"OLD BRECKNOCK CHIPS.' A Column of Antiquarian Chit-Chat relating to the County of Brecknock. NOTES, QUERIES, AND REPLIES, on Subjects inter¬ esting to Breconshire, mast be addressed to EDITOR Bbeoon County Times, Brecon. Real names and addresses must be given in confidence, and MSS. must be written legibly, on one side of the paper only. FRIDAY, MAT 6th, 1886. NOTES. BRECKNOCKSHIRE AUTHORS AND WORKS PRINTED IN BRECKNOCK¬ SHIRE.—We are greatly pleased to publish the following valuable contribution just received from America from our old friend, Mr Henry Blackwell, of New York. Mr Blackwell is quite an euthusiast on Welsh Books printed in the English language, and so earnest has he been in collecting, that he has in a few years collected a valuable library of 1000 volumes, exclusively of works printed in the English language relating to " Wales and the Welsh." Mr Blackwell writes :— The copies of your "Brecknockshire" came to hand safe. Allow me to congratulate you on its completion: you have done your task right nobly, and have made a name for yourself that will not be easily forgotten in the future history of Welsh literature. Your work is well arranged, and evidently done with considerable skill and care. Although not on a scale with the history written by " Jones," which is more of a work for students and antiquarians, and is by no means a people's history, which your work is. The price is reasonable, and the general get up is exceedingly good. The "Appendices" is a good idea, and of the highest value. The one which I consider the best is the '' Bibliography of county authors and works printed in Brecknockshire." This you seem to have done creditably—it might, however, have been fuller, and may I add, better. However, for a commencement it is satisfactory, and you have begun well. One thing I admit, you have done what no other county author in Wales has attempted to do. The Welsh are sadly behind in their accounts of books—we have no Allibone, Sahin, Lowndes, or Brunet— Rowlands I don't admire ; it is not perfect; by no means, to my idea, satisfactory—the great hindrance to Rowlands is the language—what we want is a Bibliography worthy of the Welsh and in the English language; of course the Welsh books should be noted as they appear on the titles; the notes should be in the English language. Who is going to write up a Cambrian Bibliography up to date ? There are materials in abundance for a good Bibliography—no country, in fact, have more than the Welsh in this particular. I shall enumerate a few storehouses: "Cambrian Journal, Archaelogia Cambrensis, Rowlands, Traethodydd, Journals of the various English and Welsh Societies, Salisbury coUection in the Cardiff College, Robert Jones' collection in the Royal Institution of South Wales, Revue Celtica, Periodical list in the Transactions of the Cardiff Eisteddfod, and the many private coUections here and there—Oxford, Cambridge, Aberystwith Colleges, etc., etc., etc. I would suggest that you prepare for publication a little work devoted entire to a perfect "Biblio¬ graphy of Brecon," making it as full as possible and arranged chronologically—giving all the works of Howell—and footnotes stating how many editions were printed; also full particulars of all the writings of John Hughes, Jane Williams, T. J. L. Pritchard, Dr. Coke, and all those authors that have published many works. You state that the second edition of Evans' " Modern Enthusiasm" was published in 1759—my copy has 1757 on the title. Phillips' " Wales " was published in 1849, not 1850, as you state. Hughes' '' Essay on the Welsh Language'' was published, London, 1822, not 1823, as you have it, unless there was a second edition published in the year you name. [I have just discovered that an edition was printed in Brecon, 1823.] There are considerable works published in Breconshire, and also by natives, that you have no mention of in your Bibliography, as you will find by the list I now enumerate. Br—si—y Triumphant over Tyrants and Toad- eaters, pimps and pickpockets, a pilfering poet, and a paltry p—rs—n. Keep thy hands from picking and stealing and thy tongue from evil speaking, lying and slandering. Ch. Catechism. Fcap. 4to. 24pp. 15th edition. Brecknock, 1783. The title has no place of publication or date, but the work shows that it was published in Brecknock, and the date was 1783. It is a curious work, and a work that I have never heard of another copy. It is a skit on a parson who entered a Court-room in Brecon and stole a copy of a particular Act. A Seimon on Natural Theology, preached at St. Mary's, in Brecon, on Sunday, February 11th, 1834, and published at the request of his parishioners by the Rev. Richard Davies. Demy 8vo. 20pp. London, 1834. Countess of Huntingdon's College; Instituted 1768, at Talgarth, South Wales; Removed 1792, to Cheshuut, Hertfordshire ; supported by Voluntary Contributions. Demy 12mo., plate, 39pp. London, 1820. Rules and Orders of the Court of Chancery of the Great Sessions for the several Counties of Clam- organ, Brecon, and Radnor. Post 4to, 65pp. Brecon, 1818. The Life and Times of Howell Harris, the First Itinerant Preacher in Wales, whose labours were very extraordinary and successful. By the Rev. Edward Morgan. Demy 12mo. 298pp. Holy¬ well, 1852. This edition contains a preface by John Buhner, who, in 1824, published a life of Howell Harris, which edition was sold out within two months. O Groed-y-Cymmer yn y Faynor, Sir Frecheiniog, gyd a Naw o Hymnau duwiol, ar amryw destynau, Cynnwys i'w canu mewn Addoliad Cyhoeddus. Demy 12mo. 60pp. Caerfyrddin, 1791. Our Holy and Beautiful House: a Sermon preached in the Church of the Heavenly Rest, New York City, on Sunday, April 4th, 1886. By the Rev. D, Parker Morgan. Published by the Wardens and Vestry. Royal 16mo. 21pp. New York, 1886. This Easter sermon was an appeal for money towards the reduction of the debt on the church by the popular assistant rector, a native of Brecon ; and was so effective that the collection amounted to 18,000 dols. (£3,600). There are few Welshmen in America to equal Dr. Morgan. His talents are recognised in America ; and thanks to no Church and State in America—he was recently unanimously elected rector of one of the best Episcopal churches in