THE PONTLOTTYN RECHABITE BRASS BAND is open for Engagements to attend Rechabite and Temperance Demonstrations, Äc. Secretary, THOMAS JENKINS, 12, Chapel-street, Pontlottyn. THE CAMBRIAN Cempercmce * Cfyronicfe* (Crontcl £trtr>estol Cymru.) A MONTHLY TEMPERANCE PERIODICAL. Dan Nawdd Rechabiaid Gwent a Morganwg, ẃ Ohymanfa Ddirwestol Deheudir Cymru a Mynwy. Vol. I.—No. 4. SEPTEMBER ìst, 1891. One Penny. J. F. NEAT, (tati' Outíìtter, BRYNMAWR. Agent by special appointment to W. J. KINO, the celebrated London Tailor. and to JOHNSON PARKER, forthe renowned " J " Boot. Orders by Post receive speeial attentioii. * CONTENTS. PAGE PORTRAIT—Mr. T. Jones Parry, P.H.C.R. Biographical Sketch.............................. 49 Y Gwydraid Priodasol......................... -31 The Action of Alcohol on the Heart............... 52 The Yoyage of Life ............................. 58 Yr Esgidiau Bach............................. .. 55 Dif yrion........................................ 5<> Editorial— Uwch Gynadledd Synmdol y Rechabiaid........ 57 I.O.R.—Conference at Cardiff .................... 57 Nodiadau—Notes................................ (ì2 The South Wales and Monmouthshire Temperance Association.................................. <M Cyinanfa Ddirwestol Deheudir Cymru a Mynwy .... <i4 Edwdî Poole, Printer, "Exi>ress" Office, High Street, Brecon.