"OLD BRECKNOCK CHIPS." A Column of Antiquarian Chit-Chat relating to the County of Brecknock. NOTES, QUERIES, AND REPLIES, on Subjects inter¬ esting to Breconshire, must be addressed to EDITOR, Brecon County Times, Brecon. Real names and addresses must be given in confidence, and MSS. must be written legibly, on one side of the paper only. FRIDAY, JULY 8th, 1887. THE CHIEF EVENTS IN BRECONSHIEE DUBLNG THE KEIGN. 1837-1887. [ Continued from Issue of July 1st, 1887.] 1877 Brecon Railway Station burnt down. Jan. 31st. Talybont "Water Supply — Local Government Board Enquiry. February 13th. Brecon Town Council decided on a Drainage Scheme. March 22nd. Death of the Dean of Llandaff (the Very Rev. Thomas "Williams). April 24th. Accident on the Mid-Wales Railway, near Builth. May 30th. Death of Mr W. Meredyth Thomas, sculptor (brother to the Breconshire sculptor). Sept. loth. Opening of the new Hay British School. January. Resignation of the Chairman of Breconshire Quarter Sessions—Penry Williams, Esq., of Peu- pont. March 26th. The Brecon and Radnor Regiments of Militia amalgamated, with headquarters at Brecon. New title : " The 3rd Battalion South Wales Borderers." Death of Colonel Charles Wood, younger brother of the late Colonel Wood, M.P. for this County. Colonel Wood was wounded at Waterloo. He died on Thursday, the 13th December, in his S8th year. Opening of Builth new Market Hall, by Sir J. R. Bailey, Bart., M.P., Lord Lieut, of the County. November 20th. Foundation stone of Talgarth Market House laid by F. W. A. Roche, Esq., of Tregunter Park. 17th July. Mrs de Winton (now Hon. Mrs. Geoffrey Hill), of Maesllwch Castle, cut the first sod of the Golden Valley Railway at Cae Mawr. September. New Church built at Tretower, by Sir J. R. Bailey, was consecrated by the Lord Bishop of St. David's. December 21st. Death of the Rev. David Parry, known as "Parry of Llywel." October 22nd. New Chapel built at Kensington, Brecon. High Sheriff for the Couuty, the late George Overton, Esq., J.P. and D.L. The Hon. Arthur Morgan qualified as J.P. for the County. In this year the Erwood Bridge over the Wye was opened for traffic ; it was built by a public company, which was incorporated during the previous session. The first directors were : J. Williams-Vaughun. Esq. (chairman), Sir J. R. Bailey, Bart.. M.P.. E. D. Thomas, Esq., C. A. Otway, Esq., John Williams- Vaughan, junr., Esq., and W. Powel, Esq. The works were executed by Messrs. Thomas and Carver, of Llanidloes and the plans and specifications were prepared and the works superintended by S. W. Williams, Esq., Civil Engineer, Rhayader. This bridge is of great public utility, and has supplied a long felt want. 1878 The "Reserve Contingent" of the 3rd Battalion South Wales Borderers embodied, owing to the threatening aspect of the Eastern Question. Rev. John Daniel Williams, M.A., resigned the head mastership of Christ College, Brecon. New Waterworks provided for Talybont. Talgarth Market Opened, free of toll. Brecon County Prison Closed. August 31st. High Sheriff for the County, Col. T. Conway Lloyd, Dinas. 1879 Death of Baron Cleasby, at Penuoyre, in the 75th year of his age. October 6th. William Bevan, of Penrheol, near Talgarth, was buried in Talgarth Churchyard, aged 105^ years. Bevan's baptism will be found recorded in the Glasbury Register, under date " March,1774 " (September 16th). The New Buildings of the Elmund Jones's Charity completed at Brecon, in April. Rev. D. Lewis Lloyd appointed Head Master of Christ College, Brecon. January. Isandlwahna Massacre. January 22nd. High Sheriff of the County, David Evans, Esq., J.P., Ffrwdgrecn. C. PI. de Winton, Esq., qualified as a county J.P. December 31st. 1880 The Royal Commission on " Higher and Intermediate Education in Wales " visited Brecon and took evidence on December 14th and loth. The Commissioners were: Lord Aberdare, Sir Hugh Owen, Lord Emlyn, M.P., Mr Henry Richard, M.P., Canon Robinson, Mr Lewis Morris (Poet), and Prof. Rhys. Sir Stafford Northcote (the late Lord Iddesleigh) the Conservative leader in the House of Commons, visited Brecon on November 27th. Severe Thunderstorm and loss of life at Talgarth. July 17th. Re-opening of Llanspyddid Church by the Bishop of St. David, after restoration. July 9th. The Breconshire Battalion of Rifle Volunteers re-organized into a new Consolidated Battalion. Total complement: 800 men. Date of Order, 30th March. Death of the Rev. Father Havard, at Lisbon, in the 74th year of his age. November 16th. Presentation of Colours to the 2nd Battalion 24th Regiment, at Gibraltar. August 6th. Completion of the Brecon Drainage Works. Cost of actual works, without land. £7621 8s. lOd. Messrs. Gotto and Beesley's certificate of comple¬ tion is dated 10th February. Brecon County Prison Re-opened, after having been closed by order of the Secretary of State.. July 1st. Watergate Baptist Chapel Re-built. W. Fuller Maitland, Esq., again returned as Parliamentary representative of the County, by a majority of 260 over his Conservative antagonist (the Hon. A. Morgan). Cyril Flower, Esq., returned as M.P. for the Borough of Brecon by a majority of 59 over J.P. "W.