" Old Brecknock Chips." SHERIFFS FROM DEFYNNOCK.—In Jones' Beecknockshibe it is stated:—'' Since the appoint- '' ment of sheriffs for the Principality, there have " not been Bbove half a dozen from this parish, and "everyone of these were farmers. As to Mr " Saintloe, who was sheriff in 1710, he was a non- '' resident, and consequently no exception to my "position." Who were the half dozen "farmer" sheriffs, and have there been any Defynnock men sheriffs since 1805 ? Golden Geove. REPLIES. THE LARGEST PARISH IN BRECON- SHIRE (August 19th, 1887).—In reply to Quiz, he will find it stated in Jones' Beeconshibe that Cantreff and Vaynor were considered in his day, and in ages long before, two of the largest parishes in Breconshire. The name Cantreff, I believe, signi¬ fies " hundred :" and the old Welsh hundred, in the laws of Hywel Dda, consisted of twenty-five thousand six hundred acres, and the adjoining parish of Vaynor (Maenawr—the Manor) is nearly as extensive as Cantreff. Vic. SEPTEMBEE 17th, 1887. XOTES. BOOKS PUBLISHED IN BRECONSHIRE. (Continued from September 2nd.) 1775. " Nodiadau ar Bregeth Mr Abel Francis, yng Nghwm Wysg, gerllaw Trecastell; Y Trydydd Dydd ar Ddeg o Awst, 1732. Gan William Herbert. Wedi eu hail 'Sgrifenu, a diwygio'r Iaith. Gan Josuah Thomas. At yr hyn y 'chwanegwyd Myfyrdod mewn Cystudd, ar Gan. Gan John Morgan o Blwyf Bedwellty. Aber- honddu : Argraphwyd." Notes upon a Sermon delivered by Mr Abel Thomas, at Cwm Wysg, near Trecastle, August 13, 1732. By William Herbert. Re-written by Joshua Thomas. To which is added Meditations in Sickness, in verse. By John Morgan, Bedwellty. Printed at Brecon. 1776. " Lieferydd yr Asyn er gwahardd ynfydrwydd y Prophwyd. Sef copi o lythyr at wr urddasol, a anfonodd ei was i aflonyddu addoliad crefyddol. Aberbonddu. The Voice of the Ass rebuking the presump¬ tion of the Prophet. A copy of a letter to a gentleman who sent his servant to dis¬ turb a religious service. Brecon. 1776. " Casgliad Byrr o'r Rhedegwr Ysprydol, a ysgrifenwyd gan Awdwr Taith y Pererin Trefecca : Argraphwyd yn y flwyddyn 1776." This work was published at Carmarthen in 1765. The entry is : "Y Rhedegwr Ysprydol: Neu Bortreiad o'r Dyn ag sydd yn Rhedeg i'r Nefoedd, yn nghyd a Llythyr at bob Dynion Diog a Diofal. Carchar fyfyrdodau 'sgrifenwyd 1665. Gan John Bunyan. O Gyfiethiad Mr Samuel Wilson. Caerfyrddin: Argraffwyd Kan J. Ross, 1765." 1776. " Y Creadur Newydd yng nghrefydd Crist. Gwedi eu osod allan mewn Pregeth. Gan William Beveridge, D.D., Gynt Arglwydd Esgob Llanelwy. Wedi ei chyfieithi o'r Saesonaeg er budd i'r Cymry. Trefecca, Argraphwyd yn y flwyddyn mdcclxxvi. Nid yw'r Llyfr hwn ar werth ond rhodd ewyllysiwr da i grefydd i'w gydwladwyr." The New Creature in the Religion of Christ. A sermon delivered by William Beveridge, D.D., Lord Bishop of St. Asaph's. (The note states that the work was a gift of a wellwisher to religion to his countrymen.) 1776. Dyledswydd Dilys ac Anhepgor Cristnogion, yr amser enbydus hyn, wedi ei ystyried a'i gymmell mewn cyfarchiad gwresog. Gan W. Mason. Argraffwyd yn Aber- honddu." The Imperative Duty of Christians in these troublous times, considered and urged affectionately. By W. Mason. Printed at Brecon. (A note states that a commendatory letter by "Thos. Coke, South Petherton, Somersetshire, February 26, 1776," (Dr. Coke) was prefixed to the work). 1776. " Drych olwg ar Dir Angof; neu Farwnad y Pendefig Mr Philip Williams, mab y Pendefig Mr John Williams o Ben-arth yn Sir Forganwg, yr hwn a ymadawodd a'r Byd hwn, Awst 16 dydd yn 27oed yn y flwyddyn 1775, &c. Gan Dafydd Williams o Sir Forganwg. Aberhonddu : Argraph¬ wyd dros yr Awdwr gan E. Evans, MDCCLXXVI." Elegy to the memory of Mr Philip Williams. By David Williams. Printed at Brecon for the author, by E. Evans, 1776. 1776. Ffarwel Babel, Groesau Canaan ; neu ychdig Hymnau o Fawl i Dduw a'r Oen ac o ddif yrwch i Bererinion Seion ar eu Siwrneu tu ag yno. Gan Rhys Dafydd. Aber¬ honddu : Argraphwyd dros yr awdwr gan E. Evans, mdcclxxvi." Farewell Babylon (?), Welcome Canaan ; or a few Hymns to the Glory of God and of the Lamb, and of solace to Zion's Pilgrims on their journey thitherwards. By Rhys Davies. Printed at Brecon for the author, by E. Evans, 1776. 1777. " Temlum Experientise Apertum, neu ddrws y Society Profiad wedi ei agor o led y pen f el y gallo y sawl a chwennycho edrych i mewn. Mewn saith Dialog ar ddull o ymddiddau rhwng Theophilus ac Eusebius. Gan William Williams. Aberhonddu : Argraphwyd dros yr Awdwr gan E. Evans, 1777." Temlum Experientise Apertum, or the Door of the Society of Experience opened wide so that all who desire may look within. By William Williams (Pantycelyn, evidently). Printed at Brecon for the Author, by E. Evans, 1777. 1777. " Llythyr o annerch i Ieuenyctyd Cymru, i gesio'r Arglwydd tra gellir ei gael ef, &c. Gan John Thomas, Gweinidog yr Efengyl. Argraffwyd yn Nhrefecca yn y flwyddyn 1777. Pris 6d. A Letter to the Youth of Wales, urging them to seek the Lord while he may be found. By John Thomas, minister of the Gospel. Printed at Trevecca, in the year 1777. Price 6d. (A note states that the author was a native of Myddfai, Carmarthenshire, and sometime a student at Lady Huntingdon's College at Trefecca. He was ordained at Caebach, near