"OLD BRECKNOCK CHIPS." A Column of Antiquarian Chit-Chat relating to the County of Brecknock. NOTES, QUERIES, AND REPLIES, on Subjects inter¬ esting to Breconshire, must be addressed to EDITOR, Brecon County Times, Brecon. Real names and addresses must be given in confidence, and MSS. must be written legibly, on one side of the paper only. DECEMBER 31st, 1886. NOTES. CHRIST COLLEGE MINUTE BOOK— 1766—1803. (Continued from December 10th 8f 24th). £ s. d. Paid David Jones, clerk's salary, due Michaelmas, 1786........10 0 Paid cleaning the Colledge Church .. 0 2 6 1787. Paid for tiles, 500......0 12 6 23rd March. Paid for a Common Prayer Book........13 0 1790. Paid Parish Clerk of Colledge ..100 No further minute till 1800. 1st Nov. Paid Edward Jones, car¬ penter, for making desk at Colledge 0 12 0 1803. 28th Feb. Paid Thomas Watkins and Edward, for pulling down the bell and the stone cross .. ..026 Paid Chapter Clerk......2 0 0 1780. 21st May. Received of Mr Vincent by Mr Richard Powell, £2 12s. 8d., being eight years taxes due for Llandysillio prebend, at 6s. 7d. per year. 1799. 8th Sept. Mr Payne read in for Boughrood (This was Canon Payne). 1803. 8th Oct. Wm. Allayne Barker, clerk, was installed to the prebend of St. Harmon on Saturday, by Chas. Griffith, clerk, and on Sun¬ day, the 9th, he read the morning and evening prayers, and the conformity to the Liturgy, etc. —Signed by Theo. Jones. 1804. June 10th. John Williams, Ystradmeuric, clerk, read in for Trallong. 1807. 31st May. Rev. John Williams, Laugharne, read in for Llanarthney. Dr. Crucius never acknowledged the payment of prebends fees at all—he paid nothing, but received £106 13s. 4d. from 1766-74 (eight years). The " assessment " was paid pretty regular by the prebendaries up to 1772, when several ceased to pay, and in the year 1785 "the Lord Bishop of St. David's" ceased paying, the only payments in that year being:— Trallong—Mr Newton .. ..50 Clyro—Mr Ball .. .. .. 3 10 Llandegley—Mr Griffith, Brecon .. 2 9 Llandilo-graban — Mr Williams, Brecon .. .. ..25 Moughtrey—Dr. Holcombe, Saint David's .. .. ..2 0 Boughrood—Mr Hugh Jones .. 0 6 Eight shillings and ninepence was all the fees received in 1793 ; this was reduced to 5s. in 1794 when Prebendary Williams for Trallong was the only one out of the 22 pre¬ bends who " paid up." Your readers know pretty well what was the state of the collegiate establishment when the Charity Commis¬ sioners reported on it in 1836, and I have a few notes bearing upon its sad state some years later, but I must reserve them for another week. (To be continued). LIST OP COMMISSIONERS [1689-90] for raising Taxes in the County and Borough of Brecknock 2nd William and Mary: the county of Brecknock was requisitioned to find "the sum of five hundred and fifty-five pounds and elevenpence." The Commis¬ sioners were to meet together " at the most usual and common place of meeting within each of the said counties " on or before Jannary 15th next following, and they were to report to the Receiver-General:— Fob the County of Brecknock. Charles, Lord Marquess of Worcester (son and heir-apparent of the Duke of Beaufort i, William Williams, Esq. (high sheriff), Sir Walter Williams, Sir Thomas Williams, Sir Edward Williams, Sir Rowland Gwynne, Bushey Mansell, Thomas Morgan, John Lewis (of Coedmore), Richard Williams, Jeffrey Jeffreys, Charles Morgan, Edward Jones, Thomas Walker, John Jeffreys, Daniel Williams, Walter Vaughan, John Morgan, Marmaduke Gwynne, Edward Lewes, Philip Parry, Richard Jeffreys, John Stedman, Charles Lloyd, Lewis Jones, Francis Lloyd, John Walbeoffe, Walter Williams, Robert Lucy, William Bowen, John Gwynne, John Lewis (of Llangorse), William Jones, Jasper Meller, Reece Pryce, James Donne, Richard Watkins, Saunder Saunders, Howell Powell, Morgan Watkins, James Parry. Thomas Williams (of Abercamlais), Samuel Prichard, Richard Williams (of Aberbrane), Robert Rumsey, Charles Powell, Henry Jones, Gwynne Vaughan, Bartholomew Gimes, Thomas Powell (of Maes- maur), Marmaduke Lloyd, Walter Vaughan (of Tretower), Edward Williams, Charles Williams (of Llangynider), Edward Games (of Kuy), Hugh Penry, Richard Williams, junior (of Aberbrane), William Watkins (of Penyworlod). Lewis Lloyd, Thomas Gwynne, Henry Vaughan, William Phillips, William Williams (of Battle), John Maddocks, Lewis Havard, James Watkins (of Shephouse), Thomas Bo wens, William Lloyd, Morgan Price, Thomas Jones (of Tredwstan), John Rumsey, Howell Morgan, Edward Williams, William Awbrey (of Brecon), William Watkins, John Phillips, Edward Price. Foe the Town of Beecon. The Bailiff, Recorder, and Aldermen for the time being, Sir Rowland Gwynne, Knight, Sir Walter Williams, Baronet, Jeffrey Jeffryes, Thomas Morgan'Richard Williams (of Cabalva), Edward Jones, John Jeffreys, Charles Morgan, John Walters, Daniel Williams, William Phillips, Saunders Saunders, Lodowicke Lewis, Henry Jones, Esqrs., William Wynter, John Price, John Jeffreys, Henry Thomas, gentlemen, Edward Hughes, Esq., William Williams, Daniel Price, and Meredith James, gentlemen. Supplemental fob the County of Bbeoon. The Honourable William Ashburnharo, Esq., son and heir-apparent to the Right Honourable the Lord Ashburnham, John Herbert, rector of Llambider (Llanbedr).—Act IV. William III.