PART 3. OCTOBER, 1889. VOL. I. CARMARTHENSHIRE NOTES (ANTIQUARIAN, TOPOGRAPHICAL,' AND CURIOUS). I Edited by ARTHUR MEE, F.R.A.S. CONTENTS. •Jf«». Z««<Z, Bishop of St. David's—Poem on Penallt- nuticr—Sin Eater in Wales-—Carmarthenshire and Public Records— Vice-Admiral of Carmarthenshire—Rebecca Riots —Arms of " Carmarthenshire—Jones of Jbermarlais— Appeal from New York—Carmarthen Bible—Old Carmar¬ thenshire Wills—Carmarthenshire Notes in Iolo MSS— Beaufort Progrtss through Carmarthenshire, 1684—Ogam Stone at Eglwys Cymnvun—Local Jots from Gloucestershire — Carmarthenshire Inscriptions, Plea fo'r their Preserva¬ tion-—Pioneers of Trade at-Llanelly—Grey Friars, Carmar¬ then (unpublished MS) — Thornborough Family—Dr. Brown, Hugh Hughes, Carmarthen—Ilanelly and District in the Cambrian—State of Church in ■Carmarthenshire, J.644 — Carmarthenshire M.P.*s—Origin of Cuckoo — Welsh Baptist Associations—Carmarthen 90 years Ago— Weddings in Olden Times—Carmarthenshire Worthies : Admiral Foley', Joshuii Thomas, Roger Williams—Chror nicle, tfc. '■"'■'. (Hf" Contrilnriurs—Mr. W. H. Ludfard, Mr. J. Roiv- land (Giraldits), Mr: W. G. Stedman Thomas, Mr. J. Becan, Mr. E. T. P. Shew en, Mr-. B. Jones, " T. C. 27," Mr. Edward Owen, Mr. Edwin Poole, Mr. J, George, Mr. Geo. H- lWicrky, Mr. Wm. Henry, The Editor, §'c. 0? Annual Subscription, 2/-. 1 LLANKLLY: { I'HIXTI-H AT TKt "SOr'ill W.KI,, .-. M'.r.So" OH-Ki:: * I '-NO'" :--^*tr~ ""-^*-~ ■'■~*itr- —«•►-*■ ■^W'-*- •~^---~^lf^:--^v^,-^MJ^^:^^^:f^