THÍ3 %Um êfwâ Ẅnmla ÍND GEHERAL TEMPE8ANCE MONTHLY. No 12. BRÍSTOL, AUGUST i, 1872. ONE PENNY. GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND. ANNUAL SESSI0N. The annual session of the English Grand Lodge of Good Templars was opened in Preston, on Monday, July 8, at the Corn Exchange, Lime-street. Prior to the opening of the Grand Lodge, meetings were addressed on the previous.^Sunday by delegates attending the session, viz: Messrs Richardson (London), Woods (Warrington), ProfFit (Preston), Miss Jones (London), and other well-known friends of the move- ment. Bro Horne preached three sermons in the Temperance Hall. Meetings were also held on Monday evening in diíferent parts of the town, amongst the spealcers were: Messrs S. J. Hammond, S. Smithard, R. W. Duxbury, J. Pollard, H. J. Mclver, Clement Malins, S. Capper, J. B. Anderson, G.W.C., Revs G. Hinds and R. Seddon. The session of the Grand Lodge opened at 5.15 on Monday afternoon. The credentials of representatives being collected, the officers' places were íìlled, BroKenward, D.D. for Middlesex, fillingthe G.P.W.C.T.'s chair, and Bro F. A. Jones, of Temple Lodge, acting as Grand Sentinel. The other Grand Lodge Officers filled their respective positions. A Committee on Credentials was first appointed, their work being the examin- ation of the credentials presented by candidates för a place in the Grand Lodge. A Commitfee on Distribution was then constituted, after which, at the request of the members present, the G.W.C.T. went through the unwritten work of the Grand Lodge Degree. It was then decided, after some dis- cussion, that the Election of Officers should be taken on Tuesday, it being necessary, according to rule, that this Order of Business should be taken on the second day of the session. It was understood, however, that should there not be time to take action on this Order of Business, the election might be post* poned till Wednesday. The hours of sitting were then fixed at 9 till 1 in the morning, and 2 till 5 in the afternoon. The Grand Lodge then adjourned at a quarter to seven. In the lecture-room a number of District Deputies met for tea and con- ference 011 various points concerning the welfare of the Order. tuesday's session. Though it was announced that the candidates would be admitted for initia- tion into the Grand Lodge at half-past nine this morning, but, owing to the extraordinary number of applicants, much time was consumed in the examin- ation of candidates, and the G.W.C.T. did not open the session till half-past eleven. The Report of Committee on Credentials was at once received and adopted. Three cases were taken ex- ception to and referred back to a special committee, consisting of Bros Whitehead (Liverpool), Rev J. Morgan (London), Counsellor Wilde (Huddersfield). A. very large number of members were then initiated into the Grand Lodge Degree. Committees were appointed on ' reporting for the press,' and on ': rules of debate and order.' The G.W.C.T. announced the names of the G.W.C.T. of Wales, John Bowen, Esq. in company with G. B. Thomas, Esq., G.W.T. of Wales, who were intro- duced with due honors. Bro Bowen