"OLD BRECKNOCK CHIPS." A Column of Antiquarian Chit-Chat relating to the County of Brecknock, NOTES, QUERIES, AND REPLIES, on Subjects inter¬ esting to Breconshire, must be addressed to EDITOR Bbkcon County Times, Brecon. Real names and addresses must be given in confidence, and MSS. must be written legibly, on one side of the paper only. FEIDAY, JULY 22nd, 1887. THE CHIEF EVENTS IN BKECONSHIKE DUEING THE KEIGN. 1837-1887. [Continued from Issue of July 15th, 1887.] 1885 MrE. A. Wright, J.P., elected mayor of Brecon. Very lively proceedings at the Court Leet dinner in the evening. Monday, Nov. 9th. Grand reception of Mr Maitland, MP., at Bryn- mawr. Torchlight procession. Monday, Nov. 16th. Consecration of Llansaintfread Church by the Lord Bishop of St. David's. This church was built by J. P. W. Gwynne-Holford, Esq. Tuesday, Nov. 17th. Mr Octavius Vaughan-Morgan, M.P., presented with an address by the inhabitants of Glasbury. Dec. 1st. County parliamentary election. W. Fuller Mait¬ land, Esq., returned by a majority of 1502 over the Conservative candidate. Result: Maitland (L), 4784 ; the Hon. Arthur Morgan (C), 3282. Decem¬ ber 2nd. Celebration of the majority of Joseph Henry Russell Bailey, Esq., of Glanusk Park. Grand banquet given by Sir Joseph Russell Bailey, Bart., lord lieutenant of the county, to his tenantry at Builth. Monday, December 28th. 1886 Mounted infantry ball at the Castle Hotel, Brecon. Friday, January 1st. Quarter Sessions. The following gentlemen qua¬ lified as borough magistrates : J. M. Thomas, Esq., National Provincial Bank, Brecon; Richard Webb, Esq., Lion street; Geo. Goss, Esq., the Watton; Charles Francis, Esq., Vennyfach ; and Captain T. C. Bargrave Watkins. No police rate recommended. Rate of 1 Jd. in the £ for gene¬ ral purposes. Arrangements were also made for holding the Court of Quarter Sessions on one day instead of two. Tuesday, January 5th. Rev. Preb. Charles Griffith died at Glyncelin. Vote of condolence passed to Mrs Griffith by the members of the County Roads' Board. January 11th. The County Roads' Board refused to make the road leading from Garth Inn bridge to Beulah a district road by seven votes to three. January. Funeral of the Rev. Preb. Charles Griffith at Talachddu. Saturday, January 16th. Marriage of Miss Evan Thomas, of the Gnoll, with the Rev. J. L Dalton, canon of Windsor and chaplain in ordinary to the Queen, and formerly tutor to Prince Albert Victor and Prince George of Wales. Saturday, January 16th. Lord Chief Justice Coleridge at the Priory Church. "Rorke's Drift" ball and supper at Brecon. January 22nd. Death of Penry Williams, Esq.. J .P., of Penpont. February 4th. Liberal banquet at Hay. Speech by Mr W. Fuller Maitland, MP., on the Irish Question. Speeches by Mr Basil Jayne and other well-known Liberals. Monday, February 4th. By letter dated February 4th. 1886, from Marl¬ borough House, Pall Mall, S.W., written by Sir Dighton Probyn, H.R.H. the Prince of Wales generously stated '' that he would gladly accept a copy of the History of Brecknockshire," written by the editor of the Brecon County Times. Mrs C. Griffith, of Glyncelyn, was presented with a very handsome carriage clock by the congregation and choir of St. Mary's Church, Talachddu, as a token of the esteem and respect for her most valuable services and liberality. Monday, Feb. 8th. Rev. W. Jones Thomas, M.A., died at Llan- thomas. February 6th. Important conference at Brecon on Church Re¬ form. Adjourned sine die ! Tuesday, February 9th. Funeral of Penry Williams, Esq., J.P., of Pen¬ pont, in Penpont Churchyard. Wednesday, Feb¬ ruary 10th. Interment of the Rev. W. Jones Thomas, M A., at Llanigon Church. For nearly 27 years vicar of Llanigon ; J.P. for the counties of Brecon, Here¬ ford, and Radnor. Thursday, February 11th. Inquest on a Nun at Llanthony Abbey. Perilous journey of the jurors Tuesday, February 16th. Funeral of the Rev. Wm. Hughes, M.A., vicar of Ebbw Vale, Monmouthshire Thursday, Feb. 18th. Volunteer banquet at the Wellington Hotel. Presentation to Lieut. F. W. Price. Monday, February 22nd. Mr Cyril Flower, M.P., accepted, at the hands of Mr Gladstone, the post of one of the junior lords of the treasury. February. Rev. W. Oliver, M.A. (formerly professor at the Brecon Memorial College), accepted a hearty and unanimous call to Penbryn Congregational Church, Wrexham. February. Mr J B. Gough, the renowned temperance orator, who lectured in Brecon in 1878, died in this month (February). Volunteer ball at the Castle Hotel, under the auspices of "A" Company Breconshire Volunteers. Monday, March 1st (St. David's day). Brecon March fair. Several tenant farmers " put their heads together " and decided to hold a meet¬ ing at the George Hotel for the purpose, if possible, of "bringing about a reduction in rents all round." March 2nd. T. Wood, Esq., Gwernyfed Park, appointed by Her Majesty's Council at Windsor, to serve as High Sheriff of Breconshire for 1886. Mondav, March 8th. J' First Farmers' meeting at the George Hotel in respect to the reduction of rents. Friday, March 12th. First ordination serviee at the Priory Church, Brecon, within the memory of man Sudden death m the church of Mr Howell Watkins, ironmonger, Llanfaes. Sunday, March 21st. Presentation of a handsome testimonial and illuminated address to Mr E. A. Wright, J.P. (then mayor of Brecon), at the George Hotel by the employees of the Breconshire Coal and Lime Com¬ pany and the Brecon Gas Company, and a few friends. Saturday, March 27th.