f Li&fi&k:*/ _< J#z A PICTOEIiL MONTHLY MAGAZINE OF ENTERTAINING KNOWLEDGE, AND G ENERAL ADVERT I S E RV Pu!)lisi)cUtfje$»ecro-trfrtoeefc.in eimg Jftoutlj, CONDUCTED' BY G.. JONES (glan menai),. ABftRAEKOX No. 13. AUGUST mth, 1867: P^ICE 2d. €ur~Tcrms: to Advertisers. Our Terms for short Ad^rtisemenls in^ihe YlsvroR are Is. G,d. per inch in column, sub-; ject lo a discount on a series of insertions. ABEETSTWYTH SLATE WORKS, MOOR 8TREET. ?Tombstoncs,iWonuments CHIMNEY-PIECES, CISTERNS, And every description of Slate Work, made to order. (gf The Works art fitted up with superior Planing and Sawing Machines, so that Floorinjs, tyc., are executed with despatch. ELLIS & OWEH d&mt at Abfraeren—G. Jones, North Road. 2, ALum saints, ab3rasrdx MR. T. DAVIBS, BUILDER, HAVING just bought a carjro of Bankrupts Stock- of dry Planks and Boards, begs-to call the at¬ tention of 3 lilde.s; and' the trade in general, to the Same, whicirwill be dispos d of at the following rates*— 2C0J Boards, best wliitewood, prepared, from 1x9,- quite dry, at 16\ per lOO-fret squire. A large quantity of prepared Rtdwood at 12s 6d per 100 feet., Also, a quantity of Red-boards, Ix", at 17s par D00 feet. 20J Red Deal Plunks, 22 ft. long, 3^H, at 5d per foot run. Maple. Gilt, and imitation Picture frame; moulding* u\ great varieties, fro:n 1-J to 4-1. per foot. Mr T. Davies having formed a connection witn a foreign filass Manufacturer, he is in a position to sup¬ ply the trade, and the public at large,- in small quanti¬ ties, at the actual Waolesale prices of the Urhiafa Manufacturers, as folio.vs :— Kuz. Shjet Glass, from 3d. per foot." 21 oz. 1st Sheet, do. i>d. uo. 2S oz. 2nJ do. do. 9U. do.,