A. PICTOBIAL MONTHLY MAGAZINE OF ..L AND' G E NERA L AD VERT I SER. ubIisf>e*>t|i*.$*confc toeelt in eber g J£Toittfj CONDUCTED BY G. JONES, (G^mexai)ABKRASRON, No. a JITUE 10th, 1867. TRICE 2d. Cur Terms to Advertisers, Our Terms for short Advertisements in ihe Visitor are Is. 6d. per iuch in column, sub¬ ject to a discount on a series of insertions.- BEESE'S 5 GUINEA LEVEE WATOK, D AV ID R EES E, PRACTICAL €locft anU ttjbrtcftmtriter, Silversmith, Jeweller-, Optician, &e.; respectfully solicits the attention of the public to his well-selected stuck -of Clocks, Watches, Jewelferv, &o* Ladies' Gold "Watches from £4 4s., to 18 guinea?^ Gentlemen's do*. • from £5'5s., to 20 do. Gold chains sold by weight ; gold wedding lings , keepers and fauey rings in g*eat variety. All jobs to be paid for on delivery. Ko. }, ALBAN SQUARE, ABEFAERON. mrtaa, Sjjjjjf, f/ilf,aC. All those vexatious and unsightly eruptions on the Skin, such as the face, hands', cr any other part, are easily removed by the use of the celebrated "GOULARD LOTION,'' which is highly recommended for softening and beautifying the Skin, giving a fresh and charming bloom to the complexion. Sold iii Bottles at 2& 6d. eaeh,. by J. R. JAMES, Chemist, &c, Cardigan. ©ovns; JSimtong anU Smarts. ??£**< sy Lf §m § Supersedes plasters and every other applications for removing these 'troublesome tilings. It pene¬ trates the roots of the Corns, Warts, <£c., an 1 destroyed their vitality in a few days. Price One StiliLLrigr. PREPARED ONLY BY J, R. JAMES, Chemist, &c,, Cauligsn,