■ ■ ■ iuii en A PICTORIAL MONTHLY MAGAZINE AWB- GKEJNTEIFtAJ^ jA-XXV JfeiJLlrtl-ISaEHFL. fMiftltfifiefctfLe &econtr inert in efrerg J&otttl). eONDECTEBi BY G. JONES.(geanmenai^ ABE R AKRONS No. a AEBH, 10th, 1867., PRICE 2d. Cur Terms to Advertisers.. Oar Tenus-for short Advertisements-in ifee- Visitob are Is. 6d. per,inch in column, sub* ject to a djscwuat on a serirs.of insertions* LLA NfNOTN^ Clascal anfcr €cmmerdal ScftgoU ABERYSTWYTH, CONDUCTED BY From Durham College, and late Master-.of. Holyhead Grammar School*, la addition to. a thorough Bhglish'Eduaatidni- B>8tructk»as ar.e giwa-in, Hebrew,.. Greels; and" I-ati«; Ejench, Gxanunar, &,Elementary Spanish ;;. Navigation, and.the higher Mathematics ;:.Kftisic, Jnstrumental and Theoretical l.and other useful accomplishments. Terms and. Prospectus on. agglicationv BEESE!& & GUINEA LEVE^ WATCH. DA VI D R ELSE, j PRACTICAL, Silversmith & Jeweller* Optician, &e^ respectfully solicits the attention ©f the public to his well-selected .stocitvof Clocks, Watches, Jewellery, &c. Uadies- Gold; Watehes from£4. 4s.r to 18 guineas, Gfenbletneas-do.. fron*-££L5s., to 20= do.<„ (afo&F: chains sold by^veight, gold**weddiiv^ rings.; keepers andvfaney rings ingreat variety. AU jobs to he paid ; for on 4 delivery., No* 1, ALBAN SQUABE,