ro "OLD BRECKNOCK CHIPS:' A Column of Antiquarian Chit-Chat relating to the County of Brecknock. NOTES, QUERIES, AND REPLIES, on Subjects inter¬ esting to Breconshire, must be addressed to EDITOR, Bbecon County Times, Brecon. Real names and addresses must be given in confidence, and MSS. must be written legibly, on one side of the paper only. FRIDAY, JUNE 17th, 1887. NOTES. BRECKNOCK MILITIA IN 1757.—On the first of May, 1757, an Act was passed " for the better ordering of the Militia Forces in the several counties of that part of Great Britain called England." By its provisions the Lord Lieutenant of each county was to have the chief command of the militia thereof. Every deputy-lieutenant or colonel must be possessed of £400 per annum in lands ; a lieutenant-colonel or major, £300 ; a captain, £200 ; a lieutenant, £100 ; an ensign, £50 per annum. By this Act the county of Brecknock had to raise 160 men. The Lord Lieutenant of Brecknock at that time was Thomas Morgan, Esq., Member for Monmouthshire. The Act was to remain in force for five years. The Editor. CO. OF BRECON.—MUSTER ROLLS. —Indenture dated 14 May, 43 Elizabeth, shewing the names of 15 men delivered by the Sheriff and Justices of the Peace for the above County unto Henry Aubrey, gent., to be by him conveyed to the port of West Chester for service in Ireland (1 membrane). Indenture dated 17 October, 43 Elizabeth, showing the names and dwellings of 50 men raised in the above county and delivered to Harry Aubrey, conductor, to be by him conducted to Bristol for service in Ireland (1 membrane). Z. Indenture, 44 Elizabeth, showing the names and dwelling places of 50 footmen pressed out of the above county, and delivered by John Gaines (1), High Sheriff of the County, to Edward Gaines, to be by him conducted to Bristol, and committed to the care of authorized persons for Her Majesty's Service (one membrane in good condition.) (1) ? Games. LOCAL RECORDS OF THE PAST. Taken from the Universal Magazine for the years 1754-7. July, 1754.—Promoted : John Jeffreys, esq., to the office of Keeper of the Change and money within His Majesty's Tower of London, and Keeper of the coinage of gold and silver within that part of his Majesty's Kingdom of Great Britain, called England. Can anyone say whether this Jeffreys belonged to the Abercunrig or Llywel family ? September, 1754.—Married : Charles Van, junr., esq., of Llanwern, in Monmouth¬ shire, to Miss Kitty Morgan, daughter to Colonel Morgan, of Ruperra, the present member for the county of Brecon. This Mr Van became member for the borough of Bre3on—1774-78. January, 1755.—Died : Richard Carter, Esq., Chief Justice of the several counties of Glamorgan, Brecon, and Radnor. April 2nd, 1755.— Brecon Assizes at Brecon (Wednesday). Judges : The Hon. John Williams, Esq., and John Harvey, esq. High Sheriff: Thomas Price, of Talgarth, esq[. April, 1755.—Died : Right Hon. Edward Harley, Earl of Oxford, and Earl Mortimer and Baron Harley of Wig- more, and Doctor of Laws. (Relative of the Hon. Mrs Harley, of Trebarried, county Brecon.) December, 1756. — Promoted : Gwyn Vaughan to be one of His Majesty's Commissioners for managing and caus¬ ing to be levied and collected all and singular his Majesty's Customs, etc., in England. July, 1756.—Married: The Right Hon. the Earl of Ashburnham, to Miss Crawley, daughter of Mr Crawley, ironmonger! February, 1757.—Sheriff appointed by his Majesty for the county of Brecon— Lewis Pryse, of Llangorse, esq. August, 1766.—Promoted: The Right Hon. Charles, Lord Camden, to be Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain. The Editor. QUERIES. THE VAUGHANS OF TYLEGLAES. —Are any of the present Brecknockshire Vaughans descended from the Philip Vaughan of " Tylleglasse " (Tyleglaes) who derived from Eynon ap Llowachy, Lord of Tylle¬ glasse, who married Taughlust, daughter to Lord Rees, Prince of South Wales. Also, where is Tyleglaes, and is it a village or an estate only ? E.A.C. Lower Leigh, Street.