'OLD BRECKNOCK CHIPS.' A Column of Antiquarian Chit-Chat relating to the County of Brecknock. NOTES, QUERIES, AND REPLIES, on Subjects inter¬ esting to Breconshire, must be addressed to EDITOR, Bbecon County Times, Brecon. Real names and addresses must be given in confidence, and MSS. must be written legibly, on one side of the paper only. FEIDAY, AUGUST 12th, 1887. JSOTES. BOOKS PRINTED IN BRECONSHIRE. (Continued from July 29th, 1887.) 1771. Trysorfa Auraidd i Blant Duw, trysor y rhai B.ydd yn y nefoedd; yn cynnwys Testynau dewisedig o'r Beibl, a sylwiadau ysbrydol a phrofiadol, am bob dydd yn y flwyddyn. Ysgrifenwyd gan C. H. V. Bogatsky. Yngbyda a Hymnau a ddewiswyd at bob un o honynt, o -wraith y Dr Watts. Trefecca : Argraffwyd dros y Cyfieithydd yn y flwy¬ ddyn, 1771. " Golden Treasury for the Children of God, whose riches" (treasures) "are in heaven, containing chosen texts from the Bible, &c, for every day in the year. By C. H. V Bo¬ gatsky. Tosrether with selected hymns from the books of Dr. Watts." This book is that commonly known in English as Bogatsky's " Golden Treasury." Llewyrchiadau Gras o dan yr hen Oruchwy- liacth, mewn Hymnau ar Destynau ysgry- thyrol. Hefydd Lloffion o Hymnau 'r Dr Watts yn perthyn i'r llyfr Trysorfa Auraidd, &c. Gan J. T. Trefecca: Argraphwyd dros yr Awdwr, m.tjcc.lxxi. " Gleams of Grace under the Old Dispensation, in the form of Hymns on Scriptural Sub¬ jects. Also Gleanings from the Hymns of Dr. Watts contained in ' The Golden Treasury, &c' " 1772. Gorfoledd y Cristion, mewn Pregeth Milan o'r Gal. vi. 14., a gyfieithwyd i'r Gymraeg gan gurad yn Neheubarth. Allan o Saesonaeg yParchedig J. Harvey. Periglor Weston Flavell yn Sir Northamton at ba un y chwanegwyd Pregeth arall gan y Cyfieith¬ ydd; 1 Pedr i. 15. Trefecca: Argraffwyd dros y Cyfieithydd, m,dcc,lxxii. " The Christian's joy. A sermon on Gal. vi—14, translated into Welsh by a curate in the South from the English of the Rev. J. Harvey, &c, to which is added another sermon by the Translator, 1 Peter 1—15." Caniadau ar amryw Destvnau. Wedi eu cyfarsoddi ar fesur Cerdd. Gan Sion Llewelyn o Goed-y-Cymer yn y Faenor, sir Frycheiniog, &c. Yr ail argraffiad gyda diwygiad o amryw feiau; at ba un y chwanegwyd rhai Caniadau newyddion. Aberhonddu: Argraffwyd gan E. Evans, yn y Colcg, 1772. Prischwe' cheir.iog. " Songs on various subjects, &c." (I have been unable to discover any mention of the first edition of this work.) 1773. Caniadau y rhai sydd ar y Mor o Wydr, Ac., i Frenhin y Saint, &c. Y pedwerydd ar- graphiadj gyda chwanegiad o Hymnau newyddion nad oeddynt yn un o'r argraph- iadau o'i blaen. Gan W. Williams. Aber¬ honddu : Argraphwyd dros yr awdwr gan E. Evans yn y Coleg. Lie gellir oael argraphu pob math o lyfrau arlythyren dda, am bris gweddol m,dcc,lxxiu. (It is, I suppose, almost unnecessary to re¬ mark that the author of this work was Williams, of Pantycelyn.) This work of the immortal Williams, of Pant¬ ycelyn, is founded on Rev. 15—2, 3, and 4. An ill-sounding translation is "The Songs of them that stand on the Sea of Glass." Pregeth ar Ymffrost yn Nghroes Crist. Newydd ei chyfieithu i'r Cymraeg. Tre¬ fecca : Argraffwyd yn flwyddyn m,dcc, lxxiii. " A sermon on boasting in the Cross of Christ." Marwnad ar Farwolaeth Howell Harris, Esq., o Drefecca, yr hwn a ymadawodd o'r Byd, yr 21 o Gorphenhad, 1773. Gan Henry Lloyd. Trefecca: Argraphwyd dros yr awdwr. m,dcc,lxxiii. 1774. Aurora Borealis, neu y Goleuni yn y Gogledd, fel arwydd o lwyddiant yr Efengyl yn y dyddiau diweddaf, &c. Gan Wm. Williams. Yr ail argraffiad. Aberhonddu: Argraph¬ wyd dros yr awdwr gan E. Evans. 1774. " Aurora Borealis, or the Northern Lights, typifying the spread of the Gospel in the latter days." By William Williams. Cennadwri a Thystiolaeth ddiweddaf Howel Harris, yswain. Gyda ychydig o ystyri- aethau ysprydol a bigwyd allan o wahanol fanau yn ei ddyddlyfr, &c. Trefecca. "Last Message and Testimony of Howell Harris, Esq., with spiritual reflections ex¬ tracted from his diary, etc." Bbwynllys. (to be continued.) THE FIRST PRINTING PRESS IN BRE¬ CONSHIRE.—The other day I was talking to an old and respected inhabitant of Brecon (Mr John Williams, of Newton House, Newton, near Bridg¬ end), and he told me that his father had a very strong belief that the first printing press in the county was established in Brecon, and that it was situated in a spacious loft or upper room over the old Christ College school building. Mr John Wil¬ liams distinctly recollects the sale of the old Trefecca printing press and the type, which formerly belong¬ ed to a family of printers named Hughes, of Tal¬ garth. The press and type were bought by one of Mr Williams's apprentices, and for some years were stowed away on premises in Ship street, Brecon. In answer to my further enquiry, Mr Williams in¬ formed me that the Silueian newspaper, printed by himself, was established in Brecon in the year 1836, on the abolition of the iniquitous advertisement duty. The Editob. QUERIES. WELSH LAND MEASURES.—The "equare rood" (often called " the Welsh rood") of 64 square yards is still in use over a larjre part of Radnorshire, and other counties of North Wales and the English borders, and I am anxious to know whether it ex¬ tends into Brecknockshire, and if so, in what parts of the county it is used. Elsewhere, this square rood is chiefly employed for measuring potato grounds, and the lineal rood of 8 yards is sometimes also employed in measuring walling, hedging, and ditching. I also wish to know whether any acre ("erw" or "cyfar") differing in area from the Imperial acre, or any other peculiar and distinctive land-measure, is now, or is known to have been