CARMARTHENSHIRE NOTES (AXTIQ, UARFAK, TpPOGRAPH,FCAL,- CdND CURIOUS), Edited by ARTHUR MEE, P.R.A.S. '♦♦♦♦•«•♦■*-♦■« C O N T E NTS. Introduction—Recollections of an old LlancUyiie.—The Eur I of Ashburnham—Biddings in Carmarthenshire—■ Llanelli/ and District in the " Cambrian " Newspaper— Superstition at Carmarthen (Potato and Rheumatism)—Old Customs (Pen Ceff'yl)—Mr Lewis Morris.—Admiral Foley — Carmarthenshire Members of Parliament—Prophesy and l'au'ie at Carmarthen—Favoritism in Llanelly and District—- Fatuity Mottoes—Dr. Marries, Court y Cad/io—Win. Land, Bishop of St. David's—Tlie Catastrophe, in Brouyhton Bay — letters of Lord Carbery—Jones of Abermarlais—Coal Winning in Old Carmarthenshire—Antiquities at Derwydd __XingArthur- Chronicle for the Quarter, %c. $g° Contributors—Mr. J. Reran, Mr. J. George, Mr. W. M. Ladford, Mr. W. Duncombc Pink, Mr. E. Poole, Mr. J. Mow land (Giraldus), Prof. Rhys, Mr. W. G. Stedmau Thomas, Mrs. Helen Watuey, the Editor, #<?. .iH" Annual Subscription, 2/-. ■ i ; >■»♦«■« •»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦'♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•*♦•♦♦♦♦♦« X LLANELLY: fj 1'RINTE© AT THE " SOUTH WALES PRESS" OFFICES. 1 . :; &:'■■;,.* .1889.