A PICTORIAL MONTHLY MAGAZINE OP ITEfiTAlNlNC KNOWLEDGE, AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. puaUsfcelMhe&etott&foejHtin e^tx^ Monti), .CONDUCTED BY G. JONES (gtan menmi, ABERAERON. No. 14. SEPTEMBER 10th, 1867. PRICE 2d. Cur Terms to Advertisers, Our Terms for short Advertisements in the ^Visitor are Is. 6d. per inch in column, sub¬ bed to a discount on a series of insertions. -ABERYSTWYTH SLATE WORKS, MOOR STREET. CHIMNEY-PIECES, CISTERNS, And every description of Slate Work,rmade to order. «^» The Works are fitted up with superior Planing and Sawing Machines, so that Floorings, fyc.^ai* executed with despatch. EX LIS & OWEN Jlyent at Ab*r#eron—Q. Jones, tfetth Hood, 2} ALBAS SQUARE, ABERAEBON- TsOlJEZ. T- DAVIDS, BUILDER, TXAViING just bought a cargo of Bankrupts Stock X*L °f dry P^an^3 aQd Boards, begs to call the at¬ tention of JSuilders, >and the -trade in general, to the same, which will be disposed of at the.f olio wing rates;— 2000 Boards, best whitewood, prepared, from lx 9., quite dry, at IBs per 190 feet square. A large quantity of prepared Redwood at 12a 6d per 10<0 feet. Also, a quantity of Red-boards, 1x7, at 17s per 100 feet. 209 Red Deal Planks, 22 ft. long, 3*11, at $&$& foot run. Maple, Gilts and imitation Picture .frame; mouldings in great varieties, from.l j to 4d. per foot. Mr T. Davies having formed a connection with a foreign Glass Manufacturer, he is in ajtositiqn to sup ply the trade, and the pubiic at large, in small quanti ties, at the actual Wuolesale pricey of the Brhisfe Manufacturers, as follows.;— l<i oz. Sheet Glass, from 3d. per foot. 21 oz. 1st Sheet, do. 9d. do. 28 qz, 2nd do. do. 9d. do,,