"The name Cadbury on any Packet of Cocoa ia a Guarantee of Purity," Medical Annual, Cadbunra cocoa HSSSSBES "The Typical Cocoa of English Manufacture Absolutely Pure." £ The Analyst. Aim ggagaafs—81 Vol I,—No. 29. FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1892. REGISTERED AS A NEWSPAPER. Price One Penny. XTable ot Contents* Cardiff Evangelistic Move¬ ment. Death of Dr. John Thomas. Missionary Religion. He-union of the Churches. John Mills. Wesleyan Conference. Presbyterian Notes. Congregational Notes. Baptist Notes. Wesleyan Methodist Notes Musical Notes. Church News : — Church of England. Presbyterian. Congregational. Baptist. "Wesleyan Methodist. Market Square Church Flower Show and Indus¬ trial Exhibition, Merthyr S'he Midland Baptist College. HAVE YOU TRIM GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS P IF NOT, DELAY NO LONGER. IT IS THX BEST REMK.DY OP THE AGrE For all Disorders of the Stomach, Blood, Nerves, and Liver. IT GIVES STRENGTH TO THE WEAK. NEW LIFE TO THE DEBILITATED. Universally admitted to be an unequalled TONIC REMEDY, OUVINO Health, appetite, and enjoyment in life to the dyspeptic. praised by~eyesybody. ?*e»oribed by Phvsieiana. Recommended by **&lysts. Appro-.'.-d by CberoNts. Demanded h bv Patients, an<i pJtAI8ED BY ALL WHf HAVE TRIED IT. WMi EVANS' BITTERS. THE VEGETABLE TONIC. harmless, Pure, Safe, Certain, and Reliable. Never disappoints. Try it! Try is 1 Pbopbibtohs : QUININE BITTERS MANUFACTURING CO.. Limited, LLANELLYi SOUTH WALES. Uable of Contents. Open Council:— English Churched in Wales. The Colwyn Bay Train¬ ing Institute. Politics on Sunday. Success of Welsh Stu¬ dents in Edinburgh. Lecture on Christianity, by the late Principal D. C. Davies. Week by Week. Ladies' Column. A Congo Colony in Wales. The Wesleyan Methodist Church of the Future. The Children's Corner. Sunday School Lessons. Stations of Wesleyan Ministers in South Wales. Sounds of Seoul. ROBINSON & CLEAVER, BELFAST, t Grand Diploma or Honour, Edinburgh, 1890. Paris, 1688. Tntc Prizo Modal* CAMBRIC POCKET HANDKERCHIEFS. .,».,„. i PerDoz. Par Dos. SAMPLES I Children's Bordered . 1/8 | Hemstitched — POST FREE. I Ladies'..............2/8 Gentlemen's.........8/3 Ladies' .........8/11J Gentlemen's .... 8/11 LINEN COLLARS, CUFFS & SHIRTS. S^&^SS^&.'SHS \ .«/ * '«, « T. do.en}Ooras..-Fo« Ladles or Gsntlo- men, from 8/11 per dozen. Shirts—Best quality Longoloth, with 4-fold Liaen Fronts, 35/6 per half dosen (to measure, 3/- extra). Old Shirts made as »od as new with best materials; in Neckbands, Guffs, and Fronts, for 14/- the half-dosen. IRISH DAMASK TABLE LINEN. KttVAWS « ,_, ™ ix. «u uat „ . . . _ ,8/H i 2J yards by 8 yards, 8/11 eaeb. Kitchen Table Cloths, lljd. each. Strong Huckabaek Towels, */0 per dosen. Frilled Linen Pillow Cases. from 1/ajd. each. Monograms, Crests, Coats of Arms, Initials, Ac., Woven and Embroidered. Samples and Illustrated Prioe Lists of the above, &c, post free. ROBINSON & CLEAVER (By Speoial Appointments to the Queen and the Empress Frederick of Germany.) Please name] BELFAST. Ithis Paper. DO YOU SUFFER FROM HfcARTHUKS. OROWSIHi SS. OR ACIDITY OS I'iiJJ STOMACH? IF SO, 1R1L viWlJjYM EVAiSS' BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' BITTERS. . From the same oause arise Biliousness and Head- aohes. By careful diet, moderate exercise and the use of QUININE BITTERS, The most difficult and obstinate uaset of Indiges¬ tion in its worst form have been cure<h The only reasonable way to keep oneself in good health is by taking a good and reliable Vegetable Tonic, such as GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTER8. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. The secret of the success of this unrivalled Medicine Preparation is that it restores- the digestive organs, when disordered, to their moral healthy condition. GWILYM EVANS' BITTERS. GWILYM K VANS' BITTERB, Bend for Pamphlet of Testlmeninla. THE BEST REMEDY OF THE \tifi. CAUTION.—The great success of these .iiiUw has induced unprincipled and designing pet* - in various parts of the country to imitate and ruj*; them, hoping thus to share the profits which zmiw accrue from the ever increasing demand. BEWARE OF THESE Vi RBON8. AVOID IMITATION S. See the name Gwilym Evans, on Stamp, Label, and Bottle. Do not be persuaded to »ry mi v oth. *. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BlTTfcRrj. THE BEST FAMILY MEDICIKK. Bold by all Chemists in 3/9 and 1/6 bottle*, or direot from the Proprietors, carriage ftsee b> Parcels Post fox the above Prioe*, Q0ININE BITTERS MANUFACTURING OU. Limited, LL.ANELLY, SOUTH WALES. American DepOt-Mx. R. IXWouun, Phamiaetet. Plymouth, Penna.