywel Dda ac eraill neu Leges Wallicae Ecclesiasticae Hoeli Boni et Aliorum Walliae Prin- cipum quas ex varus Codicibu, Manuscriptis eruit, Interpretatione Latina, Notis and Glossario illus- travit Gulielmus Wottonus, S.T.P. Adjvante Mox