"OLD BRECKNOCK CHIPS.' A Column of Antiquarian Chit-Chat relating to the County of Brecknock. NOTES, QUEEIES, AND REPLIES, on Subjects inter¬ esting to Breconshire, mast be addressed to EDITOR, Bbeoon County Times, Brecon. Real names and addresses must be given in confidence, and MSS. must be written legibly, on one side of the paper only. FEIDAY, JULY 29th, 1887. NOTES. A BOROUGH CONTEST OF 55 TEARS AGO. —The following is a list of the voters in Brecon who voted in the memorable contest fought on the 12th December, 1832, after the passing of the new Reform Bill. The late Colonel Watkins. of Pennoyre, was the Liberal (and successful) candidate, and "the late Lord Tredegar was the Conservative champion. We believe there is only one voter now alive who took Sart in the contest, viz., Mr Rees Parry, farmer, ►anycrug. The perusal of the list will lead the thoughtful mind to reflections not altogether whole¬ some. We received a letter the other day from an old Breconian, with this sentence in it: "If the late "respected Colonel Lloyd Vaughan Watkins was " now alive, he would open his eyes and make strong "observations upon those J.P.'s who were then all "professing Liberalism, and got made Liberal "magistrates by him." We append the list of voters :— LIST OF THE ELECTORS WHO SO NOBLY ACHIEVED THE INDEPENDENCE OF THE BOROUGH OF BRECKNOCK, ON THE 12th DAY OF DECEMBER, 1832, IN RETURNING LLOYD VAUGHAN WATKINS, Esc, AS THEIR REPRESENTATIVE TO THE FIRST REFORMED PARLIAMENT. BRECKNOCK— Armett Tbos., "Wesleyan minister. Armstrong Thomas, sur¬ geon. Ashford Joseph, Baptist minister. Awbrey George, saddler. Ball William, farmer. Bright Robert, butcher. Brown Wm, shoemaker. Buck Robert, veterinary surgeon. Church Samuel, solicitor. Davies Thomas, currier. Davies Howell, maltster. Davies Rd., shoemaker. Davies David, Cwm Inn. Edwards Hugh, farmer. Edwards Edward, butcher. Esmand Joseph John, accountant. Evans Jno., Baptist minis¬ ter. Evans Thos., shoemaker. Evans Wm., corn factor. Evans Rees, tailor. Evans Evan, smith. Griffiths Thomas, grocer GrifHths Wm., shoemaker. Gunter Thomas, Cock .and Horse Inn. Gwillim Thomas, farmer. Hall James, Swan Inn. Harries Evan, draper. Havard Lewis, Catholic priest. Havard James, maltster Herring James, carpenter. Hodges Peter, ironmonger. Hopkins Stephen, skinner. Hughes William, malster. Jenkins David, draper. Lucas Henry, M.D, Matthews William, draper. Matthews William, miller. Moore Wm., ironfounder, Morrice, John Church, esquire. Morgan James, glazier. Morgan David, glazier. Morgan Thomas, King's Head Inn. Peirce Joseph, accountant. Parry Watkin, Lamb Inn. Parry Rees, farmer. Parry Thomas, smith. Phillips Philip, gent. Powell William, coal mer¬ chant. Powell Richard, draper, <fec. Powell John, weaver. Powell Thos., shoemaker. Powell Aythan, flour mer¬ chant Powell Howell, Crown Inn. Price, Thomas Prothero, draper Price Thomas, auctioneer. Price Llewelin, draper. Price William, gent. Price Thomas, shoemaker. Price, Jeffrey Evan, draper. Price John, wheelwright. Prosser David, carrier. Prothero David, Boar's Head Inn. Rees David, clothier. Routledge Jno., shoemaker. Snead, James Prosser, banker. Stephens William, baker. Thomas Evan, New Buck Inn. Thomas John, farmer. Jenkins John, ropemaker. Jenkins Edward, wine mer¬ chant. Jones, Captain Frederick Jones Thomas, gent. Jones Thomas, tanner. Jones John, baker. Jones Thomas, druggist. Jones John, druggist. Jones John, farmer. Jones John, butcher. Jones John, wheelwright. Jones Thos., wheelwright. Jones William, carpenter. Jones David, carpenter. Jones Rd., boat-builder. Jones Thomas, grocer. Jones Thomas, Queen's Head Inn. Jones William, Angel Inn. Lewis William, clothier. Lewis Evan, smith. Lewis John, currier. Lewis Thomas, farmer. Lloyd John, esquire. Lloyd John, watchmaker. Lloyd David, grocer. Thomas John, senior, sculptor. Trew George, draper. Watkins Lewis, coroner. Watkins, J. L. Vaughan, esquire. Watkins Walter, plumber. Watkins Wm., surveyor. Watkins Jno., wheelwright. Watkins John, tiler. Webb Lewis, saddler. Williams, Wm., stationer. Williams John, Bear Inn. Williams Roger, senior, timber merchant. Williams Thos., druggist. Williams Evan, Rose and Crown Inn. Williams John, grocer. Williams John, tailor. Williams Griffith, watch¬ maker. Williams Walter, iron¬ monger. Williams William, tailor. Winston John, grocer. Wood Oliver, farmer. LLYWEL— Evans William, Bush Inn. No. Polled .............................. 115 Tendered voters ..................... 25 LIST OF THOSE WHO SUPPORTED C. M. R. MORGAN, Esq.., AGAINST THE RE- FORMERS. BRECKNOCK— Abraham Evan, shoe¬ maker. Adam Adams, shoemaker. Batt Thomas, surgeon. Batt, Frederick C, surgeon. Bevan, George Rees, solici¬ tor. Bevan Thomas, sergeant. Bold Hugh, recorder. Bridgewater John, tanner. Bridgewater Thos., esquire. Brock Benj., shopkeeper. Chambers James, hop mer¬ chant. Davies Rd., archdeacon. Davies David, Bush Inn. Davies David, miller. Davies David, sheriff's officer. Davies Richard, carpenter. Dunn Joseph, coal mer¬ chant. Edwards Jonathan, Castle Inn. Evans John, schoolmaster. Gayton Henry, basket maker. Griffiths Thos., carpenter. Griffiths Wm., shoemaker. Hughes Charles, Sun Inn. James James, musician. Jenkins John, boatman. Jones John, clerk. Jones John, solicitor. Jones John, maltster. Jones Jno., cabinet maker. Jones Hugh, auctioneer. Jones Henry, carpenter. Jones Rees, Brecon Arms. Jones Thomas, late of the Bull's Head. Jones William, Bell Inn. Jones William, New Grey¬ hound Inn. Knowles Robert, brick- maker, Lawrence Thos., solicitor. Lloyd Rees, coal agent. Martin William, Fox and Hounds. Mathews Jno. Powell, gent. Maund John, gent. Maybery Walter, solicitor. Meredith Thomas, gent. Moore Francis, shopkeeper. Morgan Edward, letter- carrier. Morgan Josiah, baker. Powell Roger, maltster. Powell Samuel, tinman. Powell Thomas, cabinet maker. Price Benjamin, sergeant. Price, Major David. Price Lemuel, farmer. Price Richard, miller. Price Rees, tiler. Price Wm., wheelwright. Prosser John, writer. Prosser Roger, druggist. Prothero Wm., carpenter. Rees Howell, Coach and Horses. Richards Robert, nailer. Rosser Charles, Green Dragon Inn. Shepherd Mark, New Inn. Sims James, coach maker. Thomas Griffith, tiler. Thomas John, tailor. Thomas John, Struet. Thomas William, chandler. Trew Elijah, butcher. Vaughan Philip, solicitor. Vaughan Thomas, clerk. Vaughan Wm., druggist. Wallace Robert, seedsman, Wathen Richard, toll col¬ lector. Watkins Frederick, book¬ keeper. Watkins Rees, smith. Watkins Thomas, glazier. Webb Thomas, George Inn. Webb William, baker. Williams Aythan, Old Greyhound Inn. Williams David, gardener. Williams Howell, shop¬ keeper. Williams Howell, coal mer¬ chant. Williams Lewis, glazier. Williams Roger, junior, carpenter. Williams Thomas, clerk. Williams Thomas, tailor. Williams William, esquire. Williams William., porter. Williams Wm., labourer. Williams William, junior, mason. Williams William, watch¬ maker. Wilkins John, esquire. Winston David, carpenter.