CARMARTHENSHIRE NOTES (AXTIQUARIAN, TOPOGRAPHICAL, ANT) CURIOUS). Edited by ARTHUR MEE, F.R.A.S. O O N T E X T S . Old Carmarthenshire—Carmarthenshire Members of Parliament—Pioneers of Trade at Ilan'elly—Potato and Rheumatism—The Rebecca Riots—Win. land, Bishop of St. David's—Prophecy and Panic at Carmarthen— Admiral Foley—Jones of Abermarlais—Coal Winning in Old Carmarthenshire— Carmarthenshire Worthies—A Peep at Carmarthenshire in 1791—The Sea Sergeants—Llanelly and District in the " Cambrian " Newspaper—Carmarthen¬ shire No'es in the Into MSS—Carmarthenshire and the Public Records—Vicar Pritchard—The, French Invasion : a Reminiscence—Monthly Chronicle, §e. Ijgf Contributors—Mr. Edwin Poole, Mr. Benjamin Jones, Mr. W. II. ludford, Mr, J. Rowland (Giralclus), Mr. J. Sevan, Mr. W.' G. Stedman Thomas, Mr. II. Rees Jones—Mr. W. Buncombe Pink—Mr. W. Vaughan George—The Editor, 4e. $0 Annual Subscription, 2/-. ' LLANELLY; 41 PHIXTEl) AT THE " SOt'TH WALES 1'UKSs" OFFICES i1 1889,