"OLD BRECKNOCK CHIPS.' A Column of Antiquarian Chit-Chat relating to the County of Brecknock. NOTES, QUEBIES, AND REPLIES, on Subjects inter¬ esting to Breconshire, must be addressed to EDITOB, Brecon County Times, Brecon. Beal names and addresses must be given in confidence, and MSS. must be written legibly, on one side of the paper only. FEIDAY, SEPT. 9th, 1887. NOTES. BRECONSHIRE GENTRY IN THE TIME OF CHARLES II.—In a large folio volume, in the collection of Joseph Joseph, Esq., F.S.A., and pub¬ lished by Richard Blome, in the year 1677 (two hundred years ago) will be found the following :— "List of the Nobility and Gentry which are, or lately were, resident in the Countie of Brecknock, with their Estates and Titles, by which they are, or have been, known ":— Will: Aubrey, of Brecknock, gent. Thos: Bowen, of Talylliu, esq. William Bowen, of the same, gent. William Bowen, of Llangaste, gent. Barth: Games, of Tregaer, gent. John Games, of Llanvigan, gent. Lewis Gunter, of Gilston, gent. Thomas Gunter, of St. Michael, gent. John Gunter, of Trevecka, gent. Rowland Gwynne, of Tymaure, esq. George Gwynne, of Llanelwy, esq. John Gwynne, of Glyn Tawy, esq. Marmaduke Gwynne, of Garth, esq. David Gwynne, of the Park, gent. Edward Herbert, of Crecoel [Orickhowell], esq. John Herbert, ot the same, gent. William Le Hunt, of the same, gent. John Jetieries of Abercuunrick, esq. John Jeffreys, of Lliwell, esq. Jeft'ery Jefteries, of Lliwell, gent. Luelhn Jenkins, of Ystradfeity, gent. David Jenkins, of the Therrow, gent. Edmund Jones, of Buckland, esq., Recorder of Brecknock. William Jones, of Llanvigan, esq. Richard Jones, of Brecknock, gent. Thomas Lane, of Gernevet, esq. Sir William Lewis, of Llangors, Bart. Thomas Lewis, of the same, esq. James Lewis, of the same, esq. Richard Lewis, of Llangattocic, esq. Lodowick Lewis, of Pennant, gent. Sir Richard Lloyd, Knight, Chief Justice of the Counties of Brecknock, Radnor, and Glamorgan. Marmaduke Lloyd, of Creekcadern, esq. William Lloyd, of Wernes, esq. Walter Lloyd, of------------, gent. William Lloyd, of Llangamach, gent. Richard Lucy, of Brecknock, esq. Robert Lucy, of the same, esq. Thomas Mansel, of Penderin, esq. ------------Manwaring, of Brecknock, gent. Jasper Milward, of Talgarth, esq. John Milward, of the same, gent. Boger Milward, of------------, gent. William Morgan, of Therrewe [Dderw], esq. Lewis Morgan, of Tretower, esq., one of the Attorney Generals of the King for South Wales. William Morgan, of Newton, esq. John Morgan, of Llanddetty, esq. Jo: Morgan, of Werno (?), gent. ' The Right Noble James, duke, marquess, and earl of Ormond, earl of Ossery and Brecknock, viscount Thurles, baron of Arklow and Llanthony, Lord High Steward of His Majesty's Household, Chancellor of the University of Oxford, and one of the Lords of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Councel. James Parry, of Trostrey, gent. William Philips, of Brecknock, gent. Hugh Powel, of Castle Madock, esq. Edward Powel, of Maesmawr, esq. John Powel, of Brecknock, esq. John Powell, of Penkelly, gent. Howe Powel, of Gwenddwr, gent. William Powel, of the Tower, gent. Sir Herbert Price, of Brecknock, Bart. Rees Price, esq., of------------ Richard Price, of Brecknock, gent. Samuel Prichard, of Llangamarch, gent. Edward Proger, esq., Knight of the Treasury and Groom of His Majesty's bedchamber. Henry Proger, of Gwernvalde [Gwernvale], esq., one of His Majesty's equerries. Charles Roberts, of Brecknock, gent. Edward Ramsey, of Crecoel, esq. Henry Rumsey, of Llangenney, esq. William Saunders, of Brecknock, gent. Henry Stedman, of Brecknock, esq. John Stedman, of Dolegare, esq. Thomas Street, of Brecknock, esq., one of His Majesty's Justices of the Great Sessions for the County. Walter Vaughan, of Treboniatt [Trebarried], esq. William Vaughan, of Myrthir, gent. Sir Walter Williams, of Guernevet, Bart. Henry Williams, of Cabalva, esq. Thomas Wdliams, of Abercamlase, esq. John Williams, of Comdu, esq. John Williams, of the same, esq. Thomas Williams, of Twgoed [Tregoyd], esq. Edward Williams, of Guarnvigin, gent. Henry Williams, of Llangunneder, gent. Richard Williams, of Aberbrame [Aberbran], gent. William Winter, of Brecknock, gent. The Editoe. QUERIES. THE LAWS OF HOWEL DDA.—In Donovan's South Wales (Vol. n), 180o, it is stated in a foot¬ note '' that the public became conversant with the laws of Howel Dda, through the literary labours of Dr. Wootton, who, assisted by the Rev. Moses Williams, in 1730, published a good edition of them from materials collected from several old copies, and methodically distributed into a more connected and compendious form." The Rev. Moses Williams was Vicar of Defynnock, Breck¬ nockshire, from 1716-1732. Will someone say where this edition was printed, and by whom, and whether in English or Welsh ? Jaeco II. RECORDER OF BRECKNOCK.—When was this ancient office abolished, and who was the last Recorder of Brecon? Who succeeded Edward Morgan, the Recorder appointed in 1787, and how many recorders of Brecon have there been since Edward Morgan ? Beeconiensis. THE "BOROUGH" OF TALGARTH.—In a recent report in the Beecon County Times of the opening of a town clock at Talgarth the place is described as a " borough." By what right is it so described, and where is its charter P Rhydgoch. SELLING HOPS AT BRECON.—Mr George Lipscomb made a tour into South Wales in 1799, and of Brecon he observes :—" In the middle of the " town stands the Market House, a respectable 1' building, where we saw large quantities of hops " exposed for sale; and there are manufactories of "cloth and of cotton stockings carried on here." When did the hop market cease to exist, and in what part of the county were the hops grown that were exposed for sale at Brecon market ? Ageicola.