A PICTOBIAL MONTHLY MAGAZINE OF ENTERTAiNMa KNOWLEDS AND PtthUsftefc the g>ecorttri»eeft in ebetrgiftouth. CONDUCTED BY G. JONES, (glan MENAf> ABERAERON. No. 8. MARCH 10th, 1867. PRICE 2d Our Terms to Advertisers*, REESE'S 5 GUINEA LEVER WATCH. 'Our Terras for short Advertisements rn the VisrTOR are Is-. 6d. per inch in column, subject to a discount on a series- of insertions, LL A N N O N @laggkal and Commercial School, NEAR ABERYSTWYTH. CONDUCTED BY 3VEr. "W- ID. "Williams, Irom Durham College, ami late Master of Hohhead Grammar School. In. addition to a thorough English Education, Instructions are given in Hebrew, Greek and Lntin ; French. Gr immar,& Elementary Spanish ; Navigation, and the higher Mathematics ; Music, Instrument.il and Tneoretical; and other useful accomplishments. Terms and Prospectus on application. DAVID REESE, PRACTICAL ©lock antr Sllatchmafccr, Silver smith & Jeweller, Optician, &c, respectfully solicits the attention of the public to his well-selected stock of Clacks, Watches, Jewellery, &c. «• Ladies' Gold Watches from £4. 4., to IS guineas, Gentlemens' do. from £5. 5s., to 20 do. Gold chains sold by weight, gold wedding- rings ; keepers and fancy rings in great varieh. All jobs to' be paid for, on delivery. No. 1, ALB AN SQUARE,