THE i^S A PICTOEIAL MONTHLY MAGAZINE OF AND puMtssijKt* the gjecotxfe toccfiin eberg Mvntty. CONDUCTKD BY G. JONES, (glan men-ad A5V?!UEIIQN. No. 7. FEBUUAKY 10th, 186: FEICS 2d Our Tex mi to Aivertlsors. "Our Terms for hort Advertisements in the Visitor are Is. Ctl. pes inch in column, subject to a discount on a series of insertions. LLANNON ©lasstcal ana ©omtnevctal pc&ool, ABEKrilwjTH. CONDUCTED BY 3VTr. "\A7". 13- ^vVilli^ra:s? From Durham College, and late Master of Holyhead Grammar School. ,---------() __------^ Tn addition to a thorough English Education, Instructions are given in Hebrew, Greek and Latin ; French, Grammar, & Elementary Spanish ; Navigation, and the higher Mathematics ; Music, Instrumental and Theoretical; and. other useful accomplishments. T«rm3 and Prospectus on application. No. 1, \L13.VN" SQUIRE, -A. S JB R A. E IFL O' 3ST- ID REESE,. PRACTICAL Jitcl SILVERSMITH, OPTICIiltf, &c, Reg* respectfully to call the attention of the miblic to> his well-selected Stock of Watches, Clocks, Jew¬ ellery, «Sic. : and particularly to his It-guinea Pair Case F>evsr Witches, an 1 the 3-guinea Pair Case' Verge Watches, suitable to Farmers & Work-nan;- Jewel'erv CJecks Watches Neck Chains Skele.on Chronotseters Bracelets Bronzed, with Patent Levers Brooches shades Duplex Ulna's Smss & French Horizontal Lockets RadishSc French Repeating E ;r-rings 8-Day, in cases V erticals The most complicated Watches repaired and adjusted. Chiins, Weddi ig Rings; &c. Plate soil according to weight.