TiaiiEj A PICTORIAL MONTHLY MAGAZ INE: ENTERTAIHIMa ASD -A.<»e3^er^I-^Lc3:-v--eirtlsei' Tor" Aberasi "oxv l^ttfrltaftefr t|r S*cott^®Kre* iceberg i® Sottfij; CONDUCT HI) BY G. JON-ESr (G"» mexad ARERAERON. No. 5. DECEMBER 10th, 18B6. P RICE 2d Our Terms to Advertisers- Our Terms for short Advertisements in the Visitor are Is. Gd..|«rnt}efr<in'CoR»i»n', subject ttr a discount on a series of insertions. Our friends will greatly oblige us by s»nAU>§.ift. their conamrcwieatious by the 1st of every months LONDON H0USKr ABEHAEEOH ._______________ ** DRAPERY & GROCERY No. 1, ALBAN .SQUA1 <E, .A. BBBAEBO 1ST - DAVI D RE'ES E, PRACTICAL- SILVERSMITH, OPTICIAi T, &c, Hegs respectfully to callthe attention t >f the n his well-selected Slock of \Vatchesr Clocks etferyv Sec, , and particularly to his 4 -guinea Case Lever Watches, and the 3-g»ine i Pair Verge Watches, stwiabie to Earmers * * Wori vblic to ; Jew- * Pair Case- I'm en-* t. &. i davie? & «,.r Bgs most respectfully to call the attention, ©fc the public in general to their wellJas«orted S»tlocfc of Drapery, and are now* prepared to give thoic cus¬ tomers the- full benefit of the, recent reduction in Cotton Goods. They have also a well-assorted Stsek ©f Taxmiy grocery alw^vs on bn;-' Jewellery Neck-Chains-- Bracelets Brooches- Rings Locket* E<ir-rinsrs with Clocks Sk*Nton Bronses, shades Swiss & Freuch Kn-Slish&SFrench 8- Day, in cases W* 'ches Ch* momet Pavtt nt Lsvt Dup* ex Hori lontal Repet iting Vertil als irs The mos* complicated Watches rep*-ired t adjusted.' Gold Grains- Weddt-ig: Rings, &c PS ate so according t» weight* ted* ic&