TIÍIE Cambrian Temperance Chronicle (Cronicl Dirwestol Cymru), Vol. I.-No. 3. AUGUST, 1891. ONE PENNY. \_All Rights liescrvcd.~\ THE REV. W. I. MORRIS, PONTYPRIDD. §T. Paul speaks in a tone of approbation of young Timothy, tliat he from a child had lmown the Holy Scriptures. The import- ance of being impressed when young with moral and religious truths has been emphasized times without number. The subject of this short biographical sketch affords one more illustration, of a principle received in childhood, when the heart was fresh, im- pressible, and untainted by evil habits, growing with expanding intel- ligence, and ultimately beconiing an hnniovable conviction, and a rule of life from which there is to be no deviâtion. Mr. Morris began his career as a total abstain- cr when only (> years of age. Tlie occasion was this : Rev. D. Williams, Betlilehem, Llangadocli, Carmarthenshire, father of Dr. Williams, one of the professors at the University College, London—a staunch tee- totaler--passing through the village of Pontar- llechau, and calling upon young Morris' father, saw the lad, and began to chat with him on teetotalism. The boy was interested. On perceiving which, Mr. W7illiams offered him a penny if he would promise not to taste any intoxi- cating licmors. The promise was made; the penny was given ; and the engagement has been most faithfully kept for nearly fifty years. Never wa's a penny better laid out; it certainly was one of the happiest and most profitable of investments. When the subject of our sketch was about 18 or 14 years old, Rev. J. Thomas, D.D., now of Liverpool, addressed a meeting on temperance at Cwmaman, when he (young Morris) signed the pledge, and formally identified himself with the temperance party. Almost immediately he became an active worker in the good cause. A Band of Hope was formed in the village, and its leadership was entrusted to the care of young Morris. Having been a mem- ber of the índependent denoinination for some years, he began to preacli in 1859, and was ad- mitted to Brecon College in 1861. In the autumn of 1864 he was ordained pastor of the church at Llanelly, Breconshire ; whence he removed to Pontypridd, to become the minister of Sardis Church,inl868. During the 23 years he has resided in Pontypridd, he has led a laborious life. His church, of course, has been his principal care; but all movements, local, as- sociational, and denom- inational, purtaining to the Principality, have found in him a close student, a wise counsel- lor, and an energetic worker. It is scarcely necessary to say that the cause of temperance has found in him an able advocate ; always ready to defend its principles or advance its claims by tongue or pen. Though well known throughout the Principality as a temperance speaker aud worker, his many sterling qualities as a man and teetotaler Ä»S.Ŵ>Ŵx