A PICTOEIAL MONTHLY MAGAZINE OF AXD GKESmELFLA-X.. Jk. 33 VEfftTISBIi [tttiH&'f)e&tfte$econfrfoeeiUK ebetg Monti). GONDCCT.ED) BY G. JONES, cglah menai) ABERAERON. No. 1Q, MAY 10th, 1867. PRICE 2d. Our Terms to Advertisers. Our Terms for short Advertisements in, Uic Visitor are Is. 6d. per inch in column, sub¬ ject to a discount on a series of insertions. LLAN NON, Clawfcal an& Commercial Scfiool, NEAR ABERYSTWYTH. CONDUCTED BY 3Vtr- "\?^- ID- "Williams, Brom. Durham College*, and late Master of. HoLyiiead Grammar School. In atWitioH. to> * thorough English Edhcatibn, instructions, are given in Hebrew,, Greek and Latin; French, Grammar, & Elementary Spanish; Navigation, and the higher Mathematics;, Music, Instrumental and Theoretical; and other useful accomplishment** Terms and Prospectus on application. REESE'S 5 GUINEA LEVER WATCH. D A V I D R E E S E,.. PRACTICAL. Silversmith, Jeweller, Optician, &c.„ respectfully solicits the attention of the public to his well-selected stock, of Clocks, Watches, Jewellery, &c Ladies' Gold' Watches from*£.4..4s., to.18 gpinea*, Gentlernen!s> do.. from* £5.. 5s.,. to 20' do- Gold' chains- sold- byrweighti.gold'wedding rings ; keepers and fancy rings in.great variety,. All jpbs to be paid for on delivery.. No* 1* ALBAN. SQUARE, ABE3KABB OINT.