THE A PICTORIAL MONTHLY MAGAZINE OF AND jb aeneral .Axl^rertlser Tor Aberaeron, publisIjeU tijt ^econJj SSSeeft in eberg J^otttfj, BY G. JONES, (glan menai) ABERAERON. Ho. 1. AUGUST 10th, 1866. PRICE 2d. ABERAEEOH NMRRCIAL Hi B P AND Kabigattott SCHOOL. master:— Griffith jones, cm. The course of Instruction compt ises the following subjects ."— English and Latin Languages; t > rammar and Composition; Pen¬ manship ; Arithmetic; Algebra, Mensuration,Bookkeeping; His¬ tory, Geography and Navigation. 'Hie School is conducted with special regard to the requirements '>t the Sons of Tradesmen, Far¬ mers and Mariners. Terms on Application, $TAT8AMPR M 32, ALBAN SQUARE, il llill©l!p has always a supply of WELSH BOOKS, &e.? on hand. A Book-binder wanted, address as above. LLOYD JACK ARMS, 13, MARKET ST., ABERAERON. '* Pob perchen anadl molianed yr Arglwydd." Yn awr vn barod, HYM2JAUIBLAFT YS YSGOL SABBOTHOL Gan E. Hughes, Pris 4ic y ddwsyn. PENILLiON I BLAST YR YSGOL SABBOTHOL Gan EDWARD HUGHES, Pris 4J3 ddwsyn. GOOD STABLING. WELL-AIRED BEDS. Proprietor ~E, EYAHS. Eta gan yr mi HYM35FAU A PHEiniLIGH I BLAST YR YiSMs ^Oie'DOT©! Gellir cael y nifer a fyner o un o'r rbai hyn i unrhyw fan gyda'r post drwy anfon Postage Stamps fr, Cyboeddwr am danynt. Pris 4£c y ddwsyn. Aiff 100 gydu'r Post am 2d., ncu 400 am 6c. Cyboeddedig ac ar werth gan * J. R. James, Aberteifi,