"OLD BRECKNOCK CHIPS." A Column of Antiquarian Chit-Chat relating to the County of Brecknock. NOTES, QUEEIES, AND REPLIES, on Subjects inter¬ esting to Breconshire, must be addressed to EDITOR, Brecon County Times, Brecon. Real names and addresses must be given in confidence, and MSS. must be written legibly, on one side of the paper only. DECEMBER 24th, 1886. NOTES. CHRIST COLLEGE MINUTE BOOK— 1766—1803. {Continued from December \0th). 1769. 24th November. Received of Charles Vaughan, Esq , ... for his ladies grave in the College Church at Brecon. 1770. 20th March. Received of John Bullock Lloyd, Esq., for the grave of his lady in the College Church. 1770. oth November. Received of Mrs Joan Gwyn for her sister, Mrs Harvey, within the walls of the College Church. 1776. 21st August. Received of Mr Hughes, by Mr David Jeffreys, the sum of ten shillings, being what he is pleased to give me for taking care of his prebend. (Signature, hardly decipherable, Edward Davies). 1778. College fees. Annual salary for collecting, 20s. For the instalment of every prebend, 20s. £ s. d. 1781. 27th November. Received then of Howell Gwynne, Esq., by the hands of Mr John Rusbatch, six years taxes for Llanelweth (Llanelwedd) from Mich¬ aelmas, 1774, to Michaelmas, 1779, at Is. lid. per year .. .. ..097 1782. 1st March Received of Mrs Jeffreys, for the burying of Marma- duke Gwyn, Esq , in the body or walls of the College Church at Rrecon .. 0 6 8 1782 1st October. Received for demese of Llanthew Mill, ditto for Llanthew Castle, Nantgunllo .. .. .. 2 16 8 To the lecturer of the College Church of Brecon (Llangammarch prebend; 0 10 0 1782. 27th December. Received for the burial of Mr Thomas Price, in the College Churchyard .. .. ..068 1783. March 22nd. Paid for a bell rope for the Colledge and fastning.. ..046 Paid for a reading pulpit .. ..026 Candles when Mr Barker read evening service .. .. .. ..006 Paid Clerk's salary for 1783 .. .. 1 0 0 Paid Clerk's salary for 1784 .. ..100 Paid for a new reading desk, the old one being thought too ordinary .. 0 5 0 Received for the burying of the Rev. Mr F. Vaughan ".......2 0 0 Paid for laying the stone over his grave even with the old flagstones below the ---------■, by the vicar's doure .. .. .. ... ..010 Paid carpenter for supporting the panels of the wainscoat ..... 0 7 0 Paid David Jones, clerk's salary, due Michaelmas, 1785 ... .. ... 1 0 0 (To be continued). BRECON MAGISTRATES AND COM¬ MON COUNCIL IN 1812. Borough N Justices and Magistrates of the said Borough : Hugh Bold, Esq., bailiff, coroner, and Escheator of our Sover¬ eign Lord the King, and one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace of the said Borough. of Brecon and Town of Llywel. J Edward Morgan, Esq., Recorder of the said Borough, and one of His Majesty's Justices. John Lloyd, Esq., one of the Aldermen of the said Borough, and one other of His Majesty's Justices ; and the Rev. David "Williams, one other of the Alder¬ men of the said Borough, and one other of His Majesty's Justices. Common Council Men of the said Borough : Sir Charles Morgan, Bart. Henry Davies, Esq. Edward Morgan, Esq. Hugh Bold, Esq. Rev. Richard Davies. Rev. Thomas James. Samuel Homphreys, Esq. Rowley Lascelles, Esq. Thomas Meredith, Esq. William Williams, Esq. Rev. Thomas Cooke. Rev. David "Williams. John Lloyd, Esq. , and ) John Church, gent Thomas Bold, gent "William Watkins Charles Thomas John Jones Thomas Williams James Davies Thomas Gunter James Jones Abraham Miller William Price David Prothero William Williams John Prothero John Watkins John Jones William Griffiths Walter Prosser Thomas Watkins John Bevan William Williams Edward Prosser Richard Smith William Griffith Chamberlains of the said borough. CanterceUy. > Heolrhydd. } Watton. > Morganwg. | Ship street. > Llanfaes. | Old Port Superior. > ditto Inferior. > High street, Superior. ditto Inferior. Saint Mary. Trecastle. Thomas Robert Nicholas, senr. | Thomas Robert Nicholas, junr. ) Thomas Phillips, tollkeeper east, west, north, and south. William Davies, searcher and sealer of leather. Inscribed, Brecon Borough Epiphany Quarter Sessions, 16th January, 1812. VALUE of PROPERTY at BRONLLYS 200 YEARS AGO.—The following trans¬ cript of an old receipt for money will be interesting :— m June, the second day, A.D. 1679. Received then of John Morgan, of Wenallt, in the County of Brecon, Esquire, the whole and just sume of two hundred and forty pounds of lawfull English money in full payment and sattisfaction of two hundred and seventy pounds in satisfaction, and being the consideration for the Castle and Castle