TART 4. DECEMBER, 1889. It|j„ m g i» , .ii i o j| <fc g F0£. J. -3£ CARMARTHENSHIRE NOTES (ANTIQ JJARIAN, TOPOGRAPIUCA L, AND CURIOUS). Edited by ARTHUR MEE, F.R.A.S. ♦♦»♦♦♦•♦♦« ►♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ CONTENTS Cayo Rental time of James I.—Carmarthenshire M.P.'s —Sir Thos. Towell, Bart.—Rebeeea Riots—Merlin's Pro¬ phecies—Carmarthenshire and the Public Records—Dr. FarrarJs Martyrdom—Admiral Foley-—Rawleigh Mansel— Thomas Dibden at Carmarthen—Grey Friars, Carmarthen —Mr. W. R. S. PowelVs Will—Centenarian at Burry Port—Llanelly and District in " Cambrian"—Jones of Abernlarlais—Letter from Sir Jas. Hiils'Johnes—Carmar¬ thenshire time of James I.—The Glanareth Tragedy— More about Biddings—Chronicle, $c., $e. (|&° Contributors—Mr. Ernest G. Atkinson, Mr. J. Sevan, Mr. W. Buncombe Pink, Mrs. Helen Watney, Mr. J. Rowland, Mr. W.Evans, " Thistleboon," "H.B.N.T." Mr. W. G. Stedman Thomas, The Editor, $e. iH* Annual Subscription, 2/-. LLANELLY: PRINTED AT THE "S0tTH WALES PBESS" OFFICES. 1889. pgjjp .....jjpp -~i0-—«<^p—-*qpr- ^> HgpBi^pSpM^jpSSiSi^S