"The name Cadbury on any Packet of Cocoa is a Guarantee of Purity." Medical Annual. Oadbunra " The Typical Cocoa of English Manufacture Absolutely Pure." cocoa & lhe Ana,Yst Vol. i.—No. 20. FRIDAY, MAY 20,-1892. *§%$£.* Weekly One Penny. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Portrait and Biographical Sketch of the Rev. Owen Davies. lectures on Christianity by the late Principal D. C. Davies. Lecture i. Notes from the Welsh Colleges;— Pontypool College. Trevecca College. College News, ^ith Congregationalists in the Past and Present. Literary Notes. * Sahbath at Pont L'Abbe. Trevecca Students on the War-Path. Obituary. Mansfield Notes, "^he Ladies'Column. Notes from Manchester. A Welsh Message to the Free Churches. Editorial Notes. HAVE TOU TRIED GWILYM EVANS' ';>y.-,->.•.-j":." .)?■; '! :\ )}%<■. '".-.'■■ '■:•:•'.■: \,!i'^:;''M-: mil ■ ■•..-..;:av.;'>•• - ■-.-|*1W»3B»8 T&3LE OF CD^TENTS. QUININE BITTERS ? IP NOT, DELAY NO LONGER. IT IS THE BEST REMEDY OF THE AGE For all Disorders of the Stomaeh, Blood, Nervesj and Liver. IT GIVES STRENGTH TO THE WEAK, NEW LIFE TO THE DEBILITATED. Universally admitted to be an unequalled TONIC REMEDY, oiviua health, appetite, and enjoyment in life to the dyspeptic. praised by eyerybody, ^escribed by Physicians. Recommended by Analysts. Approved by Chemists. Demanded Tv-., by Patients, and BRAISED BY ALL WHO HAVE TRIED IT. GWILYM EYANS' BITTERS. THE VEGETABLE TONIC. Harmless, Pure, Safe, Certain, and Reliable. Never disappoints. Try it! Try it! Proprietors : QUININE BITTERS MANUFACTURING CO., Limited, LLANELLY, SOUTH WALES, REY. OWEN DAYIES. ROBINSON & CLEAVER, BELFAST. Grand Diploma of Honour, Edinburgh, 1890. Two Prize Medals, Paris, 1889. Xx»isVi Cambric. Children's Bordered............................l/3per dozen, Ladies'......................................... 2/2 „ Gentlemen's.............,...................... 3/8 „ Hemstitched: Ladies', 2/11J per dozen; Gentlemen's, 3/11 per dosen. Pocket KsLxi.dIi:ex*cl>iefs. Linen Collars, Cuffs, swadL Sliii»ts. COLLARS—Ladies', 8-fold, from 3/6 per dozen ; Gent's, 4-fold, 4/11 per dozen; CUFFS—For Ladies or Gentlemen, from 8/11 per dozen. SHIRTS—Best quality Longcloth, with 4-fold Linen Fronts, 38/6 per half dozen (to measure, 2/-extra). Old Shirts made as good as new with best materials, in Neckbands, Cuffs, and Fronts, for 14/- the half-dozen. Ix*is2i. Damask TsiJbl© Itinera. Fish Napkins, 2/11 per dozen. Dinner Napkins, 5/6 per dozen. Table Cloths, 2 yards square, 2/11; 2J yards by 8 yards, 8/11 each. Kitchen Table Cloths, lljd. each. Strong Huckaback Towels, 4/6 per dozen. Frilled Linen Pillow Cases, from l/4£d. each. Monograms, Crests, Coats of Arms, Initials, &c, Woven and Embroidered. Samples and Illustrated Price Lists, Post Free. ROBINSON & CLEAVER (^K^^^^^^SS,) BELFAST. Presbyterian Notes. Congregational N otes. Baptist Notes. Wesley an Methodist Notes. Oxford News. The Free Churches and their Opportunity Notabilia. London Missionary Society. International Lesson. Church News:— Church of England. Presbyterian. Congregational. Baptist. Wesleyan Methodist. How the Poacher Paid his Debt (Tale). Pulpit Sketches. Here and Away. DO YOU SUFFER FROM HEARTBURN, DROWSINESS, OR ACIDITY OP THE STOMACH? IF SO, TRY GWILYM EVANS1 BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' BITTERS. Prom the same cause arise Biliousness and Head¬ aches. By careful diet, moderate exercise and the use of QUININE BITTERS, The most difficult and obstinate cases of Indiges¬ tion in its worst form have been curei. The only reasonable way to keep oneself in good health is by taking a good and reliable Vegetable Tonic, such as GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. The secret of the success of this unrivalled Medicine Preparation is that it restores the digestive organs, when disordered, to their moral healthy condition. GWILYM EVANS' BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' BITTERS. Send for Pamphlet of Testimonials. THE BEST REMEDY OF THE AGE. CAUTION.—The great success of these Bitters has induced unprincipled and designing persons in various parts of the country to imitate and copy them, hoping thus to share the profits which must accrue from the ever increasing demand. BEWARE OF THESE PERSONS. AVOID IMITATIONS. See the name Gwilym EYans, on Stamp, Label, and Bottle. Do not be persuaded to try any other. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE. Sold by all Chemists in 2/9 and 4/6 bottles, or direct from the Proprietors, carriage free by Parcels Post for the above Prioep, QUININE BITTERS MANUFACTURING CO, Limited, LLANELLY, SOUTH WALES. American Dep6t-Mr. R. D.Williams, Pharmacist Plymouth, Penna.