"OLD BRECKNOCK CHIPS." A Column of Antiquarian Chit-Chat relating to the County of Brecknock. NOTES, QUEEIES, AND REPLIES, on Subjects inter¬ esting to Breconshire, must be addressed to EDITOR, Bbecon County Times, Brecon. Real names and addresses must be given in confidence, and MSS. must be written legibly, on one side of the paper only. SEPTEMBER 10th, 1886. NOTES. CHUEGHYAKD'S DESCBIPTION OF "THE TOWNE AND CHURCHE OF BREAKENOKE." — Quaint old Thomas Churchyard thus described us 200 years ago : The Towne and Church of Breakenoke. The towne is built, as in a pit it were, By water side, all lapt about with MU: You may behold a ruinous castle there, Somewhat defaste, the walles yet standeth still. Small narrowe strates, through all the towne ye have, Yet in the same, are sondrie houses brave : Well built without, yea trim and fayre within, With sweete prospect, that shall your favour win. The river Oske, and Hondie runnes thereby, Fower bridges good, of stone stands ore each streame The greatest bridge, doth to the colledge lye, A free house once, where many a rotten beame Hath bene of late, through age and trackt of tyme : Which bishops now, refourmes with stone and lyme. Had it not bene, with charge repayrd in haste, Inat house and seate, had surely gon to waste. Two churches doth, belong unto this towne, Une stands on hill, where once a priorie was : Which chaung'd the name, when abbyes were put down, But now the same, for parrish church doth passe. Another place, for morning prayer is, made long agoe, that standeth hard by this, ■ouut in this church, a tombe or two I find, J-nat worthy is, in briefe to bring to minde. (To be continwd.) ANDSBRONr7^RS IN TALGARTH I havebvm* £YS PA™HES IN 1787- year 17/7manftheCUy^°f V°terS f°r the Talgarth and Bronllys. 8 is the list for Hamlet,„,Prt££*f P—= Jacob Jones Phillip Williams, Dinas. Thomas Pugh. Hamlet of Trevecka- David Jones, Genffordd, S GS ?£°sser' Genffordd. WalterIteMa' GWloddy. Talgarth ^ouTh11^ N(*™k ^aCttSpW. Tal. LlANELIEU PAEISH ; Thomas Beavan, gent. Thomas Price, gent. Thomas Pugh, gent. HoweU Phillips. James Williams, gent. Bbonxlys Parish. John Jones, Trevithel, gent. William Davies, Castle, gent. Evan Bevan, Bronllys Villa, gent. Thomas Williams, Bryndee. Walter Prosser, Trevithel. Thomas Jones, Bronllys Villa (dead). NAMES OF PUBLIC HOUSES IN BRECON IN 1834.—I saw it stated in last week's Brecon County Times that there are 54 licensed houses in Brecon. I have in my possession a map of Brecon, dated 1834, and it gives the following as the names and num¬ ber of the licensed houses existing in the town 52 years ago. Perhaps some elderly inhabitant will identify the location of the " old houses " now extinct. The population in 1831 was 5,026. The Editob. 25 Flag and Castle 26 Coach and Horses. 27 New Buck 28 Old Buck 29 Square and Compass 30 Crown 31 Bull 32 Carpenters' Arms 33 Sun 34 Bunch of Crapes 35 Bush 36 Bell 37 Green Dragon 38 Queen's Head 39 New Golden Lion 40 Black Cock 41 Angel 42 George 43 Star 44 Bull's Head 45 Black Lion 46 King's Head 47 Cwm Inn 1 The Cambrian 2 Plough and Harrow 3 King William 4 Blue Boar 5 Camden Arms 6 Cock and Horse 7 Lamb 8 Fox and Hounds 9 Kings Arms 10 New Inn 11 Old Cogniac House 12 Shoulder of Mutton 13 Six Bells 14 Swan 15 Bear 16 Boar's Head 17 Fountain 18 Woolpack 19 White Lion 20 Ship 21 Old Greyhound 22 New Greyhound 23 Rose and Crown 24 Cross Keys. LORD CHANCELLOR CAMDEN.—I take the following from the Universal Maga¬ zine for August, 1766 : " Promotions. The Right Hon. Charles, Lord Camden, to be Lord High-chancellor of Great Britain." Q- THE BRECKNOCK MILITIA.—Among the battalions of militia embodied in 1760, 39th on the list (out of 51), and dated 25th January, 1760, appears the Brecknockshire militia. The principal officers were :—Col. Sir Edward Williams, Bart., of Gwernyfed ; Lieut.-Col. Charles Powell ; and Major Howell Harris. In the Gentleman's Magazine for 1760 appears the following :—" Tuesday, 12th August. The Brecknockshire militia, consisting of 200 men, under the command of Colonel Williams, arrived at Cambridge on their way to Yarmouth, where they are now quartered." Brecon. W. R. Williams.