THE AND GENERAL TEMPERANCE MONTHLY. No. i BRISTOL, SEPTEMBER i, 1871. ONE PENNY. #ut Wmk iw th* Iŵ ^Pi URING the last four months ^fhs hundreds of lodges have been open- ^-^5 ed throughout Great Britain. From John O'Groats to Land's End the Order has developed itself in a most strildng manner. Christians of every creed have rallied around our standard. Men of every station have entered into, and pushed forward this great work, and there is now scarcely a county but can boast of Good Templar Lodges. The fìrst Lodge in Bristol was insti- tuted on April 20th by Bro. E. H. I Andrews, District Deputy, in Gideon ! Schoolroom, and was named " Bristol Star of Hope." There were about 25 Charter members. The officers being duly elected they were installed as follows :—Bro. W. R. Scott, W. C. T., Sister Kennedy, W. V. T., Bro. Rev. W. Knox, W. C, Bro. Reid, W. S., Bro. Nelson, W.F.S., Bro. Davey, W. T., Bro. Rice, W. M., Bro. Hutchison, P. W.C.T. On June 9th the " Day Star " Lodge was opened at the Temperance Halì, Broad Street. The institution of this Lodge was a very interesting ceremony. Sixty-three persons were admitted, prin- cipally youths. On June I2th Bro. Rev. W. Knox delivered a lecture explanatory of the Order in the Bedminster Temperance Hall, after which the " Bedminster" Lodge was opened. Lodges have also been organised at Broad Street Temperance Hall, named " George Thomas " ; Kingsland School- room, named " St. Philip's"; Unity Street Mission Hall, named " Bristol Unity." These lodges embrace at present a membership of about 350. A Degree Temple has been formed, and is worícing in the higher degrees of Faith, Hope, and Charity. A lodge has also been instituted at Weston-super-Mare by Bro. S. Capper, G.D., and is prospering. The Order is being fairly and ener- getically represented in Devon, and a large number of lodges have been insti- tuted by Bro. Gribble, D.D. Several lodges have also been formed in Corn- wall—at St Just named "One and All;" Penzance, named " Mount's Bay ;" St. Ives, named " Cornubia;" Falmouth, named " Sunlight ;" St. Cleer, named " Cedarof Lebanon ;" Downgate, named " Hope of Cornwall." At various other places open-air meetings have been held in connexion with the several lodges. At St. Ives the Mayor, J. M. Kernick, Esq., has entered energetically into the work. The spirit of large-heartedness and zeal which characterises the Cornish in all good work is fairly set forward by the manner in which they have entered into this movement. Brother Coad, the well-known and successful Temperance advocate, is now the District Deputy for that county, and he assures us that Good Templarism is just the thing needed to put life into still-born teetotallers. Under the able advocacy of Brother Coad wc believe the Order will take deep root and rapidly spread its branches throughout the county. On another page we give an account of meetings which have been held under the auspices of the Convention in this district. Also an account of the initiation of Mr Banerjee, the Indian Reformer.