THE CAMBRIAN TEMPERANCE CHRONICLE. (CRONICL DIRWESTOL CYMRU.) Vol. l.-No. S. OCTOBER, 1891. ONE PENNY. [Áll Rights Reserved.] THE REV. DAYID YOUNG. YT^HE name and personal appearance of the ^lfc Rev. David Young are well known in Wales, and very widely in England. His manner in the pulpit or on the platform is un- affected, cheerful, pleasing, and engaging ; and his open, beaming, countenance at once impresses his audience favourably, and secures for him a ready and attentive hearing. He is always well - dressed, neat, and tasty, witbout any of the foppishness which some would - be popular speakers afl'ect. Mr. Young is the son of the late Mr. William Young, Rhymney, Mou- mouthshire. Hewasearly imbued with a desire to proclaim the glad tidings of the Gospel of Christ. He was ordained minister when only 21 years of age. Since then he has had the privilege of labouring in the chief circuits of' South Wales, and the snccess which everywhere crowns his labours conclusively proves that he is called to the work by the Master of the vineyard. We know of no one who displays more perseverance and energy, in season and out of season, in all he under- takes, than Mr. Young. Idleoess or listlessness in the performance of his duties is quite foreign to his nature. He possesses a keen intellect and a retentive memory, quickness of perception to read aright the signs of the times, an ardent spirit and unusual energy in maturing and carrying out his plans the requirements of the age. To his people he is a leader in all goodr movements. By yW' . ■RPjH ÌÙÉ ■■m ilii;'" mJêê -ẅi;í ■■"■';• ■;\WÊJ\ his example, his ardour and cheerfulness, he calls forth their energy, so that they feel they are being enticed and led to good works—not driven by tyrannical force to follow his good example. The influence he weilds is that of a brother and co- worker, in full sympat.hy with his charge—not that of a despot or taskmaster, who urges them with commands and threats to perform tbeir duties. By his unvarying success in all the fields of his labour, he has acquired renown ; and his fame extends to all the churches, yea, be- yond the confines of his own denominatlon, and he is now regarded one of the Princes of the Pulpit. His popularity is such that his seivices are con- stantly in request, and the reporters follow him everywhere —Sundays as well as week days. He fully complies with the Scriptural adage, " What- soever thy hand lindeth to do, do it with thy might." Mr. Young took a pro- minent part in the move- ment that agitated the country on the subject of Education 21 jears ago, when School Boards were established. He was then returned unopposed as a member of the School Board of Llancynvelyn, of which body he was afterwards chosen vice-chairman. Iu connection with the cause of Temperance, we always find him in the front rank, aud his ser- vices and devotion to this cause have proved of great assistance to it. Fifteen years ago he was elected President of the Temperance Association of