"OLD BRECKNOCK CHIPS.' A Column of Antiquarian Chit-Chat relating to the County of Brecknock. NOTES, QUERIES, AND REPLIES, on Subjects inter¬ esting to Breconshire, must be addressed to EDITOR Brecon County Times, Brecon. Real names and addresses must be given in confidence, and MSS. must be written legibly, on one side of the paper only. FEIDAY, APEIL 8th, 1887. NOTES. PAEISH OF LLANELLY, BBECK- NOCKSHIEE. It may interest your readers to know that in addition to this parish being the most populous in the county, it contains the finest scenery in the county without a doubt. This was the testimony of the distinguished Carnhuanawc (late Eev. T. Price, vicar of Cwmdu), when he was curate in charge of this parish between 1810 and 1817. On another occasion I will furnish your readers with a sketch of its scenery. Eev. Kilsby Jones in a recent article in the Geninen on " Some of the beauties of Brecknockshire," truthfully observes that between Crickhowell and Abergavenny (which takes in a portion of this parish) the scenery is of such a character that nature appears here at her best! More again. SIE BAETLE FEEEE.—This distin¬ guished statesman and ambassador was born in this parish, at Clydach House, and several of the older inhabitants re¬ member him well. A short time before his death he visited the place of his birth and referred to many interesting events that occurred when he was a boy. His family did much for the parish and were highly esteemed. He loved his country and de¬ voted his short career to the service of his Sovereign. Peace to his dust! SIE THOMAS PHILLIPS.—This dis¬ tinguished Welshman and loyalist was also born in this parish, at Ynisygarth, Clydach. He was created a Knight in con¬ sideration of his eminent services as Mayor of Newport, during the Chartist riots. His nephew (T. Phillips Price, Esq.), is the member of Parliament for North Monmouth¬ shire. JOHN WILLIAMS, PANTYCELYN— I observed in a recent issue that "Brwynllis " states that a relative of his now alive heard the Eev. John Williams, at Talgarth Chapel. I beg to state that the Eev. David Miles, of this parish (a venerable and highly respected Calvinistic Methodist Minister, still living) received the communion from the hands of Mr Williams, when very young, at Danycastle Chapel, Crickhowell. PEINTING PEESS AT TEEVECCA.— During the latter part of the last and earlier portion of the present century, there existed in the village of Trevecca, a printing press of considerable importance. I have several books now in my possession which were printed there. " The Life and Times of the eminent Howell Harris," by Nathan Hughes (father of Eev. John Eichard Hughes, Eevivalist, of Anglesey, who, by the way, was born at Trevecca), together with a monthly periodical and other valuable works were printed there. The old Prophet of Pontypool, Eev. Edmund Jones, frequently refers to the Printing Press at Trevecca, and took several special journeys there with " copy " to be printed. Edmund Jones died about 1794. More in my next. METHODIST. Gwent House, Llanelly, March 29th, 1887. A BEECONSHIEE WILL.—The follow¬ ing is a copy of an old Breconshire Will, from the parish of Llanhamlach, near Brecon:— In the name of God, Amen, I Jesse Vaughan, of the parish of Llanhamlach, in the county of Brecon, yeoman, being of sound mind, memory, and under¬ standing, do make and publish this my last will and testament in life in the manner and form following (that is to say) : I do hereby charge and make chargeable on my real and personal estate with payment of all my just debts, medical, and funeral expenses. First, I give and bequeath unto my sister, Martha Vaughan, the sum of twenty shill¬ ings to be paid her in 12 months next after my decease. Also I give and bequeath unto my Sister, Magdalen Powell, wife of Wm. Powell, the sum of one shilling to be paid her in six months next after my decease. The residue I give, devise, and bequeath unto my beloved wife, Martha Vaughan, all my personal estate whatsoever and wheresoever, to her sole and proper use forever, and also I give and bequeath unto my said wife the house wherein I now dwell, and all manner of rents, houses, and outhouse appurtenant and thereto belonging and in any wise appertaining to her sole and proper use and her assigns during her natural life, and immediately after her decease to my kinsman, Grwynne Vaughan, of the parish of Llansaintffread, in as large and ample manner as I now hold the same, to him, his heirs, and assigns forever. I do hereby give, devise, and bequeath all my other real and personal estate whatsoever unto my said wife, Martha Vaughan, her executors, administrators, and assigns, for ever. And I do hereby nominate, constitute, and appoint my said wife sole executrix under this my will, and I do hereby revoke all former and other wills by me made and executed, and do declare this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I the said administrator, Jesse Vaughan, do set my hand and seal this 20th day of January, in the year of our Lord 1776. The X mark of Jesse Vaughan. Signed, sealed, and declared in the presence of David Price, Rice Pbice, William Moegan. Theo. Jones, Not. Pub. and Dy. Registrar.