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( §*<-, THB REGISTRAR. HlSTOKICAL GLEANINGS. CAMBRIA. *' A fairer Isle than Britain, never sub Viewed ia his wide career! A lovely spot For all that life can ask! Salubrious! more, Its hills are green: its woods and prospect fair! Its meadows fertile! and to crown the whole In one delightful word — it is our home — Our native Isle!" Cottle's Alfred. EHUDDLAN CASTLE, (concluded pbom ti.es 4J.) The next account we have of this fortress is in 1322, when Sir Gryffydd Llwyd, owing to the rapa¬ city of the Lords Marches, created and headed an insurrection, and at¬ tempted to recover the lost liberty of the country. He overrun North Wales and took several castles, but at last he was taken prisoner, con¬ fined in Bhuddlan Castle, and after¬ wards executed. Richard 2nd dined at this fortress in 1399, on his way to Mint castle, when he was deliv¬ ered by the Earl of Northumberland into the power of his rival Boling- broke.* The crown fees of the castle and " Vill of Rothelam" were granted to Catherine, Queen of England, in 1422, by her son Henry the 6th, and were then worth £42 12s. 6d.f The fortress was totally neglected from this time until the civil wars of Charles, when it was occupied by the Boyalists, but after a short siege the garrison was obliged to surrender to General Mytton, in July, 1646. The same year it was by order of Parliament dismantled, together with several other castles. This narrative of events illustrat¬ ing as it does the national worth and character of my countrymen, who have been as memorable for their uniform loyalty to the crown since the union, as they were ten¬ acious of their rights and privileges before that event took place. There is no portion of the history *■ ' ■ "ll i.n, j . . i ■ | . ,■. ' ■■' W '■,.!' ' • Stowe,821. „ , _ t Boll* of Parliament at that time. Pany'c Essay, page 48-49. Vol. 2, No. 17.] of Wales of deeper interest than that which records the subjugation of our country by Edward ;, nor is there any circumstance more likely to excite the feeling o£-the Welsh patriot, than a reflection upon the sturdy and unyielding valour with which his ancestors maintained so long and unequal a struggle in defence of their country. But I shall now endeavour to throw a veil over the hostile warfare which took place between the Ancient Britons and their oppressors, the latter of whom by their superior physical resources crushed the glowing pat¬ riotism of Cambrian courage. We however, acknowledge with gratitude "that we were conquered to our gain and undone to our advantage." When English generosity appeared Welsh loyalty increased ; our count¬ rymen soon found out that the change was beneficial. Instead of a precarious liberty, they now began to enjoy a permanent and solid freedom, secured by equal and fixed laws, and established under an au¬ gust monarch. We shall find the remnant of the Ancient British na¬ tion, after being the victims of am¬ bition for bo many centuries, now rivalling their conquerors in their duties as loyal subjects, and uniting in interest and mingling in friend¬ ship with their old enemies —at last both nations cemented together and become one. Now the highest point of ambition is who shall be the most useful to the arts and best affected to the British crown. [December, 1849.