A»D GENEÎtAL TEMPERANCE MONTHLY. No 8. BRISTOL, APRIL i, 1872. ONE PENNY. DEMONSTRATION AT COLSTON HALL, BRISTOL. A demonstration and public meeting of the Independent Order of Good Tem- plars was held at Colston Hall, on Friday evening, March ist. Membersappeared in the regalia of the Order, and there was a crowded gathering of members and friends. Mr James Clark, of Street, presided. The proceedings were bcgun by the audience singing a temperance ode, and a prayer being offered up. The Chairman then read letters which had been received from gentlemen who had been invited to attend, viz., Rev. Dr. Waddy, Mr S. V. Hare (a previous en- gagement deprived him of the pleasure of aitending, and the Rev. Prebendary Percival. The Chairman then said that every meeting h'e attended of the Good Templars convinced him more and more that it was the right thing to come for- ward and help the cause (applause). It gave him great pleasure to be able to say he had ten of his children engaged in that gpod work as well (applause). They all knew that that tìrink question was one òf the great questions of the day. There were few people in this kingdom who had not recognised the great fact that unless a check was put upon the consumption of strong drink, the moral and political weifare of the countrymust be ruined—(hear, hear)—that it was utterly impossible that the enormous increase of consumption in strong drinks that had been going on for the last 20 years could continue wíthout destroying the best interests ahd the.welfare of the people. They knew that for nearly 40 years some of them had been doing what they could, as members of the temper- ance and total abstinence societies, to check that evil—to get and induce the young to join them, and to keep them as long as they could; but it had been their experience th'at as the young had grown to years of manhood, the témpta- tions on every hand had been too strong for them toresist. Temperance societies had done, and would yet have to do, a great work; but they wanted something to intensify their labours—they wanted to engage all who signed the pledge to give more interest in the work by finding something for them to do, and he be- lieved that those Good Templar lodges that were being formed in all parts of the kingdom in such numbers would provide a large amount of useful work for these young people in rescuing their fellow-creatures from the deepest degra- dation (applause). Mr Robert Simpson, G.W.C. of Scot- land, proposed the following resolution : " That this meeting rejoices in the in- creased attention and sympathy evinced by Christian churches towards the tem- perance movement, and acknowledges with devout thankfulness the large ac- cession of religious co-operation thus obtained. This meeting earnestly com- mends to the prayerful consideration of ministers and members of the various denominationsthe Independent Order of Good Templars, as a means under the Divine blessing of extending the tem- perance reformation, of rescuing drunk- ards, of uniting teetotallers, and of stimulating to more earnest and sys- tematic work." The speaker said that all sections of the Christian church were welcpmed by the Good Templars, and al'l of them were showing a greater or less degree of sympàthy with them in