Vol. i.—No. 12. FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1892. Registered as a Newspaper. Weekly One Penny. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Portrait and Biographical Sketch of Professor John Rhys, M.A. Kev' J. A. Spurgeon's Letter. lectures on Christianity by the late Principal D. G. Davies. Lecture 3. ^ohn Jones. Notes from the Midland Metropolis. Notabilia. *eek by Week. The Ladies' Column. Notes and Queries. Y°ung Manhood. The Legal Column. From Doubt to Faith. Editorial Notes. Presbyterian Notes. Congregational Notes. Baptist Nates. Wesleyan Methodist Notes. Episcopal. Church News :— Church of England. Presbyterian. Congregational. Baptist. Wesleyan Methodist. HAYE YOU TRIED GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS ? IF NOT, DELAY NO LONGER. IT IS THE BEST REMEDY OF THE AGE For all Disorders of the Stomach, Blood, Nerves, and Liver. IT GIYES STRENGTH TO THE WEAK. NEW LIFE TO THE DEBILITATED. Universally admitted to be an unequalled TONIC REMEDY, GIVINO HEALTH, APPETITE, AND ENJOYMENT IN LIFE TO THE DYSPEPTIC. PRAISED BY EVERYBODY. Prescribed by Physicians. Eecommended by Analysts. Approved by Chemists. Demanded ■rvr,. T by Patients, and BRAISED BY ALL WHO HAVE TRIED IT. GWILYM EVANS' BITTERS. THE VEGETABLE TONIC. Hawnless, Pure, Safe, Certain, and Reliable. Never disappoints. Try it! Try it! Propkietohs : QUININE BITTERS MANUFACTURING CO., Limited, LLANELLY, SOUTH WALES. From a Photo by Elliot and Fry, Baker Street, London. PROF. JOHN RHYS, M.A. EOBINSON & CLEAVER, BELFAST. ■^llb^P^w Grand Diploma of Honour, Edinburgh, 1890. Two Prize Medals, Paris, 1889. Xx»isli Ca»x*ilbJ?ic5. Children's Bordered............................ 1/3 per dozen. Ladies'.........................................2/2 „ Gentlemen's.................................... 3/3 „ Hemstitched: Ladies', 2/11J per dozen ; Gentlemen's, 3/11 per dozen. Pocket Handkerchiefs. Linen Collars, Cuffs, and Skirts. COLLARS—Ladies', 3-fold, from 3/6 per dozen ; Gknt's, 4-fold, 4/11 per dozen ; CUFFS—For Ladies or Gentlemen, from 5/11,per dozen. SHIRTS—Best quality Longcloth, with 4-fold Linen Fronts, 3S/6 per half dozen (to measure, 2/-.extra). Old Shirts made as good as new with best materials, in Neckbands, Cuffs, and Fronts, for 14/- the half-doaen. Irish Damask Table luixiexi. Fish Napkins, 2/11 per dozen, Dinner Napkins, 5/6 per dozen. Table Cloths, 2 yards square, 2/11; 2J yards by 3 yards, 5/11 each. Kitchen Table Cloths, ll|d. each. Strong Huckaback Towels, 4/6 per dozen. Frilled Linen Pillow Cases, from l/4Jd. each. Monograms, Crests, Coats of Arms, Initials, &c, Woven and Embroidered. Samples and Illustrated Price Lists, Post Free. ROBINSON 06 CLEAVER (andth^EmpressFrederickofGermany,) BELFAST. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Ministerial Record. Wasted Power for Good. Notes from the Welsh Colleges :—- Bala Presbyterian School. Bala Theological College. Mansfield College. College Notes.' Sabbath School Lesson. International Lesson. I. B. R. A. Reviews. Literary Notes. A Liying Epistle. The Christian Family. Open Council :— The Congo Institution. Wesleyan Stationing Committee. The Wearing of the Leek. Congregational Singing in London. DO YOU SUFFER FROM HEARTBURN, DROWSINESS, OR ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH ? IF SO, TRY GWILYM EVANS' BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' BITTERS. From the same cause arise Biliousness and Head¬ aches. By careful diet, moderate exercise and the use of QUININE BITTERS, The most difficult and obstinate cases of Indiges¬ tion in its worst form have been cured. The only reasonable way to keep oneself in good health is by taking a good and reliable Vegetable Tonic, such as GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. The secret of the success of this unrivalled Medicine Preparation is that it restores the digestive organs, when disordered, to their moral healthy condition. GWILYM EVANS' BITTERS. GWILYM ENANS' BITTERS. Send for Pamphlet of Testimonials. THE BEST REMEDY OF THE AGE. CAUTION.—The great success of these Bitters has induced unprincipled and designing persons in various parts of the country to imitate and copy them, hoping thus to share the profits which must accrue from the ever increasing demand. BEWARE OF THESE PERSONS. AVOID IMITATIONS. See the name Gwilym Evans, on Stamp, Label, and Bottle. Do not be persuaded to try any other. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS. THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE. Sold by all Chemists'in 2/9 and 4/6 bottles, or direct from the Proprietors, carriage free by Parcels Post for the above Prices. QUININE BITTERS MANUFACTURING CO. Limited, LLANELLY, SOUTH WALES. American Dep6t-Mr. R. D.Williams, Pharmacist, Plymouth, Penna.