Welsh Journals

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TH t Jil JL^ i/as JUL thk JMj XIs Jy vl Jl ^j JL JLIj iAJL Aii AND PEOPLE'S FRIEND. CONTENTS. Page. Druid ism (continued).......65 Slave; y..........66 Recollections of Rambles in North Wales 68 Review.......... 69 The Lottery Mania.......71 Reti ospect of the Month.....72 Local Affairs........ .74 Pa*e. Mr. T. Francis v. Rugogian ... 75 Mr. Thomas's reply to the Rev. J. Clare 75 Remarks on the Voluntary Principle . 76 Church Establishments...... 77 Acrostic—Wrexham Church . . . , 78 Ruabon County Court....... 78 Poetry........■ • 80 No. 5. Vol. 1.1 DECEMBER 1st, 1848. Pbice Id. DRUIDISM : OR THE RELIGIOUS, MORAL, AND SOCIAL STATE OF THE WELSH BEFORE THE INTRODUCTION OF CHRISTIANITY AMONGST THEM. (CONTIHCED FBOM TAQB 58.) To enumerate all the Deities wor¬ shipped by our fore-fathers, together with their respective attributes or powers, would occupy more space than would be consistent with the plan of this publication. Suffice it to say, therefore, that Arthur or Uthyr Pendragon, Taronwy, Beli, Gwulion ab Don, Gwaed Nerth, Buddugre, Neifion, Gwyn ab Nudd, the Dyfrdwy or the River Dee, Ceridwen, Llywy or Creirwy, An- dras, Buddud and Diana, as well as Hu Gadarn, were some of the princi¬ pal deities worshipped by our ances¬ tors, and whom they propitiated, as they supposed, by the offering of human sacrifices. Besides the above- named deities, the Ancient Britons recognized many other inferior deities to whom they paid religious homage. The Druids, like many of the eastern philosophers, maintained the existence of an Evil Principle called Gwarthawn, resident in the ocean ; and that the world and all living creatures in it, have derived their ex- existence from the residence of Gwarthawn—the extreme evil at the greatest distance ; where neces¬ sity for ever reigns. The Druids also maintained that man was com¬ posed of seven elements; viz. — fire, earth, water, air, mist, flowers, and wind; and that he possessed seven senses, viz.—the will, feeling, speech, breath, the light, the hearing, and smell." With respect to the present and future state of existence, the Druids maintained the following dogmas :— " That every being had to go