PART 3. SEPT., 1890. VOL. II €aermart|m^iit %%\t% gpaallmig for ^Mlj M^t Mate (ANTIQUARIAN, TOPOGRAPHICAL, AND CURIOUS). Edited by ARTHUR MEE, P.R.A.S. CONTENTS. Narberth and its Neighbourhood—Jones of Abermarlais— Welsh Baptist Associations—Glanareth Iragedy—Rawleigh Mansel — Old Carmarthenshire Bank ■— Admiral Foley — Gower and Carmarthenshire — South West Wales and the Public Records —■ Siani Caerfyrddin — Postal Service in Olden Time—Sea Serjeants — Escutcheons in S. David's Cathedral, 1590—Old Deeds—Cayo Rental, time of James I. ^- Annual Subscription, 2/- (Payable in Advance). LLANELLY: OFFICES OF THE "SOUTH WALES PRESS.'1 CARMARTHEN: OFFICES OF THE "WELSHMAN." 1890. K____________.__________________________________________vV